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Flashback Till Opening 2011


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I remember riding Cuddle Up at old Coney. It was my first non-kiddie ride. I remember slipping and falling before getting on the ride. ( The floor was real slippery.) Like Enchanted Voyage, Sky Ride, Bavarian Beetle, Der Spinnin Keggers,Tumble Bug ( I can go on and on.) here is another wonderful ride removed by KI in the name of "progress".

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Paul, that is absolutely one of the best things I have ever seen posted here or anywhere. Fantastic! Thanks so very much for posting these (and all of your incredible photos...the ones you have taken and those you have collected). You are an incredible repository of information and I always look forward to your incredible posts.

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Agree, nice comparison shots Paul. Few people realize how lacking the original Kings Island was with mature trees, as those pictures of the kiddy area and Oktoberfest clearly demonstrate.

Also notice how faded the artwork on the Carousel had become. I believe that artwork was "repainted" in 1969 when the Carousel received a complete restoration. While I don`t think those murals have been repainted, they have been repainting other areas of the Carousel in recent years. The Carousel building was recently repainted (with new gold leaf put into place), and the ceiling on the actual carousel was also repainted not too long ago. Now if only the oldest ride in the park could see its live music generating device returned...

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  On 2/16/2011 at 7:32 PM, Thrill_Biscuit said:

What year is the HB picture from? I notice there's no compass atop Enchanted Voyage. I wonder when they added that? As always, amazing pictures!

Summer 1972, Much more to come. With over 1,000 photos and over 1,000 scans there's much that will be posted. Keep checking back.

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Paul, I hope you don`t mine me sharing some photos from my personal collection from KI in the mid to late 1980s. The KI that I see in these photos is drastically different than the KI that you can visit today!

Well how about this:


That is actually me on the right side of that car. My brother is in the middle, and my cousin is on the left giving the thumbs up.

Or, how about this:


On board the smurf ride around 1987.

Or lets throw in some more Sunshine Turnpike shots, shall we?


Leaving the station with my Dad at the wheel.

And here is one of the infamous elephant fountain in Hanna Barbera Land. Let me preface this by saying that my parents were not bad parents. Yes, they had a leash on me. But that was apparently the in thing back in the 1980s. (And I have seen numerous parents, still to this day to that to their kids when at places like Coney and Kings Island.) The subject of this fountain was brought up in a discussion not too long ago, and here is proof of it in the park. To give you some perspective, the restrooms that are on the border of Planet Snoopy would be just out of view of the image on the left. The Sunshine Turnpike station area is visible at far right.


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As mentioned above the kiddie whip has had many many name changes through the years. I still think to this the day the kiddie whip gives more genuine heart felt thrills than any ride Kings Island currently has now or in the past. That thrill can be experienced without even riding the ride, just watching the kids on it will thrill your heart and watching the parent/grand parent watching their children will thrill you too. The best thrill that ride gives is to the parents watching their young children riding. This ride is a classic and in my opinion the best thrill ride out there when all things are considered.

As far as its name back in the early to mid 70's I know it was called Looney Duney as you can see in the video of the same two kids riding over a span of a few years.

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And these very popular rides were made by W.F. Mangels of Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York. Few adult Whips remain...less than a dozen. It's really sad that Coney Island's of Ohio did not survive...and what LeSourdsville Lake did to theirs in a misguided attempt to modernize it was even sadder...

Those kiddie whips are a lot of fun. *I* actually rode the one at Stricker's a few years back, when Ralph was still alive. Unlike the adult versions, most of the kiddie whips have not been slowed down. At Camden Park, for example, you will see that a large steel screw has been inserted about half way across the throttle lever span. The kiddie whip has no such restriction.


What LeSourdsville did:


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  On 2/19/2011 at 12:28 PM, Avatar said:

I still think to this the day the kiddie whip gives more genuine heart felt thrills than any ride Kings Island currently has now or in the past. That thrill can be experienced without even riding the ride, just watching the kids on it will thrill your heart and watching the parent/grand parent watching their children will thrill you too.

I couldn't agree more...watching the facial expressions of the kids on this ride is truly priceless! :)

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