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General Son of Beast Discussion

Gordon Bombay

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The conversation about Son of Beast has been moved to this topic. In light of many threads about the ride and one giant thread that has devolved from discussion to rumors to jokes about the rumors, it's time to start anew. Hopefully this will create a more concise topic that won't require reading through 150+ pages to get caught up on.


- The ride has not operated since June 16, 2009.

- The park's current General Manager has stated the reason for not operating the ride is his dissatisfaction with the ride's performance. “Eight days after I took over, the accident occurred,” said Scheid. “We have struggled with it ever since. We have smoothed out the ride. Most people will say they are comfortable with the ride, but I am not comfortable with the ride.”

- From 2000 - 2006 the ride was the world's only wooden looping roller coaster and operated with trains manufactured by Premier Rides.

- On July 9, 2006 an accident occurred. According to an investigation by the State of Ohio Department of Agriculture: a cracked vertical timber [in the ride's "Rose Bowl" section] created a "bump." When a train navigated this section, some riders received non life-threatening injuries and the ride was closed for the remainder of the season.

- Following the Department of Agricultures investigation [which faulted some aspects of the design of the ride] in which recommendations to improve the rides performance were made, the loop was removed and "new" trains were installed.

- On july 4, 2007, Son of Beast re-opened nearly a year after its accident. The ride featured two modified trains manufactured by Gerstauler that were originally found on the Hurricane at Myrtle Beach Pavillion. To accommodate the lighter trains, the loop was removed. Son of Beast was still billed as the world's tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster.

- On June 16, 2009 - the ride was voluntarily closed down after a woman came forward stating she had suffered an injury on the ride in May of that year. The ride has not re-opened since for the reasons stated above: dissatisfaction with the ride's performance. Note: the incident in June of 2009 has never been officially stated to have been the reason for the ride's closure.

As of this topic's posting on July 5, 2012: No decision has been made regarding the future of Son of Beast.


Cincinnati Enquirer, "What's Next for Son of Beast?" - April 24, 2011.

Cincinnati Business Courier, "Son of Beast a No-Go for 2010." - March 15, 2010.

Cincinnati Enquirer, "Son of Beast" shuts down at K.I. - June 23, 2009.

Ground Rules:

- Please follow KICentral.com's "Terms of Service." Failure to abide by these rules will result in consequences.

- Feel free to discuss rumors about the ride and ideas for its future use, HOWEVER, if you are going to claim to have "inside information" or a claim you heard something from an "official" (and things of this nature), state your source or have your post deleted.

- Be respectful to your fellow posters, but at the same time have a sense of humor, please.

- Share your memories of the ride and your experiences, but make your post worth reading.


- Son of Beast, Summer 2008. From KICentral.com's "The Event." Photo by Ronny Salerno.

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Thanks Gordon! Anyways this topic just went from 0 to SOB in one post...

Its a shame for something of that size to sit, hopefully it will have a day of fate in the near future!

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I was on the SOB on 7/9/06 shortly before the train that caused the injuries (as oblivious as I am it could have been that train). It was my first time on the ride, I remember hearing a cracking noise at one point during the ride and noticed it was extremely rough ride. When the ride came into the station it was not the cheering you usually hear but more of a quiet nervous sound as if something wasn't right and heard some others complaining of pain. I felt weird but then got an ice cream, walked on to Vortex (literal walk on, the gates opened as I got there), then we left just as the first responders were arriving on the scene. So I was one of the last riders to experience the loop which was the best part of the ride. Next couple of days I was sore with symptoms close to whiplash but nothing major. I also would agree that when the ride came back online it wasn't as rough but still did not find it to be a fun ride.

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On an unrelated note, if they were to open the ride back up, I'm kind of curious as to how the park would advertise it. If you consider all the messed up rumors, and how almost everyone I talk to think's that people fell out the loop and other weird stuff, they'd have to do (I imagine) a good amount of work to actually get some people to ride it.

I don't think renaming it would work since a lot of people probably know what the ride is since it's been sitting there for the past 3 years, and even if the accidents known to be directly caused by the ride weren't deadly, they were still accidents none the less, and at least to me, that'd make me just a tad apprehensive about riding it.

What do you think?

Mod Edit: Removed reference to a conversation that was delted.

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Renaming it is one of those trial and errors.

If it fits, and people ride it, then great. I would expect to see a small increase on waiting capacity just from renaming. Maybe have like some bad a** commercial like "Son of Beast" (or whatever the name shall be if renamed) "Stronger! Better! Badder!" (I don't think badder is a word but it's more ammusing to the eyes and ears) . "All New Son of Beast! Coming in 2013!"

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Good grief, that took all of a few hours for four of you to start an argument. Thanks to those who have stayed on topic, the offending conversations have been removed.

  On 7/5/2012 at 5:20 PM, muppetfan1999 said:

I don't think renaming it would work since a lot of people probably know what the ride is since it's been sitting there for the past 3 years, and even if the accidents known to be directly caused by the ride weren't deadly, they were still accidents none the less, and at least to me, that'd make me just a tad apprehensive about riding it.

What do you think?

I'm inclined to agree with you. I don't think you'll ever see anything come of the current ride. Its poor reputation (whether deserved or not is irrelevant) speaks for itself. Imagine you gave it the "Rocky Mountain Treatment," every bit of press you'd recieve would feature what the ride used to be called and what happened to it.

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Personally, I think we will see Son of Beast operate again. Part of it may be wishful thinking. I keep going over and over in my head, If they were going to demolish it or scrap it, they would have already done it IMHO.. Like I said, this may be just wishful thinking, but I think we will see a reborn, retracked, relooped "Giga Beast" as the centerpiece of an Action Zone revamp/refurb in 2014.. They've already completed the paint job on Invertigo. That's one phase.. Now once again, this is just an opinion, no proof no nothing, but just a wishful/hopeful thought...

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I liked the old SOB thread...mainly because it seemed to keep all of the clutter safely inside it and I didn't have to deal with it. ;)

Two other comments:

#1. GREAT lead off post for this thread...it should save the casual visitors tons of time.

#2. This thread will surely/eventually turn into what the last thread was...so Ronny, no matter what, you sir will officially be the maker of this (Son of) beast! :P

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  On 7/5/2012 at 5:45 PM, stashua123 said:

Thank God that "Whats next for Son of Beast" thread was removed. It was more of an off-topic thread than a SOB thread. Thanks Gordon!

I appreciate the "thanks" and all that, but seriously many of you are missing the point. The old threads are gone because they were filled with crap that buried all the useful conversations and information so with that in mind let's stay on topic, shall we?

  On 7/5/2012 at 4:09 PM, Scott Evans said:

I also would agree that when the ride came back online it wasn't as rough but still did not find it to be a fun ride.

Thanks for sharing your story! When the ride reopened I thought it was pretty lackluster. The first drop was great, but the rest of the ride was just rough and boring. SOB was never really that good of a ride to begin with. The only interesting part was removed.

  On 7/5/2012 at 2:33 PM, KIfan73 said:

Great photo! I was on that tour, what a unique opportunity it was.

Thanks! That day was a really fun day.

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  On 7/5/2012 at 5:48 PM, benred23 said:

Personally, I think we will see Son of Beast operate again. Part of it may be wishful thinking. I keep going over and over in my head, If they were going to demolish it or scrap it, they would have already done it IMHO.. Like I said, this may be just wishful thinking, but I think we will see a reborn, retracked, relooped "Giga Beast" as the centerpiece of an Action Zone revamp/refurb in 2014.. They've already completed the paint job on Invertigo. That's one phase.. Now once again, this is just an opinion, no proof no nothing, but just a wishful/hopeful thought...

While I have to hope/wish with you, you can never be to sure. IMO, Son of Beast will operate again. IN MY OPINION! Only wishing and hoping.

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Son of Beast was always one of my favorite rides. Yes it was rough and violent, but to me it was part of the ride's "attitude." As a kid (when SOB was brand new), it was always the most intimidating ride. Besides Drop Zone, it was the only ride I ever was to scared to ride. Probably around 2002, I finally braved Son of Beast. I remember the lift hill going on forever, as if it were much taller than it really is.

As the train plummeted down the 214' drop, I saw the loop and thought we were going through it right then, but of course you actually just pass right next to it into the rosebowl. The rosebowl was very turbulent, almost to the point where it hurt. But one you hit the MCBR, you could catch your breath for a split second. It was then when you knew you were about to soar through the massive loop. I only got to experience SOB with the loop about a dozen times, and being younger I don't remember too much, I do know it was forceful and smooth. After that point, the ride went from extreme thrill ride, to being much slower-paced and family oriented. I do remember loving it, but always being scared until the end of it's looping life.

When I heard about the 2006 accident, I researched the ride online and that is when I became very interested in coasters. In fact the next winter when Firehawk was announced, I finally joined KIC and bought a season pass!

In 2007 when it reopened, I remember missing the loop, but it was still my favorite ride at KI. I almost always rode it first- and last each visit to KI. Once Diamondback opened, I definitely slowed down on riding SOB. And I actually was at Kings Island the day before Son of Beast closed for good, but for some reason of another, I never rode it. And when I discovered SOB closed, I thought it was short term. Really it wasn't until about 2010 when I realized it's life was over. And now, as much as I love the ride, I know it most likely isn't re-opening.

Although I would LOVE if it were to get a Rocky Mountain rehab or for it to re-open as it was in 09', I don't think either of those are likely. I believe it will be demolished very soon, and will be replaced with a new attraction two seasons later (for example, if it were to be destroyed now, a new attraction would be built in 2014.)

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I never got to ride Son of Beast. I think I would have liked the opportunity to even if it may have caused a few bruises.

I wish that Kings Island does something about this and does it quick. I know everyone is tired of waiting but if they ever announce the future of the ride, there will still be complaints as to what the decision is about.

I can't imagine how many people will be on and posting on this site when an announcement is posted.

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  On 7/5/2012 at 6:47 PM, xXDrummerKiDXx said:

I wonder if they did like a national pole?

Like ask people what do you think should happen to SoB?

And a reason why?

First, it's POLL.

B- only enthusiasts really care. Guests at the park will show interest because they are at the park that day, but will quickly forget about SoB driving away.

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First of all thank you Gordon Bombay for starting a better SOB thread, maybe it will be more on topic than the last one. Secondly even though I have never ridden SOB and I really want to I really just want them to announce something to either fulfill or kill my small hope of its return.

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Today I looked at the Son of Beast, and to me I'm really starting to think its getting worse by the year. So I have a idea on what could be made after the Son of Beast is down, that I would think would be a good "memorial" to an "unloved son". A- Red "Beast" prints where the ride track was in the new area.

B-One post of the Son of Beast with a sign talking about what the Son of Beast is and was.

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Funny Story - I dreamed that it reopened last night. I got on the ride with my roommate (though admittedly, I'm not sure why he was there, especially considering he's not quite the ride warrior I am). The trains had been shortened to 5 cars (from the original 6) and we rode in seat 1-2. Though I never rode it, I know the layout very well from watching POV videos. The dream included the whole ride, and I woke up as our train (the blue one) was pulling into the station.

When I woke up, I had a charlie horse. So the ride has managed to hurt me without even being open, lol. But seriously, is anyone here a psychologist that might be able to tell me why I had such a dream about a ride I've never even so much as been in the station of?

Also, one coaster I've ridden with a reputation of being painful is Hurler at Carowinds. Everyone online complains that it is extremely rough, but I thought it was rather average for a woodie when I was there. For anyone who's ridden both, could you pechance enlighten me as to how the roughness levels compare?

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Hmm...well, since everyone here is sharing their SOB memories...

I actually, as a 10-year-old kid, visited the park in August 2000- Son of Beast's opening year. While I never rode the ride, I do have a lot of memories of watching this massive wooden coaster that made the Hoosier Hurricane I had ridden at Indiana Beach look like a midget. (SOB is 218', Hoosier Hurricane is a mere 78', according to RCDB.com)! And it had a loop. As a kid, I thought it was crazy...my cousin did ride it, and he said he loved it, and that on a scale of 1-10 on how scary it was...it was clearly a 10. In comparison, after riding SOB, he said Original Beast was a mere 6 now (he previously called it a "9")...I did go on The Racer (forwards) that day and it scared me quite a bit, and I never rode coasters again until 2009...

In 2008, at school on the computer one day, I decided to look up Kings Island as my sister was going and one of the items said "Son of Beast loses loop!". I freaked out. "NO LOOP ON Son of Beast!?!?" I thought. I then learned there was an accident on the ride, which I assumed incorrectly was someone falling out of the loop. On the plus side, I did also think: "Well, now that the loop is gone, at least it is probably less scary now"...I also learned of "a big construction site behind the Eiffel Tower" from my sister upon her return: which turned out to be...oh, do I even need to say it? Someone will guess...

In May of 2009, I finally returned to Kings Island- no longer a little kid, but now a 19-year-old teenager. I brought myself to try the original Beast, as I had noticed from POVs that it had long sections of straight track and henceforce, I thought I could handle it. I did, and fell in love with coasters. I rode Vortex afterwards, and then mustered up enough guts to try the then-brand-new Diamondback. Upon riding both a wooden coaster (Beast) and a 200'+ coaster (Diamondback), I decided to try Son of Beast- I figured it would just be putting the two together. I would never get to test my theory.

When we headed to SOB, a ride op approached us and told us they were closed for the rest of the day- even though they were doing test runs and the trains appeared to be going around just fine. So instead, we hit up Flight Deck, rode The Racer for a wood coaster fix, Flight of Fear, and eventually an epic night ride on the original Beast. We left the park with Son of Beast still "unridden". No problem, I figured. I would get that credit next time I visited KI...

I did not return until May of 2010. By that time, Son of Beast was SBNO. It's still there, of course...sitting, rotting away, and every time I walk back to ride Flight Deck (a ride I enjoy quite a bit) I can't help but look at it. I've had friends who have ridden SOB- my sister and her friend, both short, lightweight females, adored the ride and said claims of it being killer rough are indeed exaggerated. But my best friend, who is 6'0 and about 260-270lbs (a pretty decent sized dude) rode from the very back and was trying to save his phone, and got THRASHED...he still, somehow, enjoyed the ride. In 2011, I had a very, very rough ride on The Voyage (BANG! BANG! BOOM! BOOM! Throws me around like a rag doll...) at Holiday World...my friend, who had that ride on SOB, said that was what SOB was like...only even about 10-20% worse.

Of course, I still have yet to ride Son of Beast in real life. All I have to go on are POVs, RCT3 recreations, No Limits recreations, and...dreams. I have actually ridden SOB many, many times in my dreams...including one that was 100% realistic, except for the fact you got a coupon for free cheeseburgers for riding for some odd reason... ^_^

Sorry for the long post...but I felt like sharing my thoughts...I've got some more unrelated stuff (it is SOB related though), but I'll save that for another post...

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