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What could have been.


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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe both Mrs. Puff's Boating School and an Addams Family dark ride were both ideas tossed around by Paramount before deciding on IJ:ST.

EDIT: If you're interested about The Addams Family ride, there was some great discussion on this website back in 2005.


Also on Mrs. Puff's Boating School:


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Guest rcfreak339

^It almost, almost did. FoF at KD closed for a while waiting for the renovation.

Iv'e also heard of all these. The Addams Family ride was supposed to be a Euroflighter I believe, that was supposed to be placed where BL:SC is now. Although I have also heard that if the coaster was completed then Diamondback may have never been built since the design went into the Swan Lake area.

Again, This is just coming off of what people have told me.

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