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Haunt Thoughts 2013


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  On 7/25/2013 at 4:16 AM, chugh43 said:
  On 7/25/2013 at 1:06 AM, kicsehlhorst said:

Tomorrow we MIGHT be getting an announcement about Halloween Haunt! We MIGHT get to see who's thoughts were the closest to the actual attractions.

Can I ask where you got the assumption that it may be tomorrow? Was there a hint that I missed?

On Kings Island's Twitter they said "Going to be on living Dayton tomorrow. Talking about Soak City, Pink days, and maybe even Halloween Haunt"

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***More details to come, but new attractions for Halloween Haunt 2013 include Board to Death, Delta Delta Die & Backwoods Bayou.***

***Halloween Haunt attractions Massacre Manor, Mysteria and Cut Throat Cove have been retired and will be replace with new...blood.***

Holiday horror and hot blooded are both coming back this year for sure as well!

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  On 7/29/2013 at 3:04 PM, Cdeq said:

Bored to Death is like jamijai

Delta delta die- is a college party gone wrong

Backwoods bayou - is something with a banjo

Did you email Lance your thoughts about what these three may be? 'Cause his post is almost word for word the same thing:



[...] “Board To Death” is a new maze with an evil board game theme, just think of it as Jumanji with lots of blood, gore and boobytraps.

“Delta Delta Die” will take you inside the ultimate college rush party... one you may not survive.

“Backwoods Bayou” is fairly self explanatory... as any haunt with banjo music is always of great concern.

Aside from that, this got me thinking about Board to Death. I assume BtD to be replacing Mysteria, a haunt that, at first glance, I thought would be similar in nature to one of Halloween Horror Nights' own mazes the very same year it debuted - The In-Between:


The story behind the house is that two college dorm-mates snag a board game from a professor's office, unbeknownst to them that the "game" is actually comprised of cursed ancient runes that transport them to a demon world simply called the In-Between. I could potentially see Kings Island doing their own take on said attraction as it would leave a majority of the former Mysteria relatively unchanged (this wouldn't be the first time a KI Haunt and an HHN haunt shared the same theme, see Club Blood).

Or, I could be completely wrong and this could instead be a trek through a toy factory that specializes in manufacturing demonic board games and other children's novelties. At least then it would finally give people the Doll Factory maze they've been wanting for years now.

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So how does everyone feel about the new mazes and the ones leaving?? Personally i'm excited for the new mazes. I'm really happy Mysteria is leaving; that was just a waste of time and space. I'm sad for Massacre Manor leaving that one wasn't bad but it has been there for a while.

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These sound liek they will be great additions and replacing a few mazes that were ready to go. Massacre Manor was ok but has been around for awhile now. Mysteria was a waste of space. And I enjoyed Cutthroat Cove when it was an actual house over near where Diamondback is now (Red Beard's Revenge then I believe), but this past year it was pathetic and not scary at all.

Very excited about having 3 new haunts to explore. And really looking forward to Backwoods Bayou.

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  On 8/14/2013 at 11:21 PM, The Forsaken said:

...wait. Picture isn't showing up. How do I add a picture? I'm using Flickr.

In the lower right corner of the photo area at the top of the page, you'll find several icons. One of them is sharing options (or "more sharing options"). Clicking on that will produce a small popup with options for HTML and BBCode. Select that, then the "BBCode" radio button. Next, select the size you want to embed from the dropdown menu. Finally, copy and paste the raw code provided directly into the main post text box (not into the "media" option or any of the other options above the post text box).

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  On 8/25/2013 at 7:23 AM, pkifreak23 said:

Cedar Point put up their Haloweekends site for anyone who is interested


I noticed that Knotts' HH site is different from the Halloweekends site. I wonder if corporate is letting each individual park have a little more free reign as to how they design their sites compared to past years? If I'm not mistaking, in years past, weren't all the HH sites for each park the same cookie-cutter design?

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  On 8/15/2013 at 11:11 PM, The Forsaken said:

Ok...let's see if this works; if it does then THANK YOU to jcgoble3! haha... Here's a screenshot of the Circus of Horrors I'm trying to recreate in Google SketchUp. I geo-located the enchanted theater for accuracy. It's a WIP. 9513753986_c286b3dba3.jpgScreen Shot 2013-08-14 at 7.13.07 PM by theforsaken, on Flickr

Is that the same haunt that has been used at cp in previous years? Is there a bridge through that cylinder that spins with weird lights on it?

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Yes. The 3D haunt at KI has been there, I believe, since 2001. That "tube" is a spinning tunnel, classic haunt effect used in many attractions. The "floor" in that picture is a geo-location from Google Maps of the Enchanted Theater in Planet Snoopy, so my location of walls and stuff should be exact.

-T. Forsaken

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