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Diamondback restraint thoughts


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How long until the new trains arrive?

When Kings Island orders them :) I don't think there is anything wrong with DB. I think if the Park kept getting complants, The ride would and its trains would go through an inspection. But as is. I'm sure its 99% Percent safe ;)

It is far, far, far more safe than 99 percent. 99 percent safe would mean out of every million rides, there would be 10,000 unsafe incidents. That would be wholly unacceptable.

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I mentioned this in another thread awhile back (six flags incident) as that topic had turned to Diamondback restraints, so I am doing a cross topic for those that missed it in the other topic.

Anyway, folks made a claim that there is the primary and secondary restraint system on Diamondback, yet all you see is the lap restraint. It has been pointed out in that other thread that the primary and secondary are "hidden" within the mechanism itself and that one lock could fail while the other one would not.

It was also suggested that one would remain in their seat without a restraint according to manufacturer's data. I don't care what the manufacturer's representation and such says - those tests are done under controlled environments with them establishing the criteria. Just look at the independent auto test crash ratings - all these cars getting top ratings for frontal impact faired poorly when they adjusted the test to better account for what happens in reality (not head on but rather driver side on driver side impact). Or look at the mileage estimates on cars - I never get the estimate, even on ideal 70degree days and all highway driving with cruise control going majority downhill.

I would like to see a 50pound, 54" stuffed dummy (where the arms and legs can flail around and weight is distributed proportionally to a human) be placed in Diamondback with no restraint or one click and see if it comes back. Those hard plastic water filled dummies they use now are not representative of a human...just sayin...

The day will come that Diamondback will get a seat belt - and let's hope it isn't a tragedy that makes it happen!

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Did someone seriously just say Diamond Back's second restraint safety are the tilted seats?

No, last time I checked DB has 2 separated locking systems for the lap bar.

(but yes fun fact, just like on Son of Beast, You do not need to be secured by a lap bar to stay on the ride)

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Im just going to say this, if an average park goers restraint would release, they would not just sit in the chair and think " boy I'm glad that DB has these tilted seats". They would be scream and moving all over the place. This is probably how they would fall out.

I'm not saying I don't feel safe on DB, I do, and I have complete confience in B&M and KI. I just wanted to add thid

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I would think us enthusiasts would be the most worried about possible restraint malfunctions at Kings Island since we typically like to ride coasters with our hands up. Now I don't know if I can do that any longer while still feeling safe. :(

I'm not worried about restraint malfunctions because it rarely happens. Stop worrying and ride on.

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