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His Noodly Appendage


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Since we don't exactly have an official topic about it, here is where you can discuss everything about his noodly appendage!

To start off, just an personal experience of mine:

Last Friday I went straight for his noodly appendage because I knew it was going to be the high light of my day. At first, I was shocked at the size of it, and shocked at how many people were dis-respecting the sign to not climb on the icon of true noodliness. I then touched his noodly appendage, and it was good. I hugged(Rare occurrence) his noodly appendage, and it was good. I took many photos of his noodly appendage, and it was good. All in all, it was one of the BEST experiences at Kings Island since my first visit to BB!

As well, a special thanks to everyone who made the Kraft Noodle come to Kings Island. It brings back fond memories of days past (Large pigs anyone?) and it gives me a little chuckle to see it in person.

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I love the noodle. I look forward to seeing him in person. I'm not yet sure how I will react to his presence. Presumably, I'll be moved to tears. Before the noodle, I was a follower of Lord Helix (Props to anyone who gets THAT obscure reference), but thanks to his cheesy goodness, I have seen the true light of our Krafty leader.

*I will note that I am actually a very religious person, and in no way am I being serious with my love of the noodle. The noodle is cool, but I have my actual beliefs, and I don't truly worship a giant fiberglass noodle. Rather than a god or deity, I equate the noodle more with a benevolent king. Perhaps the noodle can be the king of Kings Island...*

</anti-blasphemy disclaimer>

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Anyone that truly knows me on this site, knows I am not a judgmental person and I like to cut up as much as I like to have fun. However, as a Christian, It's not a choice phrase I would use to describe the #KIGiantNoodle. I do not want to debate religion because I simply do not feel this is truly the time or place to do so, but if it were me, I would change what I am calling it. I maybe over thinking things, but do you care about your testimony? We all get a little silly and from time to time and such but some times we need to stop and think.

I would not allow my daughter to call it that. Anyone hearing either one of us would take it as a sexual innuendo. From the comments I do not see anyone taking it as anything but a sexual innuendo either. You may need to think this thing through much more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Again I'm surprised you keep using noodly appendage being such a religious person..especially when his noodly appendage is used by Atheists to make fun of religions

To be honest, I just find it funny on many levels. I'm not trying to put out any innuendos or anything else than what it is, a noodle. Even if it is in some perverse state, I'm not using it in that level, just that it is a giant noodle. Ironically, about the size of a FSM noodle. I have used it multiple times in conversation with other Christians, we take it as a joke that is played on by the internet community and find it hilarious just as others may.

Sorry if I have a sense of humor, clean humor that is.

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