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Kentucky Kingdom

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Even though, I am a democrat, I must admit our reputation, for now at least has been ruined. Anyone, especially someone trying to receive 50 million dollars from the state, who is connected with the Democratic party, will unfortunately fail, there is just no way. We are in a day and age where the number one priority for politicians is to get reelected. If the general public finds out the state spent, fifty million dollars investing in a amusement park that failed twice, they will be quite unhappy. As Terpy said some of the people who have the chose to approve this, might end up running for governor and if they do approve of this, it is unlikely they will be elected. I hate to admit it but, it will not get passed.

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The Lottery is quite possibly the most morbid and bleak short story I have ever read......

On the actual topic at hand, I loved Kentucky Kingdom and have no problem with higher taxes if it goes towards something worth paying for. Police, Fire Department, Garbage Collection, Schools, etc. Granted, I'm 14 and don't pay taxes yet, but if I did, I would NOT want them going towards an amusement park. Even towards a successful one. One that's failed twice already? No please.

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This discussion, too, made me laugh to the point of tears. Why?

I understand you are mad at the government, demand small government, dream for lower taxes, and are enraged with anyone who is involved with Washington...

Some day, we will meet. We will be fast friends (I betcha). And I will then tell you how very wrong that statement is, tell you why, and you will join me in laughing uproariously, perhaps for hours. In fact, I am taking this to my bosses to "show and tell" tomorrow. I am sure they will find it hysterically funny!

Thank you for making my evening. I really needed that, and I do mean that. A good laugh is good for the soul!

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Beast 1979, did you take the time to search for the true meaning of The Lottery? It is very interesting, and in my opinion, hilarious. As for KK, the one thing that keeps me leaning towards the view that he will not get funding, is that if he did ask a bank for a loan and his plan is so perfect, why did it not get approval? It doesn't add up. It's like attempting to crush two unfitting pieces of a puzzle together and pretending it works, it's silly so stop it. I feel your love for Kentucky Kingdom, and I understand but, you have to look at the evidence, it's piled high against you.

This discussion, too, made me laugh to the point of tears. Why?

I understand you are mad at the government, demand small government, dream for lower taxes, and are enraged with anyone who is involved with Washington...

Some day, we will meet. We will be fast friends (I betcha). And I will then tell you how very wrong that statement is, tell you why, and you will join me in laughing uproariously, perhaps for hours. In fact, I am taking this to my bosses to "show and tell" tomorrow. I am sure they will find it hysterically funny!

Thank you for making my evening. I really needed that, and I do mean that. A good laugh is good for the soul!

That made my evening, thank you for that kind comment. I'm very interested to hear your personal opinions, I always have been.

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I remember it as being profoundly disturbing. But then I was a very emotional young man.

I find it funny, that what others find disturbing I find, hilarious. It was disturbing but, It was also hilarious and Jackson's message she is attempting sending about humanity in this piece is both true and important.

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Jackson is Beast1979, and a fine young man (he posted just a few posts above this one, #152)...he's got a keen insight into the park, and he's a strong supporter of Kings Island. His mom's a wonderful woman, too...putting up with the rest of us, she's known as Trooper Mom...and he's even talked his brother Joe into riding a thing or two. This is a pretty close knit group at times...other times we fight like wildcats (or cardinals).

Oh, yeah...Kentucky Kingdom, we better talk about that, right?

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...Terpy, what do you suppose will happen if Ed hart does not get approval?

I assume the proposal may be modified and bank financing may be sought, stock sold or the proposal will quietly die. The Fair Board has a strong motive to make this work, if they at all can. I'd be most interested in Shaggy's predictions on what may happen next if the bond issue is, as appears likely, not approved.

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Possible? Yes. Likely? I doubt it. There are so many other opportunities for investment...I think most operators want to OWN their facility, not lease it. For that reason, I doubt Cedar Fair will be truly sad if the stadium proposal results in Great America in California being taken...and I don't see the Commonwealth disposing of that property to a theme park operator.

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The height restriction varies over various parts of the park. Chang, for instance, could not have been built where Twisted Twins is...

That being said, Diamondback would indeed have required huge holes....and would have taken up a great deal of space. As those who have had the good fortune to walk under that ride know, it takes up a great deal of space. See also Six Flags Over Georgia, where Goliath goes outside the interior park boundaries and into the parking lot and back!

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Especially with Chang gone, the park really needs a very good steel hypercoaster with incredible airtime. I could see a Chance Morgan ride....Mr. Hart has correctly identified a potential ceiling of about $8 million for a coaster. With the price of steel (and labor) what it is, that will be difficult to do...new. Steel Eel down in Texas was one of the best Morgans ever, before it was braked (to run more than one train). Perhaps one of the best rides I ever had was on that baby without the mid-course braking on (they were only running one train).

Speaking of California`s Great America, what is the progress on the 49ers new stadium? We haven`t heard anything in the last couple of months.

There have been little dibs and dabs of news but nothing significant...I suspect that was because of the then upcoming election. Now that that's been had, I expect developments. California, by the way, did not have the same trends toward less government involvement and more fiscal restraint that most of the rest of the country did, at least not to the same degree. That is the case even though the most recent mumblings were that the stadium was being delayed at least until there is a new NFL players contract:


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I think Ed should purchase some land out on I-64 between the 2 big Kentucky cities, and move Kentucky Kingdom out there. Or perhaps somewhere near Frankfort. I think if the

park was more centralized in the state to get drawings from both of its major cities, it might do better. Plus, it could pull from Nashville, Knoxville, and other out lying places! Then he

wouldn't be so land locked, and not have to worry about passing planes and so forth dictating how high he can build something! That's my suggestion.

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