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Standing within' 3 feet of 1974


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The tunnels are, to quote Sir Charles Barkley, turrible. I do not know what the thinking was behind that.

One can hope that a fresh coat of red, white, and blue paint this offseason will freshen the old girl up. Removing the silly tunnels is probably too much to ask.

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thanks again, couple of thoughts...

The Racer looked much better in 1974 than it does today with that pain job, as has been mentioned several times. I wonder the cost premium would be to add the red/blue coloring to the job next time they give it a paint job?

I doubt the lawyers would allow KI to maintain the 1974 fence job, which is kind of unfortunate.

those 2 issues aside, I do wonder if you took 10 steps back in both the 1974 picture and the current photo if today's picture wouldn't look "better". The greenery around the turn is better today than what shows in the 74 picture.

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  On 12/5/2011 at 7:50 PM, medford said:

I do wonder if you took 10 steps back in both the 1974 picture and the current photo if today's picture wouldn't look "better". The greenery around the turn is better today than what shows in the 74 picture.

I agree with you, my photo doesn't do the area justice...it does look a lot nicer than what I show. (I should of taken a complete shot of the area and included it...but I didn't. )

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I like the '74 picture better. I've always liked the red, white & blue paint job better than the all white. Plus, I like how you could get so close back then. Oh well, people are idiots and changes had to be made. Nothing we can do about that I suppose...

I haven't said it in a while, but I'll say it again... Thanks for all the pics! Last week I was catching up on a lot of stuff at work so I was barely on here, but I appreciated all the updates!

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  On 12/5/2011 at 9:51 PM, CedarPointer said:

Wasn't the path getting further away a 2011 change?

Correct, the path and subway patio were changed slightly. 2011 season.

The "tall" fences were added around racer about the time of the SFOG Batman incident so like 08 or 09? They were also added to Vortex, Beastie and I think TOPGUN.

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  On 12/5/2011 at 7:56 PM, standbyme said:
  On 12/5/2011 at 7:50 PM, medford said:

I do wonder if you took 10 steps back in both the 1974 picture and the current photo if today's picture wouldn't look "better". The greenery around the turn is better today than what shows in the 74 picture.

I agree with you, my photo doesn't do the area justice...it does look a lot nicer than what I show. (I should of taken a complete shot of the area and included it...but I didn't. )

Unfortunetly, I think that would distract from the purpose of the thread/pictures you've taken. The same could be said for many of these comparisions, but is unfair to the art that you've created. Great work all around, I'd hate to take away from what you've presented.

Unfortunetly, the engineer side of my brain can't get past the 'why did they change that" aspect of comparing pictures 30 years apart. for instance, the coloring on The Racer, I'm sure there is a significant savings in going "all white" rathern than painting the rails different than the supports. How often do they paint that? When you're not comparing pictures 30 years apart, does the average customer even notice such a thing? I doubt they do, which means the cost savings is worth more than the enhanced customer appeal of having the 1974 paint job. (so why enclose the tunnel?)

Kind of makes me wonder, and I'm not sure if anything likes this exists at KI, or in these pictures, but how many things have been done in Kings Island as part of a future master plan that either hasn't occured yet, or was scrapped in lieu of a different master plan a few years later. For instance, say they know they know they're going to to tear out the go carts and put in a new ride sometime in the next 10 years. They have room left in the budget to do some side landscapping and what not in anticipation of this happening down the road, however with the ownership change a ride is never put there, but the changed landscapping is already in the budget and put into place this offseason. Would make it kind of interesting to have an insiders take on the master plans for KI thru the years, what was eventually scrapped, and how it has affected the current park layout.

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Definetly 1974. Well, actually 1990, because of the backwards racer, but thats not a option. And I would like that patio back, looks very nice. And I kind of like the tunnels, bu the thing I don't like is everyone throws there gum and boogers on the wall, So its quite discusting when you go through there.

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Thanks to everyone for all the interaction yesterday...I liked reading all of the comments. :)

Today's photo set is another one of those which only the 1974 shot is fun to look at...but hopefully that is enough.



It's weird how wide open it looks.



I am sorry for this lackluster shot. By the time I got around to taking this shot the sun was not in a great spot for a nice photo. With my limited time at the park there was no turning back with this photo. I thought about retaking one when I came back in October but I didn't want a shot with all of the fall colors & Halloween decorations. This is TRULY an example where my photo doesn't do this area justice.

The odd thing about today's photo set is that if I only went by these photos I would choose to be back in 1974....but as I have stated before, I love the trees along the fountain...so today 2011 gets my vote again.

P.S. The next 2 days of photo sets will be better than this one so hang in there!

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You might can see more in 1974, but knowing first hand the heat of the days when the lil' pink Snoopys are soaking in the fountain, big trees and shade in 2011 look better to me.

I'll bet you enjoyed getting to stand in the shade while you were matching the shots, huh? This is great stuff!

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Mature trees are nice, but I-Street in '74 looked like an interesting place to be versus the walk-by it has become today. I know, there are times when I enjoy sitting by the fountains and people watching, enjoying the scenery, but I think it looks like there was more to it than that.

Thanks again for the efforts of JD and Hendrick on this thread - it makes me go to the computer (v. just the iPhone) to log on to KIC every day.

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  On 12/6/2011 at 5:36 PM, KIfan1980 said:

Thanks again for the efforts of JD and Hendrick on this thread - it makes me go to the computer (v. just the iPhone) to log on to KIC every day.

Everyday, I save this topic for when I get to my MacBook :lol: One of those funny things that probably 1/2 of us here do.

J.D. Ki should give you a free pass or something for this. Even if your... nostalgia leaning :lol:

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  On 12/6/2011 at 8:56 PM, 74Gibson said:

Even if your... nostalgia leaning :lol:

I thought I was doing good at staying "current"...when I first looked through these pictures I kept thinking to myself "Gee I wish the park still looked like that"...but once I started looking around in the photos of what I would have to do without if it was just like 1974, I found myself choosing 2011 a lot more than I thought.

(This run-on sentence has been brought to you in part by a grant from...) :P

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