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Least Favorite Ride?


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I have three (count 'em: three) specific ride types that I refuse to ride. They are:

  • Invertigo or any similar inverted Vekoma Boomerang
  • Wicked Twister or any similar launched inverted coaster (excluding Volcano: the Blast Coaster)
  • Any non-B&M flying coaster
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there are some rides i won't ride b/c the spin too much (monster/scrambler/etc...) or b/c of my fear of heights, not related to roller coasters (ie drop zone, WindSeeker) but my least favorite attraction is one that applies to KI's smallest guest. Snoopy's splash pad, I can't say enough how idiotic I think it is to have something designed for 4 & 5 year olds, that isn't exactly condusive to your average adult guest, where the 4 & 5 year old (or younger) enters the attraction on one side, and exits the attraction on the complete opposite side out of view from the parents waiting at the entrance. Which means the parent either needs to walk around to the other side of the attraction (and since my son typically gets out of this before I can walk all the way around, hope that their kid walks the same direction), or wait at the entrance for their child to walk around themselves.

Just a terrible setup, something that could be easily fixed.

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At Kings Island? So far this year it has been Vortex. Just not aging well, unfortunately in my opinion. I've loved it in the past and know all the tricks to riding it but I think it's on its last leg. It beat up my jaw. Ahhh yeah wasn't really impressed with WindSeeker either.

Don't really like Vekoma Flyers either. Terrible capacity, terrible comfortability, rough, no reliability, and more or less a one trick pony.

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I would have to agree with what Medford said about Snoopy's 'where did my kid go' splash pad. I'm also not a big fan of the final break on FOF (whiplash feel to it). I still like FOF and still ride it though. I cant really think of any rides other than Mean Streak that I don't care for. By the way, my last Mean Streak ride was in 1996. It just wasn't fun, kind of like how I felt about The Beast in fall of 2011. The Beast feels great now.

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I'd love a new log flume. One that actually floats the log in the water, not rides the on the bottom and roughly bashes into the sides.

/First a coaster fanatic, Second a Drop Tower fanatic, Third a log flume fanatic.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 9:09 PM, TheCrypt said:

The thing with Vortex is you have to keep your head slightly out from the restraint so your ears don't hit the restraint. Almost feels like a brand new ride.

^That's what I do!

Also, don't tense up. I've heard it helps, in addition. :)

As for the topic, I don't really have a least favorite. There's at least one thing I like (or don't mind) about every ride I've ridden.

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"Ever ride Tornado at Stricker's Grove in the very back?..."

Yes, I enjoy Tornado, especially in the back! As for my least favorites, I have to go with Superman: Ultimate Flight at Great Adventure and Vortex at Carowinds, for steel coasters. Both are short, forceless and ungodly boring. As for wooden coasters, Mean Streak, hands down! I'm not a fan of trimming rides until they feel like someone needs to get out and push.

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I don't get the hate on th vekoma flyers, they are very comfortable. I also don't see the hate for Invertigo and the deja vu's. I rode deja vu at mm, great america, and georgia. They had very comfortable restraints. Also hanging on the first spike pressed against the restraint sitting inthe back row was aawsome.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 11:32 PM, TheCrypt said:

There is no ride called Deja Vu at neither Six Flags Great America nor California's Great America. Perhaps you mean the ride similar to Wicked Twister located at SFGAm.

Um, it was at six flags great america in 2006. Nice try crypt.

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I don't really hate any rides, because I think they are all unique and what not, but my least favorite is Invertigo. I only ride that thing just to give it a shot, but because of how it beats you up, how awful the capacity is, and that it is rather boring, I usually only end up riding it once or twice a year.

That being said, it sure is fun to look at!

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  On 6/11/2013 at 11:34 PM, Big Sexy said:
  On 6/11/2013 at 11:32 PM, TheCrypt said:

There is no ride called Deja Vu at neither Six Flags Great America nor California's Great America. Perhaps you mean the ride similar to Wicked Twister located at SFGAm.

Um, it was at six flags great america in 2006. Nice try crypt.
After a quick Internet search, I have to admit you were right. Sorry about that.

Don't get used to it. ;)

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  On 6/11/2013 at 2:45 PM, thedevariouseffect said:

Seriously...ride Maggie sans trims, excellent ride. I've had that priviledge only a few times and it's worth it every time. Dunno how someone doesn't like maggie, it's an icon, it's a classic, and it still rocks...Never have I seen this opinion before but ah well

Magnum is my favorite ride at CP. I am not a fan of MF or TTD but they are decent rides. I do not care for any stand ups or Boomerangs. I do not mind Invertigo however.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 9:09 PM, TheCrypt said:

The thing with Vortex is you have to keep your head slightly out from the restraint so your ears don't hit the restraint. Almost feels like a brand new ride.

I know I know, but I rode it in the back seat for the first time in a long time and it was too powerful.

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Like the majority of the general public, I am completely terrified of any kind of inversion. The very sight of a loop, corkscrew, or zero G roll makes me run away in fear. Vortex, Invertigo, Flight of Fear... Children cry. Women scream. Policemen turn in their badges.

Taer 'em down.

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I hate tilt-a-whirls. I had the misfortune of riding my first (and only) one at Michigan's Adventure... twice!!! I just think it spins at too tight of a radius. Strangely enough, spinning like crazy on Monster is amazing! :D

Roller coaster wise, I'm not a fan of Mean Streak because it's way too rough.

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  On 6/11/2013 at 2:59 PM, BeastForever said:

^It is if your restraint is practically a heavy metal bar with a layer of rubber on it.

Don't get me wrong, airtime is great (perhaps THE best thing about roller coasters), but when you don't have comfortable restraints, it is just not good. Ever ride Tornado at Stricker's Grove in the very back?...

EXactly, maybe if they padded the restraint bar with something a little softer(okay, a lot softer), it might not be so bad. That ride kills my legs there at the end...

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  On 6/11/2013 at 3:43 AM, DBsydFOF said:

First, Invertigo at KI. I don't find the ride all that thrilling, it beats you to death, and only lasts about a minute.

Next, I hate to say it but... Vortex. Still a very fun ride, but beats you too badly, I couldn't even ride it last time I visited because the Invertigo had already given me a terrible headache.

Next, WindSeeker. It's completely boring and I'm not the biggest fan of heights.

Last, all those boat rides at Disney World. I know most of the rides there aren't really thrilling, as its mostly a family park, but can you get rid of a few boat rides. C'mon now

Get rid of them? Splash Mountain=best themed ride in the park with a great drop at the end and some other mild thrills inside the mountain. Small World=yes, there are a lot of dolls and the song can be torture, but many generations have grown up with that ride. Pirates=better before the addition of Johnny Depp and the era of political correctness but still a fun ride. Jungle Cruise=classic, corny fun. Grand Fiesta Tour--again, better before the 3 caballeors retheme but it's harmless enough and entertaining for kids (but teaches nothing about the culture of mexico like the old ride spiel did). Maelestrom=a fun C ticket attraction with great themeing and mild thrills. Living with the Land--a fun boat tour describing diff tpes of agriculture (better when it was narrated live Grizzly River Run--classic shoot the chutes. Not to mention the various resort boat launches.

Just my two cents but I think WDW is quite content with its family of boat rides. Remember, part of Walt's vision was that when you enter the parks, you get to experience things you wouldn't in your normal lives. There is a reason that unlike at any other disney park in floirida, at the Magic Kingdom you simply cannot park your car and walk to the front gate.

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I absolutely cannot do Drop Tower. That thrill rating of 4 is a lie. I rode it once and the drop was such a surprise my heart was in my throat. Then again, I was twelve, so maybe seven years later I should give it another go.

I can't do Vortex, especially that turn after the loops. They should pass out neckbraces.

Magnum is never comfortable for me, especially the last few hills.

Mean Streak turned my insides into a tossed salad. Once was one time too many.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have to say Firehawk due to its LOW rider capacity. I have not rode Diamonback due to my thighs being too large(and i'm not necessarily a large person) so until there is ample thigh room to ride had I have to put this on my list of rides I don't like :D

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