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Kentucky Kingdom

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You walk in and a roof shingle hits you in the head, you ask for medical bills paid, you find yourself having to pay KK 300k for spreading bad rumors..... Man not sure how this could go any worse.

So far we know that 2 people got hurt because they may have been given the wrong raft. One of those people states he just wants medical bills paid. But Ed Hart says he has an unmentioned friend who says they are just trying to make a quick buck. Also he said they weighed too much and should have known better....

Imagine if the Superman Tower incident would have happened on his watch.... We are saying it's not our fault because you kicked your legs out.....

When the cable broke at CP who paid those medical bills?

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^^ The weirdest part is that PR can be done right pretty simply. That's not to say people in PR don't work hard and can't make a HUGE difference because they can and do. But having normal, average, fine PR is not nearly as hard as Kentucky Kingdom is making it. They're creating mountains out of molehills so to speak.

No comment is an acceptable answer in some situations where Kentucky Kingdom has, inexplicably, insisted on commenting. See that early close where they apologized for closing due to weather, publicly stating on their Facebook page that they should've stayed open but there had been miscommunications and fumbles among managers. "Whoops!" Come back next time! they said. It won't happen again!

Where a comment has been necessitated, Kentucky Kingdom has given two or three as they go through various levels of rewriting and reposting, all in the public eye!

Speedos and security guards, breastfeeding, ADA compliance, Drop Towers, untrained employees, miscommunications among management, "Whoops!," water park rafts, September closure, failing to meet expected attendance, $5 admission (kind of), "no comment, but..." On and on. Each of those topics and Kentucky Kingdom's "response" could fuel a week of discussion in an introductory PR class. And that's to say nothing of the political and tax discussions leading up to the park's financing and continuing to this day and on to next fall.

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I beg to differ. The problem is NOT the PR people, but rather the client. Mr. Hart, being the part showman/part tycoon-tyrant that he is, is getting the EXACT PR he wants. Note many of the missteps and zany statements have been his, or those of his crony/pal/co-investor attorney friend Glasscock.

If the PR people were not doing exactly what Mr. Hart expects and demands, he'd dismiss them in a heartbeat. They are doing an excellent job of doing exactly what he wants. With Mr. Hart, if you are not a sniveling, bowing, yes-person toady, you won't last long.

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Speedos and security guards, breastfeeding, ADA compliance, Drop Towers, untrained employees, miscommunications among management, "Whoops!," water park rafts, September closure, failing to meet expected attendance, $5 admission (kind of), "no comment, but..." On and on. Each of those topics and Kentucky Kingdom's "response" could fuel a week of discussion in an introductory PR class. And that's to say nothing of the political and tax discussions leading up to the park's financing and continuing to this day and on to next fall.

Funny these have all been major discussion points and case studies for the marketing classes I teach. Textbooks don't even write material this perfect.

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Maybe my prediction of bulldozers may come true after all...if Mr. Hart continues with these antics. Who will want to visit knowing he has anything to do with KK?

In answer to your question, Terp, you would probably rather be in the unemployment line than either of those two. :lol:

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^ There's a lot about that park to be criticized for sure. That's not to say there aren't things to be praised (Thunder Run <3) but operationally, that park's management looks clueless at best. The decision to install a Drop Tower still boggles my mind a year later.

Stay tuned, folks. Tonight is a fairly important evening for the Kingdom. Not as important as November 3rd, 2015, but important nonetheless.

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Three years ago, His Royal Talks A Lot said:


The state election is next year. It is highly unlikely incentives in place would be revoked. But getting any more could become far more difficult. Mostly because Ed's partner is a former high Democrat official and ran against newly re-elected Senator Mitch McConnell.

That will not be forgotten.

November 2015 is coming...

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Once again lets remind people of how horrible T2 is as a ride, not rename it, paint it a new color scheme and put new trains on it to give park guests a new experience. Instead red worked in the past so lets do that. Just like we had a Drop Tower once and it was popular till it maimed a young girl. Lets put in a new one.

Compare Cedar Points treatment of new paint and trains on Mantis to that of T2. Well played Mr. Hart,

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Once again lets remind people of how horrible T2 is as a ride, not rename it, paint it a new color scheme and put new trains on it to give park guests a new experience. Instead red worked in the past so lets do that. Just like we had a Drop Tower once and it was popular till it maimed a young girl. Lets put in a new one.

Compare Cedar Points treatment of new paint and trains on Mantis to that of T2. Well played Mr. Hart,

But I like the new Drop Tower...

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I get what you are saying but I doubt there is much you can do to make the locals forget that accident. The same argument could be made that if there was an accident on a roller coaster at a particular park, they should never build another one. Or even worse yet, when you have all the urban legends about people that were "killed" on the original Bat or Son of Beast when no such thing ever happened. Some things are just going to to be stuck in peoples' minds regardless. I can see where the addition of a Drop Tower at KK can seem a bit stupid and or ballsy, but I think people would still remember that terrible day for the park and that young lady regardless if they had put in Fear Fall. Just my 2 cents.

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