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Kings Island Sol Spin Seats


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I rode the ride "Sol Spin" for the very first time at WinterFest last week, and I have to say it was a very impressive ride and honestly it was a great addition to Kings Island, however I do feel like the seats are very uncomfortable and me being around 270 pounds it didn't quite feel right to me. As I said before amazing ride, but does anybody else feel like the seats are uncomfortable as well?

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The seats are the most uncomfortable that I have ever experienced on a flat ride.

The hard plastic digs into my hip bones as soon as I sit down and the entire ride. I am 34 waist size so not unusually wide or large.   It’s very painful. I’ve tried the ride twice and given up on it. 

I am 6 ft 3 and have to contort to get under the restraints since they only rise up even with the top of the seats. 

Chalk it up to poorly designed Zamperka junk.   They couldn’t even get this thing ride to  tilt full 90 degrees.   

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10 hours ago, super7 said:

The seats are the most uncomfortable that I have ever experienced on a flat ride.

The hard plastic digs into my hip bones as soon as I sit down and the entire ride. I am 34 waist size so not unusually wide or large.   It’s very painful. I’ve tried the ride twice and given up on it. 

I am 6 ft 3 and have to contort to get under the restraints since they only rise up even with the top of the seats. 

Chalk it up to poorly designed Zamperka junk.   They couldn’t even get this thing ride to  tilt full 90 degrees.   

I found the seats a bit uncomfortable but not super bad. It felt to me like I was leaning over more so than a shoulder problem. I’m not a huge fan of the ride it made me nauseous but I’m willing to give it another try next time I go. Those of you wondering about spinning coasters, I’ve ridden lots and Sol Spin is way more nauseating than any coaster I have ever ridden. Which is too bad but I’m not giving up yet. Maybe I just had a bad ride.

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10 hours ago, super7 said:

The seats are the most uncomfortable that I have ever experienced on a flat ride.

The hard plastic digs into my hip bones as soon as I sit down and the entire ride. I am 34 waist size so not unusually wide or large.   It’s very painful. I’ve tried the ride twice and given up on it. 

I am 6 ft 3 and have to contort to get under the restraints since they only rise up even with the top of the seats. 

Chalk it up to poorly designed Zamperka junk.   They couldn’t even get this thing ride to  tilt full 90 degrees.   

im 38 waist i get wht you mean but its not that bad tbh. aaannndd its not a ride you ride over and over all day, or at least i dont 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The seats for me poked me in the legs as I sat there. Just sitting there it was painful but as the ride was going (for me at least) it felt like the pain subsided for me. I'm not sure if I just got used to it or if while riding, the forces resituated me better into the seat. I actually got off the ride feeling like it was lackluster. I had it to be more intense on the g-forces in my head than what it really was. I'm glad I rode it but for me it's probably not something I will ride all that frequently. Definitely not in the summer with the long lines. I had only a one cycle wait during winterfest (only cause they closed the gate just before I got up to it while they were loading). I could see myself getting on it if thr wait is very minimal but I don't really see that happening often wjth the low capacity.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

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