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An Open Letter to Kennywood

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ACE shared the following link on Facebook. At the risk of spoiling your experience in reading it, I'm not going to describe it beforehand. Don't go any further in this post than the link until you've read it.


This article is so touching, and it's such a strong reminder that life is fleeting. For me, it also perfectly outlines why I love the amusement industry so much. Because if you get past dining plans and downtime and revenues, the amusement industry exists to create lifelong memories and escapes from daily life.

I hope you enjoyed it. Now go hug a loved one.

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A simple "Like" isn't enough here. Thank you to Kennywood on behalf of this family, and thank you to all employees who go out of their way to make a customer's day better. I have always said that whatever job I end up after school, as long as I can make people smile, that is what I want to do. Things like this are the reason why.

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Thank you for posting that TombRaiderFTW! It is a good reminder that we have the opportunity to make a positive moment in someone's day. It can be as simple a smile or just taking a moment to give someone your total focus and attention. It's big.

Without getting too personal, I read this - http://sparkspace.com/whenyouredead/ and it hit me hard. Our lives are never as long as we want. We have say about our interactions with others and can leave happy memories behind...even with strangers. I'm glad that this family has these memories as that is what will help pull them through the hardest moments.

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A wonderful read.  Amusement parks are where a lot of good times and good memories are created.  Perhaps a small sample of heaven here on earth. 


Every time I descend into the helix on The Beast I am reminded of my then 15 year old brother drilling me in the temple with his elbow.  I saw stars. It left a bruise. 

He's been gone 12 years now and what I wouldn't give to see those stars again. 

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