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Is Diamondback up and running?


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Well, the week is over. Is Diamondback up and running this week? Does anyone really know(it's early) what happened, and or what was fixed?

I was there last Monday June 4th. The only thing that I noticed, was all 3 trains in the maintenance shed. Later in the afternoon, one was moved out for a short time.

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I don't know why everyone was freaking out over Diamondback being closed. When we were there Wednesday there was obviously something happening with people who had driven back toward the turn around area. Needless to say I can't wait for this Wednesday to ride it!

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It looked like they extended the concrete slabs from the center support of the first helix out to secondary supports on the north and south of the center. Ran smooth as ever. Nothing looked like it was sinking either. Have Fun.

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It is indeed up and running, I rode it for the first time ever today. Awesome! BTW, first post!

Just a little background, I live about 40 minutes away from KI, and have gone with my family a few times in the past. This year, however, I got a gold pass and have been going a lot with friends. I'd ridden a few coasters in the past, but within the past 8 days, I've ridden every one in the park except Invertigo. Been loving it; looking forward to talking about them here!


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Now I don't know how true this is, but I have a friend that works WWC and she said Diamondback was closed because there was a problem with a suport on the helix with the photo. She said that they had to repour a base for it and that was why it was shut down. Still, im not sure how true this is but its what i heard.

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There was some sort of a problem with DB again last night. My sister and I decided to ride the train before getting in line for DB (since we were planning on making DB our last ride of the night), and it was running several cycles of empty trains at the time. We got off the train around 9:30 or so. DB was still running empty trains, and they weren't letting people in the line, but there were still people in the queues and in the station. Shortly after 9:30 it reopened again with no apparent problems.

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