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Kentucky Kingdom

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  On 11/14/2014 at 11:52 AM, The Interpreter said:

Absolute press silence about Kentucky Kingdom of late. Theories:

A. Mr. Hart has been approached by supportive pols, and quietly urged to hush.

B. The PR team has been laid off and/or is seasonal.

C. All heck is about to break loose, so it's the quiet before the storm.

D. The park stupidly believes social media is enough media.

E. It's just sheer incompetence.


The way the KK PR people handled a feeding issue this year, and the way the guests handled it, i was surprised that the park took down that post on the rule.

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  On 11/15/2014 at 9:07 PM, The Interpreter said:

Perhaps because what was removed wasn't legal?

And because the park, under strong legal scrutiny, abandoned its rule?

Terp, who likes to ask questions.

The rule wasn't legal. That was stated very clear by the guests. But the way both parties handled it was uncalled for.

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  On 11/15/2014 at 9:22 PM, The Interpreter said:

So, park guests should forfeit their legal rights at the gate?

Speaking of which, by closing day, was there STILL no wheelchair accessibility to Swampwater Jack's?

Terp, who likes to ask questions.

It's a state law that the park is to allow feeding. But when a staff member asked the lady to feed in the bathroom, all heck broke loose on the park's Facebook page. I haven't heard about the wheelchair thing. I have only been to KK once. That was during SpringCon this year as an extra stop.

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  On 11/15/2014 at 7:30 AM, The Interpreter said:

Well, as I posted in another thread, at 12:30 PM on a weekday, I tried to buy pizza. None was on display. It also turned out none was ready. And, I couldn't see a slice unless I paid before it was fixed. (The dining room was empty and I saw no one eating pizza). I asked for the manager. I told him my story. He confirmed it. No explanation, no I'm sorry, no nothing. He turned and walked away.

I left the park later that day having spent $0.00 inside the park. But not before leaving a comment at Guest Relations. The bored, apathetic employee took my complaint. Muttered "Thanks," and turned away.

I never heard another word from Kentucky Kingdom. Then again, that may have been because I also complained about lack of "handicap access" to Swampwater Jack's. Her term, not mine.

Lack of training? Lack of caring? Passive aggression? I have no idea.

I know the Kentucky Kingdom food service and guest relations employees I encountered that day were certainly not friendly, not enthusiastic and not good ambassadors for the park. The rides associates, with one exception, were. They were working hard, observing safety practices, getting guests quickly through what little lines there were, etc.

The one exception? Complaining loudly about how his job sucked, he could make more money working for his dad, that he should have called in sick, etc. I half expected to see security taking him out of the park. I didn't.

Well at least my department was shining. Do you remember which ride this was on?

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My opinion on the matter is that there is nothing wrong with breast feeding in public. However with that being said, it is still public so either cover up or go into a restroom. Don't have to feed sitting on the toilet. Also, don't need to have entire breast out while feeding outside. To me although inadvertent, it is no different than exposing another private part in public. Just my opinion.

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Why are women allowed to show cleavage but if a man shows any part of his privates, society has a problem with that?

Babies arent fed for sexual purposes.....

I worked a children's event at a railroad museum for 5 years, when I seen breastfeeding I POLITELY OFFERED the lady a private room in my car of the train. Yes the room was a ladies bathroom but we were using them for storage. Most times the ladies would accept the offer and say thank you. However if they didnt, that was fine too.

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  On 11/15/2014 at 10:42 PM, The Interpreter said:

FoF96": The lone grumbling, complaining ride associate was at Breakdance. Everyone else in rides was stellar. Truly.

Well that's great to hear! It's even better knowing the employee was not in my section of the park. The employees in the section of the park where Breakdance was were kind of comparable to a Huss rides creation. Some of them were hard reliable workers while others had no buissness interacting with guest.

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  On 11/15/2014 at 10:25 PM, AgentSoB said:

My opinion on the matter is that there is nothing wrong with breast feeding in public. However with that being said, it is still public so either cover up or go into a restroom. Don't have to feed sitting on the toilet. Also, don't need to have entire breast out while feeding outside. To me although inadvertent, it is no different than exposing another private part in public. Just my opinion.

Yeah...sounds reasonable. But let's test it a few ways. Next time you eat, cover your head completely with a blanket. When you are at a restaurant, order your meal and head into the restroom to eat it. You don't have to sit or stand in the stall, you can stand by the door or sink but you must hold a 15lb weight in the cradle of your arm while you eat. You can't put down this weight for at least 10 minutes...likely 20 minutes. Sound reasonable now?

I understand that seeing a woman breastfeed can make people feel uncomfortable. When I was 16 and doing a show, a woman started breastfeeding her toddler, right in front of me; yes, that was a bit awkward but I got over it and continued the show for the family. From talking with my cousins and friends, most of them would much rather have a quiet, clean, comfortable place to breastfeed in private than do it in public and face the judging glances of people. And those that don't appear to care, are often at a point where their child is hungry and needs to be fed now. Their focus, rightly so, is on the comfort and well-being of their child, not on if they are making strangers uncomfortable.

I've said it before but how KK handled the situation was dismal at best.

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If anyone on here lives in or near Louisville and would like a job at Kentucky Kingdom let me know! I can almost guarantee you a job in the rides department. Consistent with the reviews we get (rides department has the highest marks of all departments) Mr. Hart has little to no interaction with us if that persuades you any. Starting pay last year was $8.50 and I would imagine it would be similar or the same this year. Just let me know!

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  On 11/17/2014 at 3:01 AM, FoF96" said:

If anyone on here lives in or near Louisville and would like a job at Kentucky Kingdom let me know! I can almost guarantee you a job in the rides department. Consistent with the reviews we get (rides department has the highest marks of all departments) Mr. Hart has little to no interaction with us if that persuades you any. Starting pay last year was $8.50 and I would imagine it would be similar or the same this year. Just let me know!

Wow $8.50?! Kentucky's minimum wage is at $7.25 and the starting salary of a ride op is above that... color me shocked! One would think that with such a high demand for jobs that the salary would be at a bare minimum especially if a penny pincher is in charge...

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Yes, it made good money with plenty of hours. Shockingly, this was still not enough initiative to some employees to be reliable. I am starting my recruitment early to try and find people who actually want to make that a friendly environment.

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Observations are not necessarily complaints.

35,000 people opening weekend, but less than 600,000 for the season. Projections more than double that. Something is very much not right.

The majority of those who decide whether there will be park visits and/or pay for them are light users of social media, if at all.

Kentucky Kingdom doesn't seem to understand it.

Seems they may be nearing a hard rock, I hear the same old freestyle music playing softly...for now.

And were I a Kentucky taxpayer, you could bet your sweet bippy I'd be complaining. to my local representatives and In Frankfort. And voting and loudly campaigning next November.

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Having a marketing strategy that is almost entirely based in Social Media is typically on effective for well established businesses or those that are very small and run on word of mouth advertising. Expecting to drive new guests through the gates by advertising season passes solely on social media will fail. Radio Spots, TV Spots and ad space on popular websites are the called action. Yet when you have zero budget for marketing you are basically hoping folks magically show up. Anyways they only have 36,000 likes on their Facebook page.

Holiday World 344,000 likes

Kings Island 513,000

Dollywood 416,000

Louisville Zoo 109,000

Kentucky Horse Park 113,000

Kentucky Speedway 71,000

Kentucky State Fair 48,000

Pretty pathetic following for their Facebook page if we are being honest.

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  On 11/21/2014 at 1:20 PM, The Interpreter said:

35,000 people opening weekend, but less than 600,000 for the season. Projections more than double that. Something is very much not right.

The other scary thing is that this was the big return. The year that everyone and their cousin was supposed to check out the NEW Kentucky Kingdom. If they were going to come, this would've been the year, right?

If even some of those 600,000 had an experience that would deter them from returning, then next year's numbers could be worse. Unless T3 and the other new attractions are enough to double the park's attendance from what was supposed to be it's "wowza" knockout year...

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I work in Eastern Jefferson County, and I encounter young families daily in my profession. The general consensus (I asked many parents about KK specifically) was "let's see how the first year goes before we visit. "

The Superman accident, and frankly the general decline and decay in the Six years is still fresh on people's minds. A young girl was horribly injured for life under the watch and management of a very well known theme park chain. It really left a bad taste in people's mouths around here. People weren't ready to trust this year.

Will they be ready next year? Who knows, but Hart and company better hope so.

I really hate to see this go down this way. I will always remember the park when it was in the glory days prior to Premier and Six. There's no denying Hart was in it to make a buck. However, during that time he brought Kentuckians (and beyond) a nice little regional park with some unique attractions (some prototypes and one record breaking B&M).

No, it was no Kings Island or big destination park, but it was our Kentucky Kingdom. I miss that park. Unfortunately I'm not sure we will ever see it in that capacity again, or even at all.

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And now it's about to begin.

My political sources tell me that, under strong pressure from Governor Beshear, every aspect of the Kentucky State Fair, the State Fair Board and its relationship with Kentucky Kingdom is now under the political microscope and that no holds are barred.

I am also told that the print edition of the Courier Journal has some details, but does not come close to revealing just how close to a political powder keg and firestorm this is.

The 2014 fair lost money.

There's an election on in less than a year.

And Bruce Lunsford, Mr. Hart's crony and partner and former opponent of re-elected Senator Mitch McConnell, is concerned.

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Social Media is best used by companies that have well established brands and identities. These marketing tools allow a business to foster additional relationship points with customers. Rarely do these channels drive guests to the store or front gate. Why? Because your reach is limited and typically your followers are your established base.

Typically social media is best used to sample your customer base on potential new products or offerings not to drive new customers to your product. Social Media can be a great Market Research Tool if used correctly. But Hart doesn't understand that because if Market Research would have been conducted before the reopening of the Kingdom they would have found out many things. One main thing being Location Location Location.

The Fairgrounds and the Park share the same location. Neither had a good year and this was during a rebounding economy. What do they have in common with one another? Location, Location, Location.

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And politics, politics, politics.

Without taxpayer dollars, neither would exist.

That's not a comfortable place to be in 2015.

See the 2014 message there.

Some are terrified that their political survival may hinge on Kentucky Kingdom's success. Given that, the Kingdom's survival through the 2015 season is about an iron clad guarantee.

2016? That's a whole 'nother ball o' wax.

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The Governor released 5 million to help complete a long running road project in my area of the state. A comment was made that if it helped a Democrat State Representative in this region to be re-elected, so be it.

This was done a week or two before Election Day. It failed.

I highly doubt I will have a non Republican Governor in 2016. I feel the same way about having a Kentucky Kingdom then as well.

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To be honest this park has gotten far too political. The park needs to be able to pay itself off by x amount of years or it goes. The State, or whoever it was by the state, found the park to be an investment for KY to have profits with to balance out the revenues made with Indiana and Ohio. Both of which have high profit parks with major additions in the 2014/2015 seasons. Tides are turning, as you can see with this year's election which I won't delve too far in because it is too political for this forum site which is strictly not about that kind of work. The major thing that I think will make or break KK is this upcoming season: 3 good sized coasters, a good sized water park, and a fairly large family area. If the T3 project is a dump then yeah I would like to see some changes or better yet some movement to the correct changes. Sure I hope for the best, but with this economy and what is going on nationally and internationally we need to invest in parks who would succeed. Now let's say KK fails and it is a flop, what's next? I would rather see Beech Bend actually get an expansion to keep revenue and profit in KY so that one park in KY could rise above how KK did. BB (irony) could use a larger waterpark, which the water park at KK has a plethora of amazing well to do water amenities for park guests. If not that, then possibly move KK farther east to Northern KY, there are places and space where it could develop and grow more than it does in Louisville.

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