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Flashback Till Opening 2011


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  On 2/15/2011 at 2:02 PM, Thrill_Biscuit said:

TOPGUN1993, Windshawne, Avatar and many others:These pictures and movies are priceless! I wish I could express how much it means to me to be able to come to KIC and see pictures from the Kings Island I remember from years past. (While I was overseas, my parents went through an ugly divorce, in the bitterness of which, all of my family's photo albums, scrapbooks, souvenirs, etc. were destroyed and/or thrown away, lost forever. I could nothing about it.) But through the miracle of modern technology, and your generous sharing of your precious mementos, I can kind of 'go back' in my mind, and 'piece together' memories of happier times, which I always tie to Kings Island, because that's just where we would always go. Thanks^1000000!

Me too. There are lots of photos that are gone due to my parents divorce, as well as my class picture which was ripped in half. I miss KCKC with a passion.

These pics are wonderful.

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Another great set of photos thanks Paul.

markr yes I know what you mean as almost had a protein spill right after my last ride on Winnie Witches Cauldrons that can be seen in the video below.

<object width='640' height='427'> <param name='movie' value='http://albums.phanfare.com/video_config.ashx?m=player&.swf' /> <param name='flashvars' value='config=http://albums.phanfare.com/video_config.ashx?m=conf%26hs=e3e49798ec8f4debc98365fcb5b0a54b%26u=1009485%26a=5016838%26i=122114977%26w=640%26h=427' /> <param name='allowFullScreen' value='true' /> <param name='bgcolor' value='#000000' /> <embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='640' height='427' allowfullscreen='true' bgcolor='#000000' src='http://albums.phanfare.com/video_config.ashx?m=player&.swf' flashvars='config=http://albums.phanfare.com/video_config.ashx?m=conf%26hs=e3e49798ec8f4debc98365fcb5b0a54b%26u=1009485%26a=5016838%26i=122114977%26w=640%26h=427'></embed> </object>

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I can still barely remember riding on the train when I was like 5 and it still had theming. Its a real shame that there is no longer anything like that to see during the train ride. And I fondly remember the witch's caldrons. Was one of my favorties growing up and along with the Enchanted Voyage, is one of the rides from the past I miss most.

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Yeah. Until I got my first pass to Kings Island in 1998, I would only get to go once, maybe twice a season to the park. Now, since I`ve had a pass, I typically go about twenty to thirty times. But I can sense that number may be dropping this year. Why? It has nothing to do with what ERT sessions are or aren`t offered. This will be my second full summer with a full time job. Additionally, I intend to still work at Coney on the weekends. But one of the other big reasons is that life happens. There is a strong chance I will have a girlfriend by the time the full season rolls around. As such, I`ll spend less time at the parks.

On that subject, look how many posters on these forums have come and gone over the years. There are several people that used to post very frequently who haven`t been seen or heard from on these forums in years. Life happens, and interests wane as people simply loose interest or develop other hobbies. Such is a fact of life. And the really remarkable thing is that this website has been around for as long as it has. Most park focused fan websites (there was a point in time where almost every park had two or three websites devoted to it) have come and gone. So treasure what you have, while you can enjoy it. (And no this is not to say KIC is going anywhere anytime soon). While you may find KI a great place to visit, there maybe a day when you start to loose interest in it and it doesn`t have the spark that it once had.

Gosh, that last paragraph I just typed was full of melancholy! Sorry to depress everyone. On the bright side, opening day is just over two months away!

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  On 2/20/2011 at 11:08 PM, The Interpreter said:

Hey, don't feel bad...I didn't grow up in the 70's and 80's either....

Remember, too, that early on there were no season passes, and a trip to Kings Island was a rare delight. Other than those who worked there, few could afford to go very often...or did.

You really just had to be there. Maybe its my memories of Kings Island as seen through the eyes of child, but it had a certain kind of charm that is sort of lacking today. Believe me, I still love Kings Island more than any other park. But in my youth it was a family amusement park and has morphed over the years into more of a thrill park.

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So very true. And to think Coney will be celebrating its 125th anniversary this season. I for one am fortunate it is still around! And I know I`m going to sound like a broken record, but if you haven`t made it to Coney in recent years. It is worth a visit. The pricing is not that bad (parking is $7, all day rides admission is $11.95, or $7.95 after 4pm! And Coney has lots of flat rides that typically aren`t found in most major amusement parks anymore. Round Up anyone? Giant Slide? Bumper Boats?

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