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Smoking Areas


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^ :wacko::rolleyes: I give it another day, two tops.

Even in "Mr. Bart Kinzel's" well-earned position at Carowinds, he does not approach people who are smoking outside designated areas. What that says is what we've always known: When someone is smoking outside of a designated smoking area, the person who steps forward to correct them must be strong, socially intelligent, and sure. Those same characteristics ought to be very much prevalent in any general manager of a theme park. Connect the dots!

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  On 6/27/2010 at 9:42 PM, King James said:
  On 6/27/2010 at 9:35 PM, The Interpreter said:

And you would think Bart Kinzel would know what is on those cards and set a good example. Cards do not a management philosophy execute. Actions do. And Mr. Bart Kinzel (I use his first name so as not to confuse others who may otherwise think I am referring to his CEO father) ignored those clearly smoking in his presence, in areas not designated as smoking areas. Inactions speak louder than cards.

Ok, so now you just admitted you didn't know what you were talking about.


Dude, your arrogance is showing. You want to confront someone smoking out of the area, be my guest. You may get away with it a few times, but eventually, a little alcohol and a hot temper and you may reconsider that wisdom when they retaliate.

I'd like to know why Kinzel Sr and Jr feel the need to be surrounded by an entourage.....

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I am curious what was on the cards? It may be helpful to me as I wouldn't hesitate to approach a smoker (who doesn't look like they might kill me) next time I am at KI. I am making it my mission to nip this issue in the "butt."

If you happen to see

at the park, say hello, it is probably me ;)
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  On 6/27/2010 at 3:14 AM, markr said:

^Hard to believe that when I was a kid the moms we car pooled with to school would smoke in the car while driving us kids and no one thought anything of it. It was certainly a different world then.

Or a cigar in an enclosed car in the winter.....with a beer in the cupholder..yep!! much different

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  • 1 year later...

This is an old thread but I must post. RiverTowngirl, you need to get a grip on reality. You can't have everything your way. It's simple, if you don't like the smoke then don't go around the smoking areas or hold your breathe. Smoking didn't kill 50 years ago, it won't today. My parents smoked all the time around me and I never got the "Second Hand Smoking" Crap. That isn't even real. Get over it people, people smoke, drink, have sex. It is life, if you don't like it then just don't go around them. Don't walk up to someone and say "You shouldn't smoke". If you got a problem then leave!!

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I don't think RTGirl wants to lecture people about not smokiing. I think, like me, she would appreciate us using the designated areas used for smoking. These areas are like, every fifty feet, and usually located in a nice area. To get a cup of fries, drinks and sitting in the smoking area makes for a great break.

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  On 4/24/2012 at 3:56 PM, DarkSideOfTheMoon said:

This is an old thread but I must post. RiverTowngirl, you need to get a grip on reality. You can't have everything your way. It's simple, if you don't like the smoke then don't go around the smoking areas or hold your breathe. Smoking didn't kill 50 years ago, it won't today. My parents smoked all the time around me and I never got the "Second Hand Smoking" Crap. That isn't even real. Get over it people, people smoke, drink, have sex. It is life, if you don't like it then just don't go around them. Don't walk up to someone and say "You shouldn't smoke". If you got a problem then leave!!

I shouldn't have to have to leave an amusement park if i don't like someone smoking, especially one that advertises a mostly smoke free environment. If you have a problem not smoking in designated areas, maybe you shouldn't come inside Kings Island.

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Speaking as a smoker, I see no problem with the designated areas. We can go back and forth all day on the effects (or alleged effects) of second hand smoke, but for me it comes down to courtesy. If I want to smoke, that's my choice, but the people around me shouldn't have to smell or inhale it if they don't want to. So when I take my smoke breaks, I do it with courtesy in mind.

As far as Kings Island goes - their areas are plentiful and out of the way of regular guests. If you're a smoker, be courteous and utilize these areas. If you don't smoke, avoid these areas.


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  On 4/24/2012 at 6:22 PM, Gordon Bombay said:

Speaking as a smoker, I see no problem with the designated areas. We can go back and forth all day on the effects (or alleged effects) of second hand smoke, but for me it comes down to courtesy. If I want to smoke, that's my choice, but the people around me shouldn't have to smell or inhale it if they don't want to. So when I take my smoke breaks, I do it with courtesy in mind.

As far as Kings Island goes - their areas are plentiful and out of the way of regular guests. If you're a smoker, be courteous and utilize these areas. If you don't smoke, avoid these areas.


Gordon B - you're the model and I applaud you and those like you. Your rights end where mine begin, and we can peacefully co-exist if we both respect that. It's not about the 2nd-hand effect for me, it just stinks and I like the smells of the park and outdoors. There are always those who can't follow the rules just because they exist ie do the right thing even though nobody's looking, I guess I do wish there were a penalty enforced.

My vice is beer and it wasn't all that long ago that we had to stay on the patio if we wanted to have a beer. I didn't like it, but I complied because I figured they could always do away with beer (again). I was thrilled when we were able to walk around the park with a beer. (so were my sons)

Just a few more days... :-)

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^OBG, thanks! For me, it's just about respect for those around you. I certainly understand where you're coming from about the smell which is why I stick to the designated areas. Furthermore, KI is a private business. They can make the rules that they wish. If they banned smoking in the park, which I think would be pretty discourteous and just invite trouble, I would gladly abide.

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  On 4/24/2012 at 3:56 PM, DarkSideOfTheMoon said:

This is an old thread but I must post. RiverTowngirl, you need to get a grip on reality. You can't have everything your way. It's simple, if you don't like the smoke then don't go around the smoking areas or hold your breathe. Smoking didn't kill 50 years ago, it won't today. My parents smoked all the time around me and I never got the "Second Hand Smoking" Crap. That isn't even real. Get over it people, people smoke, drink, have sex. It is life, if you don't like it then just don't go around them. Don't walk up to someone and say "You shouldn't smoke". If you got a problem then leave!!

Smoking doesn't kill, eh? Tell that to my grandfather. Spring Grove Cemetary. Section 11. Plot 6.

I indulge in a Lucky Strike every once in a while. I have nothing against smoking, just morons.

- Collin, who is drinking, smoking, and sexin'

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It all really depends on how much you smoke, how much in one day, ect. I don't smoke cigs, I stick with my Cigars. So when you see me on Saturday I'll probably be in tower gardens enjoying my nice cigar. I'll admit cigs don't smell that great, they remind me of home but honestly I find no problem with smoking. But if you don't like the fact that people then just don't go around those people, or maybe you should pick up a cig, cigar, or "Other". That might calm those nerves of yours. Speaking in general of course.

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Drug- n. - A substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body, in particular

I'm pretty sure "Mary Jane" (I'm guessing we aren't talking about Peter Parker's crush here, even though Kristen Dunst does have a physiological effect on me) does affect the body when administered.

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Coming from a smoker, who now only smokes about one to two cigarettes a week because I am trying to quit, I have found that not even the smoking areas always smell like smoke. Tower Gardens is usually one of those ares that do not smell like smoke because of the large area it covers, however, if you go over by Diamondback's gift shop and go in that little secluded corner then that can sometime start to build up an smell like smoke. I feel that all the smoking areas at Kings Island are fairly placed and tend to offer those who do not want the smoke smell relief and a way around the area to avoid it. Coming from a quitting smoke however I will say this, it is opening day and I know at one point or another I am going to indulge in myself a calming cigarette in one of the designated smoking areas.

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meh- my only problem with the Smoking Only areas... the park employees don't enforce it otherwise. It's all open air, so if the smoking public is dispersed about the park... the smoke doesn't cluster. My thought: do away with the smoking only areas, smokers... use good judgment when smoking (ie- not while in line in tight spaces. We're not kindergartners- we can figure this thing out.

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  On 4/25/2012 at 3:02 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

meh- my only problem with the Smoking Only areas... the park employees don't enforce it otherwise. It's all open air, so if the smoking public is dispersed about the park... the smoke doesn't cluster. My thought: do away with the smoking only areas, smokers... use good judgment when smoking (ie- not while in line in tight spaces. We're not kindergartners- we can figure this thing out.

You would be surprised how many can't figure it out. Or, KI could go completely smoke free like the State of Ohio suggests.

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  On 4/25/2012 at 3:02 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

meh- my only problem with the Smoking Only areas... the park employees don't enforce it otherwise. It's all open air, so if the smoking public is dispersed about the park... the smoke doesn't cluster. My thought: do away with the smoking only areas, smokers... use good judgment when smoking (ie- not while in line in tight spaces. We're not kindergartners- we can figure this thing out.

Except for the thousands of people every day who don't believe the rules apply to them or simply don't care. That goes beyond just smoking, King's Island has trash cans all over the park, designated areas at each food station to deposit your trash, yet there are still numerous litter getters roaming the park sweeeping up trash customers were too lazy or too indifferent to toss away themselves.

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