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Standing within' 3 feet of 1974


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Thank you standbyme. This has made the first two months of the off season not seem like such a let down. To get to see exciting pictures/comparisons of Kings Island everyday kind of kept the magic alive to me. I have never seen many older photos of what Kings Island has looked like, so it was nice being able to see what the parked used to look like, and even more getting a comparison today (with one minor exception :P )

Now the off season truly begins :(

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Thanks for doing this, all the pictures were great. And thanks to hendrick for the fades. I remember I first heard of this thread when it was mentioned on Kings Islands twitter. From the first post, (Hanna Barbera logflume/D-Back que and shop, Planet Snoopy overlook and log flume) to the last post (Eiffel Tower sky ride/Eiffel Tower WindSeeker behind) it's been a great thread. I had no idea when this thread would end, and was sad when I read the news today. Thanks for everything :) !

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But... but... but... it can't be over! We're not even half way through the off-season! I haven't even finished eating all of my Halloween candy! (sorry for the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving reference, I just had to... :P )

But seriously, thank you so much for doing this, and especially for going above and beyond and emailing the pictures to me almost every day ;) so that I can keep current on them (darn those internet filters at work!). I looked forward to those emails then checking out the comments in this topic, and was shocked when I saw the subject line of today's email. But all good things... All the hard work is appreciated by a lot of us here.

Now to go home tonight so I can see what you posted as a thank you in posts 449 & 450. :lol: (Yes, I was planning to be online tonight anyway... a rare occurrence, I know!)

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Thank you so much. Other than youtube and this site, no single thing has kept my daily attention like this thread. You have truly outdone yourself J.D. and I am incredibly impressed.

When you started this, like you, had no idea how well 2011 KI would do in my votes. I tend to be a nostalgia guy myself :o but am realizing that, as I grow, I love the hear and now. Besides, KI has come a long way in the last few years on over-all experience and ambiance within the park. Many of the 11' shots would not have been nearly as nice without some of the recent revamps/ upgrades like pavers and rebuilt/designed midway areas. I must say, it's really impressive and I can't wait to see this progress continue... by moving BLSC to the go cart track and filling the area with a family traction surrounded by lush landscaping and many trees. Then revamp the Tower Gardens/ Paramount story area and do something with the large pile of ginormous toothpicks behind the relocated BLSC. :) Sometimes I hate waking from dreaming

Now, would someone please publish this work in a coffee table (large) format. Side-by-side 74'-11' with some commentary would be awesome.

Thank you again JD for all the joy, forgotten memories and good debates you've given me. I was glad to be at the top of the politically correctly alphabetized credits (not that I always start screen and band names with a number so it's at the top of lists ;) )

Edit: to correct autocorrect


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I'm wondering why I'm just now posting in this thread ha ha. Anyways, it's amazing to see how much the park has changed and how much it hasn't. I didn't start going to the park until the mid-90's so I'm giving you a big thanks for the pictures!

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Guest TombraiderTy

Thank you again for doing this whole project, J.D. I couldn't possibly express how grateful I am for the time, research, etc. you put into this thread. It's been interesting to look at every day and to share facts and opinions on all the pictures. It definitely ranks up as one of my favorite KIC threads in the six years I've been a member :)

Now, about four more months of off-season... how are we going to entertain and occupy ourselves now? :P


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Thank you for doing this! I wasn't born until 1987 and have very few memories of KI before 2010, so it was very interesting to see what the park looked like back then. I have seen very few pictures of the park that old, and to see all these old photos and be able to compare them with what's there now has been a real treat. I know this must have taken a lot of work, and I appreciate it. I know I didn't post in here very often, mostly just hitting "like" on each post, but that's just because I tend to be a quiet person and a little shy.

  On 12/21/2011 at 12:32 PM, standbyme said:

First off I would like to say that I can’t thank “Hendrick” enough. I didn’t/don’t have a clue how to make a fade...when I mentioned this, Michael stepped up to the plate without being asked and made this thread 100% better! (It also gave me something to look forward to each day...and he never missed a day, he did every set...even yesterday’s wrong one. :lol:

Yes, definitely. It was one thing to look at the 1974 shot, then scroll down and look at the 2011 shot, and scroll back and forth comparing them, but the fades really made it easy to compare the shots and figure out what had changed and what hasn't. Kudos to Hendrick for his work as well.

  On 12/21/2011 at 12:32 PM, standbyme said:

I am glad that so many people seemed to enjoy this thread...and I am glad that I could finally kind of pay back some of the great things that I have seen/read on this forum over the years.

And just think, a few years down the road, somebody else may dig this thread up, read through it, and be inspired to do a similar project. Heck, that project could be taking these same photos again in 2048 to compare them to your 2011 photos!

  On 12/21/2011 at 12:32 PM, standbyme said:


Of course, I had to wait until this morning to upload an avatar, after it was too late to get it in the credits. And I'm not sure which is longer: Santa's "nice" list or the list of people who have butchered my name! :P (Seriously, don't feel bad about it; more people misspell my name than get it right. :))

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  On 12/21/2011 at 9:50 PM, jcgoble3 said:

And I'm not sure which is longer: Santa's "nice" list or the list of people who have butchered my name! :P (Seriously, don't feel bad about it; more people misspell my name than get it right. :))

? Looks fine to me. ;)

Seriously...I almost butchered it again...I always have read your name as globe.

Thanks for the kind words...and believe me, you went up and beyond with the Like button! :P

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Yeah, "globe" seems to be one of the more common mispronunciations/misspellings, despite the fact that it's actually pronounced "GO-bull". :P

And by the way, I see you added my new avatar into the credits while you were fixing the spelling. You didn't need to do that, but thanks anyway! :)

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  On 12/21/2011 at 9:58 PM, TOPGUN1993 said:

Topic of 2011 goes too.... Thanks J.D. for all your time and effort.

So the guy who I plagiarized...and who came up with the Flashback 2011 thread is nominating me...truly generous. :)

  On 12/21/2011 at 11:09 PM, jcgoble3 said:

...despite the fact that it's actually pronounced "GO-bull". :P

To show my age...the first thing that popped into my head once I figured out how it WAS spelled is an old actor named George Gobel... the only way you might possibly even know him is that he voiced the father mouse in the cartoon "Twas The Night Before Christmas".


Thanks again. :)

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standbyme I have been meaning to comment on this thread for awhile, but I have been moving and was just able to catch up on the entire thread today. The pictures your took are truly amazing. I love seeing what the park looked like in 1972. I was born in 1990 so I never really got to see the park like that. It is really cool how you took the time to try to find the exact point where the original was taken. It just shows how much the park has changed. I really appreciate the time it took you to do all this. It was awesome. -Nick

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  On 12/22/2011 at 3:58 AM, standbyme said:
KIfan73...that is a neat effect! :)
  On 12/22/2011 at 4:37 AM, kingsrattler said:
kifan73.. would you privy me to how you did that? That would be a great effect to be able to apply to my photography! Thanks :)

I just downloaded the "photo toaster" app on my iPad...there's a setting called "instamatic"... I thought it was a really cool effect, as well.

Here's a comparison with a couple of standbyme's pics:



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I just discovered this topic about a week ago. With college and stuff, I haven't really had the time to get on the forums all that much. Although I came into this topic pretty late, I really did enjoy looking back at all the other pages and seeing the comparison from 1974 to 2011. Thanks for posting all these, they are awesome!

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