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Mystic Timbers Overall Thoughts Poll



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So, I have a bit of explain' to do for my answers...

For the first questions' answer is pretty accurate, but I still think Lightning Racer might have a slight edge (Though I am really glad KI now has a GCI!). For the second question, I chose the second answer as I was very underwhelmed by the shed on my first ride, but it has grown on me since. For the third question, the only reason I answered Mystic Timbers is because I haven't ridden The Beast yet this season (though I'd like to).

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Mine were simple,

  1. Really liked it but it's not the best in the world
  2. I was sorta confused about the shed so I was honestly suprised but like MDMC01 its growing on me
  3. Sorry Mystic Timbers but The Beast is still the best. Not taking anything away from Mystic Timbers, or GCI for that matter, but The Beast was my first "Big Ride" so it holds a nostalgic place in my heart. I'd repeatedly ride both rides in a single day, but if I was forced to chose one to ride it would be The Beast.
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I like Beast better than any GCI I've ridden and I have my reasons.  I like the out of the box design that Beast has as well as the old school design traits such as the more abrupt banking transitions, the lack thereof of banking angles which have better laterals which are sustained longer (even minus the helix), and I like the design aspects towards big moments with great build up.   

Of the 3 GCI's I've ridden that were designed originally with Millennium Flyers (all of which I prefer over Wildcat with MF's), Mystic Timbers is just below Thunderhead and Lightning Racer.  I prefer GCI's with a twister layout because its more difficult to see the layout and thus makes them more unpredictable.  All those crossovers and wooden beams flying by just make the GCI package complete to me.  Thunderhead is my favorite GCI  as I feel it outpaces and is more aggressive than LR by just a tad plus its more integrated into the hillside and terrain, though its a very, very small margin of error as LR makes up for it with the dueling/racing aspect.  

Legend remains my favorite woodie thus far due to the right mixture of pacing, length, airtime, laterals, and a bang bang ending with the work GCI did in redesigning the last few hills. 

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My thoughts: 

Best wooden coaster I've ridden. No doubt. Granted, I haven't traveled that much. But enough to classify it as best so far.

As far as the shed, I appreciate the attention to detail. A little underwhelming, and over hyped. But better than a standard brake run.

Overall, my favorite ride at Kings Island. Love it.

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At a coaster count of 253, this ranks at #9 combined and #4 wood (behind Lightning Rod, Outlaw Run, and The Voyage) for me. It's absolutely ballistic, theming is extremely appropriate and gives off quite the vibe, and it all fits perfectly in an awesome location. Love the airtime and aggressive tossing on the layout too, my favorite part was towards the end just before the shed where it skips along the water. Overall I think it's the best coaster in Ohio but not the best in the tri-state (that honor goes to Storm Chaser), and I really really like it.

The shed? It did what the park marketed it to do, provides an interesting twist to the end of an amazing ride. It'll keep you coming back for more for sure and makes every ride special. Ride for the insane GCI though, not the shed.

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I absolutely love it. It was intense. For such a small coaster compared to other attractions at Kings Island, it packs quite a punch. The pacing is ridiculous -- it just keeps moving. No slowing down. Constant airtime and speed = an amazing ride. 

As for the shed; well...that is a pretty extreme disappointment. There was so much potential for it, but Kings Island apparently isn't capable of high-tech theming like you'd see at Universal or Disney. I didn't even know what was happening on my first ride since I was in the last row.

Ride: A+
Shed: D-

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Maybe people set expectations way to high for themselves. I look at it this way, we could be sitting on a brake run out in the sun or rain. Instead we are brought out of that and get a cool ending to the story. Was the shed what I expected? No. Do I enjoy it? Yes. I saw more details and moving things each time I was in the shed. After 21 rides, I want to ride again and see if I notice something I didn't see the last time. Even if the shed is not your thing, at least enjoy the music from the radio rather than getting a sun burn.

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  On 4/19/2017 at 1:13 AM, kirbias1 said:

Out of curiosity, has anyone on KI Central ridden Prowler and Mystic Timbers? If so, which is your favorite and why? 


I've been on Prowler over 50 times and Mystic Timbers once, so my opinion is a bit one sided at this time. I love the one huge pop of air that Prowler provides in the ravine on the trip back to the station over anything on MT, but Mystic Timbers has more air overall. My first impression was that Mystic Timbers is on par with Prowler.

I would say Mystic Timbers is just outside my top 5 wood coasters at this time. My top 5 would probably be:

1) Boulder Dash

2) El Toro

3) Phoenix

4) Shivering Timbers

5) Prowler

I currently have 82 wood credits.

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I've also ridden both, although I've only ridden Prowler two or three times and Mystic Timbers ten. Mystic Timbers was my 260th coaster.

I think Mystic Timbers is a fantastic ride, but Prowler has better pacing. Prowler starts out more laterals-focused and gradually ramps up the airtime until it's constantly flinging you out of your seat. There's more of a sense of progression. Mystic Timbers is maybe slower-paced right through the turn over the lift, but then it throws everything and the kitchen sink at you until the final brakes. It's kinda like Maverick in that sense--there's not a lot of rhyme or reason as to why it does what it does, but it does a lot of it and is tons of fun.

I don't know that anyone can objectively call one better than the other. For me, I tend to like rides that are more pacing-focused (e.g. the Holiday World woodies, Boss, Beast, etc.) So for me, I tend to like Prowler thiiiiiiiis much more, but Mystic Timbers is still incredible. It's definitely my favorite ride in the park, and I'm really looking forward to the next time I ride it. I haven't felt this excited for a random mid-season visit to KI in a long time.

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Thanks TombRaiderFTW and d-lo775 for commenting. The main reason I asked is because Prowler just seems to look a little better based on the POVs. I've only ridden MT and it is my first GCI, but even before MT opened, I thought Prowler looked better. It seems to have more lateral G's and actually, looks a bit more intense because of the twisted layout and finale coming back to the station. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy MT and think it is a good, solid addition to KI, but by no means am i putting this ride as my new favorite in the park. 

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