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Starting to Decode 2014


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  On 7/29/2013 at 7:58 PM, thedevariouseffect said:

How about this...they're going to announce the ride at some point this year, and then build it and have it ready next year. When the announcement is, noone knows, but there will be an announcement regarding the announcement...

When that time comes, we will know everything, until then we know very little other than there's lots of concrete that's being poured, and that literally is it.

But that's not any fun now is it? You're killing the hype, man! With a website specifically dedicated to KI, speculation and hype is half the fun of getting a new coaster.... buzzkill.

I have a feeling the 1-31 tweet was referencing the date the ride will be announced in August!

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  On 7/29/2013 at 8:16 PM, chickenbowl said:
  On 7/29/2013 at 7:58 PM, thedevariouseffect said:

How about this...they're going to announce the ride at some point this year, and then build it and have it ready next year. When the announcement is, noone knows, but there will be an announcement regarding the announcement...

When that time comes, we will know everything, until then we know very little other than there's lots of concrete that's being poured, and that literally is it.

But that's not any fun now is it? You're killing the hype, man! With a website specifically dedicated to KI, speculation and hype is half the fun of getting a new coaster.... buzzkill.

I have a feeling the 1-31 tweet was referencing the date the ride will be announced in August!

Ah....but how many months have less than 31 days?

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Just my two cents on the "Forceless" comments. As I have gotten older, I've found my tolerance to forcefull rides has dropped. I personally don't enjoy riding a ride if it's making me grey out or fight off possibly blacking out. I would take a fun overall ride over one that is forcefull, just for the sake of being so.

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How 'bout this off the wall idea.

They're not announcing project 2014 A day this summer, b/c they're going to announce it at Winterfest 2013? They have an announcement that the announcement will take place in December at the opening of Winterfest. So not only do they builp up additional hype for project 2014, but they ensure that the first day of winterfest is well attended. Meanwhile, once the haunt shuts down, steel starts going vertical so that all you can see is the begining of steel going up from the parking lot/I-71.

File that under the "not going to happen" section, but I think it would be hard to build up much more hype than doing something along that route.

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What if it's a dueling rollercoaster, with one being an invert named The Revenge of The Bat and the other being a floor-less coaster named Banshee! It would be amazing, you could choose whether you wanted to be suspended under the track or sit over the track and still race the other train!!! *MIND BLOWN*

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  On 7/29/2013 at 12:27 PM, NightlyBeast said:

I would venture to guess that a quick call to CSF would clear up their views on whats trespassing on their property and what isn't. One could even inquire about a tour of the facility(which to me sounds awesome).

Want a tour? Just click here: http://newsplusnotes.blogspot.ca/2008/12/scott-carol-present.html

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Do you guys think the announcement will be held during BeastBuzz, do you think they could last until KIC 10th bday event before revealing the ride, or just during a normal day?

I was thinking that if I was to announce a big ride like this I would do it the weekend before the majority of schools in Ohio go back full time. Mainly for the fact that you can create a large amount of buzz with kids and give them something to look forward to next summer. Just my opinion. What do you all think?

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So I hope I'm not a psychic.

I had a dream last night that project 2014 was indeed named Banshee.

It is a Vekoma sit down coaster that had the layout of the Great Pumpkin coaster but with a loop.

On a side note Kings Island did already have a full circuit inverted coaster called Flying Ace Aerial Chase.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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To the people who were members in 2008, prior to Diamondback being announced, signs were posted around the construction site just like for the 2014 project. Diamondback was announced August 8th. but I remember Kings Island sending out "media kits" to news stations with invitation to the event. And from that point on there was a countdown on KI's website leading up to August 8th (if you have a great memory, you'll remember everyone thinking it was going to be announced AT midnight, because the countdown only lead up to the day of announcement.) So my guess is that within the next two or three weeks we will have an official day as to when 2014 will be announced. I have no reason to think this, but I would assume it will be announced mid-late August compared to Diamondback which was announced early August.

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^ As several people have hinted, picking two numbers between 1-31, combined with "there may not be a day", seems to indicate two announcement dates.

Recall that in 2011, WindSeeker and Dinosaurs Alive! were announced on separate dates.

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I think the key to a lot of this is not to over-think it. It's not like the park is playing some deep-thinking game of intrigue here with clues and puzzles to solve.

Two numbers between 1 and 31. That means a date. You can make any calendar date out of two numbers between 1 and 31.

Don's thinking of the announcement date. What is it? Well what do you get when an elephant mates with a rhioncerous?

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Why would they announce it at beast buzz? You would think KIC has more rapport with KI than Putz. It will be during the week, and they will give two weeks notice for people can come and media. They expect to sale a ton of season passes that will go on sale after the announcement.

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  On 7/29/2013 at 10:34 PM, Vortex lover said:

i heard for the new coaster at Kings Island is going to be a b&m wing coaster named Banshee

Please read the thread before posting. This has already been discussed way too much. NO WING COASTER for the park. Cedar Fair's new CEO clearly stated that there are NO NEW WING COASTERS ON THE MENU.

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