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Best themed Coaster in the park


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  On 4/14/2013 at 11:01 PM, jdawg1998 said:

The problem with this question is, are we talking best theme, best coaster, or best theme+coaster put together? I picked Flight of Fear because it's such a great coaster, but in terms of theme, I'd pick Adventure Express.

This is in terms of theme along with the coaster itself. The poll is edited.

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FOF is the best theme in its current state and its prime and as a bonus a great ride. AE comes in a far but still great second with using setting and the terrain to its advantage. BLST is by far my least favorite coaster in the park. The theme, the ride and the location are all poorly done and ruins the atmosphere for coney, I street and rivertown.

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So, for me, it's a tie between Adventure Express and FoF. I had originally voted for Adventure Express because of its theming in the tunnels, but I changed my vote to Flight of Fear because I feel like FoF's theme is more consistent throughout and extends for a longer period of time (AE's individually themed tunnels vs. FoF's long themed line + the station), plus, it does have more of a themed line than AE does. 13 days! :D

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What if I were to choose other? Theme in a coaster doesn't exactly has the same implication as those on another end. For example, Diamondback, it has a western coaster station, and a western like gift shop, or possibly The Beast, it has a excellent background and theme to it. You really have to think about polls like this in various conclusions and ideas. So my vote? None of the above

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  On 4/15/2013 at 12:20 AM, thunderbeast1968 said:

Flight of Fear. I just wish that the video short would be updated.

I heard a rumor several years ago, that FoF would be re-themed as a Rock-n-roller coaster type attraction. Music pumping, light show and fog machines ect.

I hope not. Just wish they would lay off the mid-course brakes just a bit.

I would really like for FoF to have a lightshow or laser-light feature going during the ride. I believe someone brought it up the other day on here...

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For me, it's a tie between Adventure Express and Backlot Stunt Coaster. With BLSC, if you take away the location, it actually has some really nice theming aspects to it that are pretty well maintained--Kings Dominion and Canada's Wonderland can't say that about their own clones. It has theming along the tracks, which makes it a more encompassing experience, giving you that "Wow, I'm in a Hollywood movie!" effect. Adventure Express gets the slight edge to me because of the great layout, sudden pops of airtime, and good pacing for most of the ride. The theming also extends along the course like BLSC, but there are also designated soundtracks to each segments of the ride (jungle, tunnels, lifts) and each tunnel has it's own dedicated theme to it which sets it apart from the rest.

Flight of Fear doesn't 'do' it for me because all of the theming was put into the queue and station. With the theming along the course of the coaster, it's just a few lights here and there combined with a pulse-pounding score. That's it. The other two rides in the poll have so much more theming along the tracks which is why Flight of Fear ranks dead last in this poll.

In short, my vote goes to Adventure Express.

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It's FoF for me, with Backlot Stunt Coaster coming in second. I just get so immersed in the FoF's atmosphere, I mean how can you not? Though it wasn't a coaster, if you asked me back in the early 2000s I would tell you Tomb Raider the Ride was my favorite. That was indeed an immersive experience all around.

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That would explain why some places look "void" than others, with light coming in and etc. Sadly, with a bit more upkeep Adventure Express can be a hit ride, already it is a good experience, but it just lacks the "realism" of the ride.

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  On 4/16/2013 at 2:16 PM, IndyGuy4KI said:

I picked the underdog I guess. I think BLSC still has the feel of being chased by coops in the back alley of LA. They revamped the guns with the LED's and the fire still works. I do miss the water in the splash down though!

The splash down needs something done! I dont know why it bothers me so much when im waiting in line,but it does! It makes me feel hotter,when its hot out? I know,im weird!

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  On 4/16/2013 at 5:08 PM, PhantomTheater said:

AE, as it doesn't get better than the drummers on the second lift. I must mimic them and say "boom, boom" all the way up the lift.

Its whats on the other side of that lift that stinks! Although it is fun to scare new riders. "All my gosh,the drop is insane,you better hold on real tight"! :P

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Hmm...of the options given, I chose Flight of Fear. The indoor setting works wonders, and the music played during the actual ride heightens the "oh s!&! we in f!&!!&%! space!" feeling I get on it. Adventure Express isn't too far behind, however. BLSC, while it does have some decent theming, still requires more "imagination" on the part of the rider than the other two.

But, are these 3 really the only themed coasters at Kings Island? Hmm...let's have a deeper look...

We can get rid of instantly: Vortex, Invertigo, Racer, Firehawk, Woodstock Express, Flying Ace Aerial Chase. Any theme on these rides is very generic, for the most part these are standard-issue non-themed rides. (Flying Ace does have some "small" props around it, but they are minor and don't affect the actual ride whatsoever)

Not themed, but:

Diamondback- The trains deserve some mention, as they look awesome and fit the theme of the coaster perfectly. The gift shop also matches somewhat well.

Great Pumpkin Coaster- The painting on the old Enchanted Voyage/Phantom Theatre building behind this tiny coaster really fits with the "Great Pumpkin" theme, but other than that, it's a generic kiddie coaster.

Surf Dog (not really a coaster, but...)- Kind of looks like a surfboard. Needs a giant snoopy statue on it to fully convince me, though. :P

Corpse of a Theme:
Flight Deck- Ouch. This is what happens when theming dies, but no one cleans it up. You can clearly tell that this was supposed to be a fighter-jet themed coaster, and the "aircraft carrier" theme of the station is still somewhat noticeable if you look. There were even model fighter planes in the q-line during my last visit in May 2012. But, it's mostly in horrible shape- there was a good amount of noticeable rust visible on the lower deck of the station, and the supports for many old props still remain without the props themselves anywhere to be found. Quite sad, really, that you walk back all the way to this ride and while a solid coaster itself awaits, the line for it reeks of "sell of its former self"...I would have loved to have seen the q-line for this back when it was TOP GUN in the Early 1990s. (Yes, I have seen pictures of it, I meant in person).

Uh-Oh. My arguments are debunking me thus far, as the closest I hath come to finding a 4th themed coaster at Kings Island after FOF, AE, and BLSC is a corpse of a fighter jet theme! :P Alas, I still have one ride left to argue for...

The Beast
Is "The Beast", themed, or just a generic wooden coaster? Well, first up, the station is themed to be an old mill, and it does this beautifully. The fact it is now 30+ years old makes it look the part even better, as it actually is old now! The "beware of The Beast" signs add to the cheesy charm. There is also a bit more theming near the turnaround leading for the lift hill. As for the trains, they are standard PTC 6-bench cars, but if we DQ'ed rides for being un-themed because the trains don't match, then AE gets DQ'ed too because it too has standard-issue Mine Train...trains. :P

Now, for the actual ride itself...uh-oh, there are no special props anymore! Does that mean the ride itself is un-themed? Well, what's the point of a themed ride anyway- to tell a story. FOF does it, AE does it, and BLSC even does it. But, does Beast? Well, the ride does have a backstory, which I have managed to pair with the ride experience:

STORY O' BEAST (according to McSalsa)

You agree to join a group of miners to journey into the woods to find and capture a legendary creature, known simply as Beast. He was caught once before, but he escaped, and he still has his chains around his front paws. You board the search party's ride vehicles, and head into the woods. It doesn't take long before you find Beast, as it turns out he was not too far from the Old Mill. His sheer size amazes you. However, Beast notices you and attacks, dragging you down into the abyss!

After a quick struggle, somehow, you manage to break free and escape over a covered bridge, but you know Beast is chasing you, and you are no match for him! Desperate to escape, you dash for a nearby tunnel, and run through it into the woods, hoping to lose Beast. After a few twists and turns, you lose sight of Beast, and there is no sign of him. You head back for the Old Mill. While heading there, you spot Kings Island again...ahh, familiar territory. It's good to be headi...

Beast catches you off guard! There is no escape this time. Beast drags you down into the abyss once again, and at full power this time. He spins you around, and around, around...you're trapped, gasping for air, and all hope seems lost.

Suddenly, Beast hurls you out of the Abyss, seemingly for no reason! Why the heck did he let you go!?!? Was the "fearsome" Beast simply toying with you the entire time? Nonetheless, you use this opportunity to flee back to the Old Mill, returning to Kings Island at last. You spot the next train, with the next search party, heading out to look for Beast...if only they knew what they were getting into...

Well, that was interesting...and a good roller coaster story. Thanks to clever terrain use, the ride itself fits the bill- and doesn't even seem to need theming props, only a few tunnels. So, bottom line, is Beast themed...I would say yes, and it's theme is that there is a huge monster out in the woods, and when you attempt to catch it, all H@** breaks loose...

WOW...that was a long post! I'm sorry...but describing Beast's "theme" was a bit complex and needed the "story". :wacko: But, it got me thinking, and typing...and this is what happened next. Oh well...at least it's probably a decent read...

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I used to be very indifferent about theming when I was younger, but now that Cedar Fair could care less about theming as opposed to Paramount, who excelled at it, I really miss it. I'm a sucker for good theming actually. One of my all time favorite rides had to have been Tomb Raider: The Ride. Simply because the theming was just superb.

Another of my favorite things that Paramount did for the park is building Flight of Fear. Great theming, great ride. So that is why I wins my vote for best themed ride. No competition.

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