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Orion Coming to Kings Island in 2020

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  On 8/16/2019 at 3:30 PM, Kodistict said:

I wonder what would be worse, a marathon of Vortex, or a marathon of a vekoma slc with standard restraints. :lol:


You monster. Thats a terroristic threat, lol

Im so excited to ride Banshee and look forward on the lift to see the new view.

And to look to the left while riding Diamondback pfff gonna be awesome

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  On 8/16/2019 at 4:56 AM, RuthlessAirtime said:

To play devils advocate, if a coaster was only 10 feet off the ground but followed a gently sloping hill downward until it had progressed 300ft down the vertical axis, would you call that a giga?

IMO height and drop have to be 300 or more for giga status. Sure you could have a coaster 100’ tall and dropping along terrain 300’ but it wouldn’t look like a giga, at least in the sense that most of us think of them.


OK, sure, but your example is extremely different than this case. We're talking about a difference of 13 feet. Would the giga suddenly become a giga if they dug a 13-foot pit under the lift hill? If so, then it should be considered a giga now. It's extremely pedantic to try and argue that our coaster is not a giga when its drop is equal to or greater than that of Millennium Force (depending on whether you go by the 299 or 300 foot stat of Millennium Force's drop, as I've seen both used). The generally agreed upon definition is that extreme cases like your example don't count, but if one stat is over 300 and the other is within reason, then it counts. Hence why Apollo's Chariot is universally considered to be a hypercoaster and Magnum also is, despite both having one stat under 200 and one over, but why High Roller wasn't considered to be anything significant despite being 900 feet off the ground.

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  On 8/16/2019 at 3:54 PM, homestar92 said:

OK, sure, but your example is extremely different than this case. We're talking about a difference of 13 feet. Would the giga suddenly become a giga if they dug a 13-foot pit under the lift hill? If so, then it should be considered a giga now. It's extremely pedantic to try and argue that our coaster is not a giga when its drop is equal to or greater than that of Millennium Force. The generally agreed upon definition is that extreme cases like your example don't count, but if one stat is over 300 and the other is within reason, then it counts. Hence why Apollo's Chariot is universally considered to be a hypercoaster and Magnum also is, despite both having one stat under 200 and one over, but why High Roller wasn't considered to be anything significant despite being 900 feet off the ground.


Yeah that’s why my definition is both height and drop being over 300’, otherwise it gets too messy.

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Your definition can be whatever you want it to be, but your definition is not what has been generally agreed upon by the amusement park industry. By your definition, Magnum XL-200 is not a hypercoaster, and you are literally the first person I've ever heard try and make that claim.

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  On 8/16/2019 at 4:00 PM, Maverick44 said:

Hey quick question and im sorry this is a little off topic. We are going to the park on the 25th. Its a Sunday but its during weekend only operation. Is it going to be way busy. I figured with back to school it might be ok?


I would say it will not be deserted, but it will be decent.

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  On 8/16/2019 at 4:25 PM, coaster lover said:

It says the height of first drop is 300 feet but the drop can't be the same as the height of the ride.  Millennium Force has a 300 foot drop but the ride is really 310 feet.  So if Orion is really 300 feet tall the drop is really only 290 feet.


Orion is like 287 feet tall and a 300 foot drop into the ravine.

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  On 8/16/2019 at 4:26 PM, Maverick44 said:

Orion is like 287 feet tall and a 300 foot drop into the ravine.


What I don't understand why invest all that money and break no world records.  Millennium Force is almost 20 years and it is still is going to have a longer track , higher top speed, and a true 300 foot drop.  It should have been at least taller and faster then Fury 325.  

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  On 8/16/2019 at 4:36 PM, coaster lover said:

What I don't understand why invest all that money and break no world records.  Millennium Force is almost 20 years and it is still is going to have a longer track , higher top speed, and a true 300 foot drop.  It should have been at least taller and faster then Fury 325.  


If they break records, they would have to invest more money for a record that would probably only last two or three seasons.

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I'm suddenly having flashbacks to The Interpreter saying years ago that if KI wanted to build a giga, they'd first have to start by digging a hole. If I remember correctly, it was explained later that this had something to do with height restrictions due to the park being close to an airport or a runway or something.

And now I feel like I get why Orion wasn't taller, and I don't feel like it's a coincidence that it drops into a small valley to reach 300 feet.

Anyway, stats aren't super relevant for me, honestly. It does remind me of Leviathan, which I wasn't overwhelmed by, but that's not going to keep me from riding it. I really like the turnaround and that subsequent little hop, and I'm glad our giga has a signature element like that to distinguish it from the others. If we do take stats into account, though, I don't know that I've ever ridden a coaster that was 200 feet tall or more that was objectively bad. And having this one a little over an hour from home is something to get excited about regardless.

I do also have to say that (The Real) Mike Koontz's words at the announcement about what the park has done over the last few years brought something to mind I want to take a moment to appreciate. I don't know if this is his doing, corporate's doing, or a combination of both, but for me, little touches like Area 72 and giving everything in the area a coherent paint job (plus whatever theming they bring) adds a lot of soul that the park has lacked during the Cedar Fair era for me. Restoring the Glockenspiel, revamping International Street, giving the far end of Coney Mall a coat of paint and details that make it feel coherent, hosting a limited-time event with a parade that people actually make a point of seeing, giving Mystic Timbers actual dynamic theming... I really like what's going on. Even if the little theme of "we scientists have actually been testing riders' limits to prepare for this moment" from last night doesn't get carried into Area 72, that's a touch of imagination that I haven't felt at the park in a long time. I really, really like that.

P.S. Curmudgeonly old man warning: I'm also really hoping the KI coaster community will finally chill out and go back to enjoying whatever the park adds instead of rolling their eyes because it's not what the park "deserves" or "needs in its lineup" or whatever. :P Get off my lawn.

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  On 8/16/2019 at 4:40 PM, TombRaiderFTW said:

I'm suddenly having flashbacks to The Interpreter saying years ago that if KI wanted to build a giga, they'd first have to start by digging a hole. If I remember correctly, it was explained later that this had something to do with height restrictions due to the park being close to an airport or a runway or something.

And now I feel like I get why Orion wasn't taller, and I don't feel like it's a coincidence that it drops into a small valley to reach 300 feet.



I thought Kings Island didn't have height restrictions because Drop Tower is 315 feet tall.

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So here is my soapbox thoughts:

We inherently knew that some people would complain.  We also knew that there would be some people that are almost more irritating complaining that people complain.  Even if we got the world's tallest giga or whatever, there would be a percentage of people that wouldn't be happy.  Some would be for legit reasons, some not.  As far as the whole "you should be grateful that we are getting a giga" thought process, that's kind of for the birds too.  They are offering a product and service.  They are attempting to entice you and millions of others to make purchases at their facility.  When you find the TV you want are you grateful that Best Buy sells Samsung?  

With that being said, I am surprised that I wasn't really disappointed about the height.  Ultimately, who cares?  What do we want, bragging rights?  Don't forget what a 300' drop is.  When you are on the highest deck of the Eiffel Tower looking down, it's still quite a bit higher than that.  

As far as the "uninspired layout," I couldn't be more thrilled about it.  You know what I was worried about?  A mid course brake run.  Doesn't have one.  That means that the thing doesn't let up during the course of the ride.  Have you ever met anyone whose favorite part of Diamondback is the last half?  Anybody?  Yeah, the ride time is a little short, but so is Mystic's and that's a lot of peoples' favorite ride in the park, and I think the pacing has a lot to do with that.

I'm excited about the theme too.  Yeah, it's a little confusing.  "We need volunteers for Project X in Area 72, oh yeah, and there's a meteor coming at us!" But come on - suspend reality for just a second.  We caught a glimpse of what Area 72 will look like, and I think that it will be a very neat concept.  Plus there's still the mystery of the "Prop Building" so there may or may not be more to this story.  

The announcement was well-handled and a lot of fun.  I waited about 2.5 hours like most of you.  The DJ thing was a good idea and people had fun dancing to the music.  The theatrics of the announcement were very cool too.  Even working for Rozzi's I didn't know there would be pyro.  The pyro was surprising, appropriate, and subtle - just like it was likely intended.  I liked the second round when Mr Showalter said, "Just imagine next year when the lift hill is right over there!" and another mini show went off.  Good stuff!  There energy was electric and if you were there you were truly a part of park history.

Oh yeah, can we take a minute to talk about the amazing elephant in the room?  It was confirmed that Carnival is coming back!   2020 is set to be an amazing year for Kings Island!

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  On 8/16/2019 at 4:52 PM, IndyGuy4KI said:

IndyGuy4KI's personal thoughts. I think they did not want to go higher because they do not want to go above the Eiffel Tower. I could be wrong, but I think that drives it more than not beating CP.


I can see that but if it was 305 ft it still wouldn’t have been taller then the tower, It’s certainly a very interesting topic to think about. I just think it all comes down to the budget of the ride.

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Random thought/observation. I'm assuming this fenced off thing in front of FOF is rubble. Would be cool if it was the last piece of Firehawk that had been saved and maybe banged up a little to look like the last remaining piece of what had been there before
screenshot from Amusement Insiders trailer video

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If you ask me, KI/CF darn well knew what they were doing with this coaster. Everyone wanted a Giga. So they answered the call. Yet you'll always get those new age entitled peeps that want every thing, cause they think they deserve every thing. This ride was created to please everyone! So many people whined about MT, and it turned out to be a BA addition to the park. That's what Orion will be. It's meant to eat people, and increase rideability of all other rides in the park, and be a thrill seekers dream for lower mid-west. KI is my home park, and we've been spoiled for sure with it's line-up. People will be people, they'll bash it. Then ride it, and say, "I love it, glad I was on team Orion all along." Join the band wagon. 

Don't wanna be a Debbie downer, but entitled people really need to be put in their place sometimes. =) 

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  On 8/16/2019 at 5:07 PM, CoasterMegRN said:

Random thought/observation. I'm assuming this fenced off thing in front of FOF is rubble. Would be cool if it was the last piece of Firehawk that had been saved and maybe banged up a little to look like the last remaining piece of what had been there before
screenshot from Amusement Insiders trailer video


You may be onto something.

Just speculating with you.

Sorry to double post.


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