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Kings Island Power Outage 7-4-2010


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I was informed that there was a plan of action for incidents like this which was executed on Sunday. Those who made mention of the brown out at Guest Services were asked to give their contact info and they will be taken care of.

So they are deciding how they are going to "credit" those customers who came up and made complaints specifically about the power outage. Good for KI!

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Yes that is good but my fam was not informed of this when they were at GR, they are now calling to check it out, they have proof they paid for the tickets. Hope it works out for them and they are serious about their customers. But IMO, they didn't do anything about this until they saw all the news footage and or forums. I am just glad they are doing something.

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Good question and as I said this kind of stuff can happen and I do not blame the park for it however as of Monday the issue was not taken care of as in power being restored to all attractions. CF being the size it is should have at they're disposal any fix being electrical or anything. No excuse not to.

One of the original fountain designers/installers Frank Bravard who resides in West Chester at this present time could have the fountain and electrical part of it back up in no time.

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Looks like it was a KI problem not Duke


MASON — Duke Energy says it was not the source of an outage that lasted a couple of hours at Kings Island on the Fourth of July.

Rides and stores at the amusement park shut down when power failed around 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Duke spokeswoman Sally Thelen said Tuesday that the problem was caused by equipment owned by Kings Island, not the utility.

Kings Island did not immediately return a call for comment on Tuesday.

Park spokesman Don Helbig said earlier that most power was restored within three hours. Kings Island did not issue refunds to customers during the outage.

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I had family members there and they told me nothing was done. They talked to GR. These family members paid full price to get in plus parking.

You must not like these family members very much if you let them pay full price! :D

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I had family members there and they told me nothing was done. They talked to GR. These family members paid full price to get in plus parking.

You must not like these family members very much if you let them pay full price! :D

hahaha, i have no control of what they pay....lol

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Like terpy has said,

And it is safe to say that to the average visitor it matters not one iota if the ride was open every second of the night except for the five times they tried to get in line, but could not, as the ride was closed...even if those were the only five times all night the ride was closed.

She has every right to complain and remember when this happened there was a massive line at CR for the rest of the night. This is what was talked about, just cause we have this forum and visit often a lot of the public does not. All they know is they make a trip and this happens, they have ever right to complain. If I drove 5 hours and paid that much money I would be ****ed also....

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The comments they receive on their FB page kill me. I'm amazed at the number of people that appear to "like" the page just they can complain and make ignorant comments. Especially the morons that always leave "Disney is better", lol. I wish the bridge that houses the worlds trolls would collapse.

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This entire situation is confusing...

If the power goes out at your home, it is blamed on: the electric company, weather, bad drivers, etc.

But if the power goes out at KI, it's KI's fault?

Do the people deserve their money back? No. Just like a rainout in baseball; you don't get your money back, but, they will give you a free ticket for another day.

If the power was out, there would be no way for GR to print out a ticket for another day.

Even if the decision was made to give out refunds, the power was still out. Credit card machines were down (which most people use), so the cards were unable to be ran. There was no way cash could have been used as when the power went out, the drawers are to be locked and only opened by management to prevent thefts not only by guests, but by employees.

Power outages are a no win situation for businesses. They cannot conduct normal business, they cannot predict when the outage is going to happen, they cannot predict when the power will be restored, it will be impossible to make the customers happy since there is no power and no way of reimbersing the customer and whatever decision they make- it will no doubt be wrong.

In a sense, KI was powerless...

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see this is what i don't understand, if this was the same situation, just at the people complaining's house instead of an amusement park, would they really be getting this angry?

i seriously doubt it.

...but, hey, having thoughts like this gets you accused of being a little boy park employee, that Kings Island should be ashamed of hiring...

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...but, hey, having thoughts like this gets you accused of being a little boy park employee, that Kings Island should be ashamed of hiring...

This is where people need to look at the big picture.

I owned my business during the Great East Coast Outage of 2003.

As a restaurant, I had to close my kitchen down due to health regulations (ventalation system inoperable, coolers inoperable, ice machines down, etc.). My computer system was also down, so there was no way for me to track money for what was being sold at what time & I would have had to keep the cash drawer open. The security cameras were down, as were the phone lines- so help was not as easily accessable as usual.

I took the safest path- close the doors. Sure, people were ****ed, but what choices did I have?

KI was in a similar situation. Communications were lacking, staff is (not to sound insulting) young & inexperienced to the point- many need to be led by the hand when thrown a curveball.

Their first priority should be the guests' safety. Next is security. Then comes determination.

I'm sure maintenance believed it would be a quick fix. That led to the decision of not allowing refunds and still allowing guests in the park.

Unfortunately, they were wrong. But how many times have we all waited for something, just to find out we were wrong for waiting also?

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yes, i feel so sorry for all the park employee's who were left in the dark (in some cases literally), and then have to deal with irate customers, that don't understand that they currently don't have the answers to their questions.

i just want to take this time to thank all park employee's who were treated rudely during the events of the fourth for trying their hardest to continue with a smile on their face, no mater how hard it was. :)

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I went 7-5-2010 Monday


Adventure Express ...................... (was down all day)

Flight Deck ................................... (was down all day)

Invertigo ...................................... (was down all day)

Congo Falls .................................. (was down all day)

Delerium ...................................... (was down all day)

because of this, other rides had longer lines than usual..... :(

I over heard some of the ride employees talking about how every time the mechanics think they have the power restored, they lose it again.

Also, it appears Delerium is having more than power issues and may be the last ride to be back in operation.

So has anyone been at the park lately? What's the update? Is everything back to normal yet?

And about the park not giving refunds, they should have at least handed out free tickets for the paying guests to come back. This way they don't lose any money and the guests are happy, everyone wins, but unfortunately they ****ed everyone off by not being prepared to deal with the situation professionally as they should have.

...and once again they sold tickets all day Monday (7-5-2010) without letting people know half the park was down, and then refused to offer another day to paying guests to come back. Since Kroger's sells 2 day tickets for the price Kings Island sells tickets for just one day, I don't think it would have hurt the park to offer a second day for those that payed for one day.

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Selective, Delirium was down but has nothing to do with the the outage, Viking Ship is still down. Action stunt grill was closed but that might just be cause it was a weekday. Fountains still down and Invertigo(sp) was down also. Now I never take much time to notice anything in AZ but is Congo Falls not in operation anymore? It was dry as a bone.

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...and once again they sold tickets all day Monday (7-5-2010) without letting people know half the park was down, and then refused to offer another day to paying guests to come back.

Where to start....

KI has much more than 10 rides, so even with the 5 that were unfortunately down, it certainly does not equal half as you stated.

Funny how you can observe the smallest of things, yet, did not observe the rides down sign near the ticket booths.

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I do find it odd that they would drain water from a ride only to refill it later, but if they have to put fresh water in daily then it would make sense not to have any water till it's power is restored again.

Is there a reason they can't just put water in Congo Falls and leave it all summer long?

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Funny how you can observe the smallest of things, yet, did not observe the rides down sign near the ticket booths.

Actually, now that I think about it.... everyone on Monday appeared to be a season pass holder, and since I have a pass as well, I didn't notice the sign, but the people collecting money for parking never said anything.

Since most buy their tickets at Kroger, they should of had the signs at every ticket taker, and all ticket takers should have looked every guest in the eye and named all the rides that were down and then asked them "Do you still want to enter the park or come back another day?".

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