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Shooting at Six Flags Over Georgia Opening Day

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Really hate that this seems to have become an opening day tradition at a lot of parks here in recent years. People can't seem to go anywhere anymore without the possibility of being shot or getting caught up in some kind of altercation. Sad. Makes me wonder what KI's opening day will be like this year seeing as there was an incident last year that was thankfully apprehended before anything harmful could occur. 

I wouldn't be surprised if parks start doing active shooter training regularly since this is becoming so commonplace. 

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It is a daunting situation.  

Before a new floor opened in the hospital I work at, they took an opportunity for  voluntary active shooter drills.  The gyst is "run, hide, fight" in that order.  It was as realistic as it could be without a full compliment of staff and clients. Hiding in a locked bathroom hearing chaos and gunfire, even though it was simulated, was terrifying. And waiting for an "all clear" and seeing simulated results still gives me flashbacks six years later 

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Six Flags will have to make a decision on the future of the Georgia parks by December 31st.

From the new annual report:

"In January 2027 with respect to the Georgia Partnership and in January 2028 with respect to the Texas Partnership, we will have the option (each the “End-of-Term Option”) to require the redemption of all the limited partnership units we do not then own in the Partnerships. To exercise the End-of-Term Option, we must give the Georgia Partnership notice of its exercise no later than December 31, 2024 and we must give the Texas Partnership notice of its exercise no later than December 31, 2025. If the End-of-Term Option is not exercised, the parties may decide to renew and extend the arrangements relating to the Partnership Parks. Alternatively, if the End-of-Term Option is not exercised, the Partnership Park entities may be sold and the proceeds applied to redeem the outstanding interests in the Georgia Partnership and Texas Partnership, as applicable. If the End-of-Term Option is exercised, the price offered, and required to be accepted by the holders' of the limited units we do not then own would, is based on the agreed-upon value of the partnerships included in the original agreements, multiplied by the change in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI") between the beginning and end of the agreement. The agreements for Georgia Partnership and the Texas Partnership began in 1997 and 1998, respectively. The agreed-upon value for the partnerships, when the agreements were executed, was $250.0 million and $374.8 million for SFOG and SFOT, respectively. As of December 31, 2023, the agreed upon value, as adjusted for CPI, would be $483.5 million and $712.7 million for SFOG and SFOT, respectively. The agreed upon values, if determined as of December 31, 2023, multiplied by the 68.5% and 45.9% of units held by the limited partner for SFOG and SFOT, respectively, represent $330.9 million and $332.6 million that would be required to be paid to the limited partner of SFOG and SFOT, respectively, if the End-of-Term Option were to be exercised. The actual agreed upon value for the End-of-Term Option will be further adjusted by CPI until the end of the each respective agreement. The decision to exercise, or not exercise, the End-of-Term Option for either of SFOT or SFOG will ultimately be made based on numerous factors, including prevailing macro-economic and industry conditions and the cost and availability of financing to fund the purchase."



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