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Son of Beast roller coaster to be removed

Guest KingsIslandPR

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You have to admit though, Paramount was brave for taking a risk and buliding the tallest, fastest, and only looping wooden coaster. And it leaves you to wonder if they didn't have any of the problems they had with construction where Son of Beast would be today?

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  On 7/29/2012 at 6:02 PM, KI FANATIC 37 said:

But those accidents were not planned when they announced the ride....

Obviously not, but when managing a business you need to evaluate risks - the risk of problems on the worlds first that is also the worlds tallest and fastest or largest is signicantly higher than on the worlds second or something that has been done before. There is also a higher/lower risk of failure associated with different manufacturers - you could research the most reliable car, tv, or appliance - the park must do it for rides as part of the analysis.

Bottom line, Paramount and KI wasted a ton of money on those attractions and it has set the park back significantly. I would be shocked if they didn't go for something safe with the next major investment.

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Speaking of the devil, why is it in some respects that Adventure Express looked both better yet worse in that POV than it is today?

  • The 3 tunnel speaks for itself. 1 light?!
  • 4 tunnel has many more lights.
  • 1 tunnel has lights.
  • No trim brake!
  • Looks amazingly smooth.
  • No overgrowth in the ruins (something I like yet don't).
  • No towery woodeny thing.

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  On 7/27/2012 at 8:46 PM, diamondhawk said:

Oh my goodness! This is the best news ever!!!

  On 7/27/2012 at 9:21 PM, emileeee said:

At first, I was shocked that we actually HAD news about SOB's future. This is great to hear!

  On 7/27/2012 at 9:15 PM, BavarianBeatle said:

I'm just happy that they finally made a decision!

When I read the post a bomb went off in my head with all these thoughts! Im so dang excited! :D

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  On 7/30/2012 at 1:27 AM, TheCrypt said:

Speaking of the devil, why is it in some respects that Adventure Express looked both better yet worse in that POV than it is today?

  • The 3 tunnel speaks for itself. 1 light?!
  • 4 tunnel has many more lights.
  • 1 tunnel has lights.
  • No trim brake!
  • Looks amazingly smooth.
  • No overgrowth in the ruins (something I like yet don't).
  • No towery woodeny thing.

The no trim brake is great! I'm with you on the overgrowth too. It gives it a more "ruiney" feel to it, but the last time I rode AE the overgrowth was Poison Ivy, growing downward very close to the trains. Someone with their hands up could easily hit it.

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  On 7/28/2012 at 5:09 PM, stashua123 said:


I rememeber in 2005. I got of of beast and we ran to viking fury. I asked my dad can i get on there(SOB). He said it was to scray and i was just 1 INCH away from riding it but they said no. They got off and said it was terribly rough and dad felt like he had ruptured his spleen. Ever since i wanted to get on SOB. When i came in August of 2011. It was closed!I never got a chance to ride it :angry: 1 INCH!

Honestly, you didn't miss anything. It was not enjoyable, with or without the loop.

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  On 7/27/2012 at 9:09 PM, diamondhawk said:

Can someone take a picture of Action Zone and photoshop Son of Beast out of the picture? I want to be prepared for next year! On a side note, anyone else noticing how paramount's mark on Kings Island is growing smaller and smaller?

Aerial - SOB

its no photoshop but its getting fancy with iphoto lol i tried


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  On 7/30/2012 at 2:45 AM, DBInternational said:
  On 7/27/2012 at 9:09 PM, diamondhawk said:

Can someone take a picture of Action Zone and photoshop Son of Beast out of the picture? I want to be prepared for next year! On a side note, anyone else noticing how paramount's mark on Kings Island is growing smaller and smaller?


its no photoshop but its getting fancy with iphoto lol i tried


Wow! Definitively going to be a big change next year seeing that,or not seeing that!

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  On 7/30/2012 at 2:48 AM, jdawg1998 said:

One thing I don't understand about Photoshop if someone can explain to me;

How do you edit out something but keep the background? I've seen it on here several times - you edit out a ride, but the sky and trees are still in the background.

It's called the stamp tool.

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Did anyone else notice weeks ago the horsetail plants near the SOB were chopped down? I have found many easter eggs around that area for the past few days ( 2 weeks ago-plant cutting possible notice of SOB destruction as I saw it yesterday-sad but sinister music playing around the SOB area)

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  On 7/30/2012 at 3:42 AM, TheCrypt said:

You know, I think we've all learned a valuable lesson here: Sequels almost never turn out great.

It can be debated if SoB is a sequel (IMO SoB NEVER was a sequel), but in addition to the coasters already mentioned:

Ravine Flyer II.....

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