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Kentucky Kingdom

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According to the folks that post on their FB page, T2 was the BEST ride in the park and they are very happy it is opening next year.

To each their own. Hopefully they will be in line for it and I can ride Lightning Run a few more times. I will be glad to have it back, but BEST ride...ok. I do actually like the red though :)

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The season is over.

The Governor has packed the Fair Board.

The election, in which the Democrat party took a thumpin' and Bruce Lunsford's old foe, Mitch McConnell, was re-elected handily, is over, too.

Next year's November statewide Kentucky election will be critical to the Kingdom's future.

It's just about time we heard He Who Loves To Listen To Himself Talk beg and beseech the state for more lease concessions. Cue up the sob stories, as their time is almost ripe.

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I've been trying to like the all red paint job on T2... I mean T3... and I just can't. Red is my favorite color but that paint job is ugly. To each their own though!

The red isn't a problem. It would look good on the track. It would look good on the supports. As long as another color were involved. The thing that makes it look bad is the lack of contrast. It's the same reason I can't stand the color scheme of Leviathan, and its track and supports are not even identical, just very similar.

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I've been trying to like the all red paint job on T2... I mean T3... and I just can't. Red is my favorite color but that paint job is ugly. To each their own though!

The red isn't a problem. It would look good on the track. It would look good on the supports. As long as another color were involved. The thing that makes it look bad is the lack of contrast. It's the same reason I can't stand the color scheme of Leviathan, and its track and supports are not even identical, just very similar.

Agreed. I thought the ride looked much better mid-paint job when it was black and red. Now I just feel like I need sunglasses to look at it. But like Terp said, that shouldn't be a problem in a couple seasons when it is faded pink.

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Absolute press silence about Kentucky Kingdom of late. Theories:

A. Mr. Hart has been approached by supportive pols, and quietly urged to hush.

B. The PR team has been laid off and/or is seasonal.

C. All heck is about to break loose, so it's the quiet before the storm.

D. The park stupidly believes social media is enough media.

E. It's just sheer incompetence.


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Look what I received in the mail today:


My 2015 season pass and souvenir cup. But I feel kind cheated. Because if we compare the 2015 cup with the 2014 one...


As a collector of these cups, I'm a little bit disgruntled...

On another note, the barcode is the same on my 2014 and 2015 pass... Which begs the question, why not just activate existing cards for next year instead of sending out new ones?

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I have inspected them closely and the answer is, nothing. There is no difference whatsoever between the two. I personally don't intend to use it for drinks anyway, I wanted it as a collector's item.

Funny thing about these cups: if you are not a passholder, you likely won't visit often enough to make them worth the price, so you wouldn't likely buy one. If you are a passholder, there's no need for one as you can get 21 oz drinks for the same price without it as with it. The only real market for these things is people like me that collect them. I'm sure that didn't help a whole lot with the surplus either.

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If you are a passholder, there's no need for one as you can get 21 oz drinks for the same price without it as with it.

And depending on how well the employee is trained, you may not need a season pass at all. On my one visit, I walked up to a drink station and asked for a regular (21 oz) drink cup. The employee rang up a $1 souvenir cup refill and handed me a large (32 oz) cup. I looked at the employee with an obvious "huh?" expression on my face, and she assured me that that was correct. :wacko:

Incidentally, that was my one and only encounter with the food and beverage department, as I did not eat at Kentucky Kingdom due to my short time there (~4.5 hours). I wonder how rampant problems like that were and if they made any appreciable impact on the park's bottom line?

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Well, as I posted in another thread, at 12:30 PM on a weekday, I tried to buy pizza. None was on display. It also turned out none was ready. And, I couldn't see a slice unless I paid before it was fixed. (The dining room was empty and I saw no one eating pizza). I asked for the manager. I told him my story. He confirmed it. No explanation, no I'm sorry, no nothing. He turned and walked away.

I left the park later that day having spent $0.00 inside the park. But not before leaving a comment at Guest Relations. The bored, apathetic employee took my complaint. Muttered "Thanks," and turned away.

I never heard another word from Kentucky Kingdom. Then again, that may have been because I also complained about lack of "handicap access" to Swampwater Jack's. Her term, not mine.

Lack of training? Lack of caring? Passive aggression? I have no idea.

I know the Kentucky Kingdom food service and guest relations employees I encountered that day were certainly not friendly, not enthusiastic and not good ambassadors for the park. The rides associates, with one exception, were. They were working hard, observing safety practices, getting guests quickly through what little lines there were, etc.

The one exception? Complaining loudly about how his job sucked, he could make more money working for his dad, that he should have called in sick, etc. I half expected to see security taking him out of the park. I didn't.

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I have a very serious question. In the event that an amusement park shutters its gates between operating seasons, are the individuals who purchased passes for the next operating season refunded/reimbursed for said now useless passes, in the event that a park is not part of a chain where the pass could be used at other parks?

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I have a very serious question. In the event that an amusement park shutters its gates between operating seasons, are the individuals who purchased passes for the next operating season refunded/reimbursed for said now useless passes, in the event that a park is not part of a chain where the pass could be used at other parks?

It depends on whether there are assets left to refund from. When assets are insufficient, secured creditors would come before passholders.

You might think that Ed Hart, Bruce Lunsford and the other investors' nearly bottomless pockets would open and issue refunds, but, since the park is purposely owned by a limited liability legal entity (and a VERY underfunded one at that), they are under no legal obligation to do so.

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