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Something big announced 3-18-11?


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  On 3/17/2011 at 12:11 AM, The Interpreter said:
  On 3/17/2011 at 12:09 AM, bluerag504 said:

off topic, but how do i become a ride enthusiast? someone who gets paid to ride rides, and stuff?

The other runs a huge internet site with a club attached, and makes bigtime money on his trips.

And he has the maturity of a 13 year old. Which is really sad, lol.

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Hi everyone long time reader first time poster. I have been reading over all the posts about the announcement since day one, and I am curious has anyone thought that this could actually be a re-theme of the entire X-base area? A way for them to work some new rides and attractions to an area that has a roller coaster themed to aliens(Outer Limits) and a bird(Firehawk)? Seeing how next year is a BIG anniversary for the park they could easily and cheaply work in this years addition of the dinosaurs with some new attractions into next years BIG Birthday for the park.. Just thinking out of the box a little.

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OK, So Great, Grand Wonderful. Theres a 3 story tall T-Rex mounted on a Concrete slab outside the park... But what the Heck do all the other clues mean? The Goose? The Tiretracks? The Mud? The Trees with red ties around them? I'm totally confused!

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  On 3/16/2011 at 10:10 PM, Avatar said:

I must admit I am really looking forward to experiencing this Dinosaur attraction with my family. We enjoy slowing down on the thrill to enjoy family activities such as waiting for the fireworks by the Royal Fountains and the Starlight Spectacular last year. This will be a very welcomed addition for this family.

This is what the park experience is all about. It's not always about coasters and being some sort of "ride warrior." Should the prediction of a dino walkthrough come true, I think it will make an excellent addition along with WindSeeker. Great post Avatar.

  On 3/17/2011 at 12:05 AM, CoasterGeek101 said:
  On 3/17/2011 at 12:00 AM, The Interpreter said:
  On 3/17/2011 at 12:00 AM, CoasterGeek101 said:

Yeah, a walkthrough seems like the opposite of Cedar Fair. I do NOT think it is a walk through. I actually think a phycoaster.

A what?


A physcoaster, the plan picture from facebook matches it

It's been stated multiple times that this attraction is for 2011. It's not a coaster. Time to accept it.

  On 3/17/2011 at 12:39 AM, Diamondback FOF said:

...who I forgot to tell that I REALLY like that!! :) And I really like the way SO looks in that....so surreal

Thank you. I took that photo at KIC Day in 2008... although Captain Picard wasn't facepalming in it at the time.

  On 3/17/2011 at 12:48 AM, BavarianBeatle said:

If it is this toddler dinosaur thing or whatever people think it will be and the entrance/exit is next to Eurobobbles, I can't imagine trying to navigate that area of Coney Mall with the WindSeeker, Vortex, and AT crowds mixing with a few hundred strollers and wagons and a bunch of crying preschoolers.

Bunch of crying pre-schoolers? Toddlers? Come on, man. Really?

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  On 3/17/2011 at 1:57 AM, jj20coloh said:

Hi everyone long time reader first time poster. I have been reading over all the posts about the announcement since day one, and I am curious has anyone thought that this could actually be a re-theme of the entire X-base area? A way for them to work some new rides and attractions to an area that has a roller coaster themed to aliens(Outer Limits) and a bird(Firehawk)? Seeing how next year is a BIG anniversary for the park they could easily and cheaply work in this years addition of the dinosaurs with some new attractions into next years BIG Birthday for the park.. Just thinking out of the box a little.

If the publically released "planning" image can be believed, this (be it a new area, a ride, or a path) will likely be located next to the X-Base area, and accessible from the end of Coney Mall near WindSeeker and the Action Theater.



Besides, X-Base does have a pretty concrete theme. As you can tell when passing under the arch, it is supposed to be a secret government facility that tests new flight and propulsion systems. As such, it's a logical place for the government to hide the alien space craft that they're studying, and an appropriate place for Firehawk, which is loosely themed to a government project that is testing new methods of human flight. The entire area carries the "government zone" theme with the barbed wire fences, yellow and red alert stripes, aviation marks on the ground (sometimes), radio towers, etc. Not saying that the area couldn't use more (particularly a restroom, or a way to tell if either of those two temperamental rides are broken without walking all the way to their entrances), but as far as theme, it's really not all that out there.

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Guest PizzaBaby027

Well it can't be a coaster, this will debut when the park opens and a new banner on the sight. Millions of years in the making, something big is coming to KI

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  On 3/17/2011 at 2:15 AM, PizzaBaby027 said:

Well it can be a coaster, this will debut when the park opens and a new banner on the sight. Millions of years in the making, something big is coming to KI

I wonder if when KI makes the formal announcement if people will still think they're building a coaster or rehabbing SOB. Seriously. People, look at the clues. They unloaded a giant dinosaur and set it out in front of the park today.

If it was a coaster, especially if it was a large one, it's most likely possible we would've seen work on it towards the end of last season ala Diamondback.

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Guest PizzaBaby027
  On 3/17/2011 at 2:18 AM, Gordon Bombay said:
  On 3/17/2011 at 2:15 AM, PizzaBaby027 said:

Well it can be a coaster, this will debut when the park opens and a new banner on the sight. Millions of years in the making, something big is coming to KI

I wonder if when KI makes the formal announcement if people will still think they're building a coaster or rehabbing SOB. Seriously. People, look at the clues. They unloaded a giant dinosaur and set it out in front of the park today.

If it was a coaster, especially if it was a large one, it's most likely possible we would've seen work on it towards the end of last season ala Diamondback.

I am sorry I forgot to add a 't to that, It can't be a coaster!! LOL my bad folks

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A fun little fact - this thread has reached 70 pages in a week. For reference the Official Diamondback Construction thread took 6 weeks to get there and finished at almost 500 pages - let's try to break that record by Tuesday! I'm kidding about breaking the record.

At the risk of being told to shut up and quit acting like a moderator (I know I'm not one), I'm going to try and share a little advice based upon what I read in this thread today - and yes I did read every post of all 13+ pages at least once.

  • To all the new members who have found KIC and are contributing to this thread - welcome, I hope you find this community as much fun as I have over the last couple of years. It has been a good group to be a part of and I've learned a lot and enjoyed meeting members from here (whether online only or live as well). Please stick around and enjoy yourself. That said, I'd also recommend that many of you slow down - this isn't a chat or text environment. To fully experience the site, I'd recommend that you read, think, then post, then sit back and see what others in the hundreds of daily visitors have to say before thinking about posting again. It's the best way to learn.
  • To everyone - remember, you were likely new, young, and/or inexperienced on this site at one time in your life. If I remember correctly, I got a PM from Robbie after my first post to give me some advice (or scold me for something :D) - maybe we could all find a helpful way to encourage positive participation from some of the newer members versus ripping them for every mistake they make.

Some quick thoughts:

  • Opinions are fine, but please make rational arguments to support and listen politely to rational arguments that disagree.
  • Humor can be fun, but not everyone reading it will understand it (an emoticon can help) and recognize that not everyone needs to be the funny guy.
  • Be polite, remember that someone is at the other end of the internet reading what you say.

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@ goodyellowkorn182 I see the tie-in that you are talking about, however barb-wire fencing and landing zones sound very close to what most of us know as Jurassic Park. I know that Kings Island is no longer Paramount nor doing movie based themes if any themes at all, but this does make sense to me seeing how there is still plenty of unused and cleared land near the Outer Limits Building. Has anyone placed the outlined area around the X-base area?

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You forget the last rule, don't have your first post start an argument with Terpy. Haha! Just kidding, of course. Seriously though, I thank all the new members for joining but, you have to realize it's not about SOB and it will not and CAN NOT be a new coaster. With six weeks before opening left, there is no possible way a new coaster could be constructed. Not saying I wouldn't enjoy a four hundred foot coaster but, at the current time that's just not possible. As for SOB, look at the clues that were posted. They literally stationed a thirty foot T-Rex in the parking lot. I'm sorry but, there is no way this is about SOB.

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  On 3/16/2011 at 7:06 PM, LongLiveTheSmurfRide said:

^ They've done it before, as has been discussed earlier in the topic. Though, if they're clearing land for this, I'd assume it's permanent.

And speaking of Congo from earlier in the topic, they had a walk-through attraction for that one summer showing off some behind the scenes stuff. The walkthrough was better than the movie, heh.

I believe they also did a Titanic walkthrough attraction one year as well. Of course, those were the Paramount days, I do believe.

I was wondering the same thing. Why would they clear so much land for something not permanent. Unless they are later going to use the site for a haunt.

EDIT** And haven't you guys wondered if maybe this isn't just a normal walkthrough. Maybe it will be an adventure type thing where you have to escape from the dinosaurs. Don Helbig did look terrified in the second teaser video.

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  On 3/17/2011 at 2:33 AM, Truth Seeker said:

As for SOB, look at the clues that were posted. They literally stationed a thirty foot T-Rex in the parking lot. I'm sorry but, there is no way this is about SOB.

You mean the parking lot T-Rex is not a clear indicator that SoB's loop is coming back?


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  On 3/17/2011 at 2:30 AM, jj20coloh said:

@ goodyellowkorn182 I see the tie-in that you are talking about, however barb-wire fencing and landing zones sound very close to what most of us know as Jurassic Park. I know that Kings Island is no longer Paramount nor doing movie based themes if any themes at all, but this does make sense to me seeing how there is still plenty of unused and cleared land near the Outer Limits Building. Has anyone placed the outlined area around the X-base area?

Irrelevant, since the blueprint "planning" photo that I re-posted shows where this area is meant to be in relation to Racer - it fits there perfectly, because it was blueprinted to go there on the map. You can physically see The Racer on the blueprint, and you can see that this area is in the woods behind it.

Would a Jurassic Park makeover to X-Base be cool? Maybe. But honest to God, I would sooner bet my money on Son of Beast's loop being reinstalled and opening as-is on opening day. It's that unlikely.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

How much work would have to go into changing Flight of Fear? The space ship, the building facade, the queue line, the lighting, the trains, the station, the music... There's simply no reason; no benefit financially.

Besides that, Jurassic Park is already used as an entertainment property at Universal's Islands of Adventure. The price to bring it to Kings Island would be tremendous, and what would be the reason to? Would Cedar Fair truly make the area as immersive as Universal did? Would their animatronics be as impressive; their rides as well-themed? There's simply no reason for it, and it would be an undertaking that would be of unprecedented proportions for a little Ohio theme park.

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Stream of consciousness while reading the last few pages:

Dinosaur's name: Sally. It fits in with the Peanuts re-theme as a bonus.

Maybe the animatronic dinosaur will roar down over the first drop on the Blue side of Racer. Talk about a thrill!

A little creativity could really make a dino-walk a great Haunt attraction! Through the woods, imagine it.

Any word on the gravy buffet?

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I'm still not convinced that this is a walk-thru attraction. The layout seems weird for a path, or even a ride for that matter, and it seems REALLY long. That would definitely be longer than Trail of Terror, and ToT isn't exactly short!

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