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Next Ride To Go


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  Pirate of PKI said:
  MarketingExpress said:
  kong fu guy said:
I want top gun out and put another indoor ride there. biggrin.gif


An indoor ride on the side of a steep hill

For a second I actually thought you were serious.

I'm pretty sure he is serious. This is the guy who made a thread about thinking TR:TR was gone.

That was a joke and I am serious about the indoor ride,I mean you can make a building on that land.

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The reason why top fun has low capacity is because of its location the queue is real long, and there really isn't much over that way to draw people to it. If it was in a location in the center of the park (such as where IJ:ST is) it would probably have higher capacity. If they put another ride in place of top gun with a long queue house, without substaintal development of that area, then after a couple years the ride will lose its pupularaity and noone will want to walk that far back.

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^^Actually, if they did that, it could actually be more of a midway back around to Top Gun, instead of just one ridiculously long que line back there. A midway in the sense that it would make a loop, from where Top Gun's que starts now, back around to near Congo Falls/Drop Zone. Kind of a mini-expansion of AZ.

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  JASPER081691 said:
I meant to say Walk back to the ride.

Exactly how are you supposed to just make a line such as Top Gun's shorter? You're going to have the walk no matter what. I highly doubt they would take out trees to make the line shorter. Besides, I don't see why people complain about the long walk. At least the lines aren't usualy long anymore.

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What!?!? why is Vortex,Beast,SoB,TR:TR,Face/off,RACERS,Top Gun,DZ,Delirium, Scooby's Haunted Castle,Runaway Reptar, Beastie, AE even on this poll most of these rides are almost or are band spankin new!! I dont get it why would PKI take out classics like Beast,Racers or new rides like SDATHC and Delirium I dont get it can someone please tell me why? unsure.gifwacko.gif

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^ I agree with you. Most of the rides on the list are less than 10 years old. And Beast and The Racers are classic. Who in the world would want The Beast removed, you need to have your censored.gif brain examined. Also Vortex is still a fun ride with the fastest moving lines in the park and its still in great shape. Sure it leans a little when the trains move through the loops, but hell, it wouldn't be fun if it weren't dangerous cowboy.gif The park has plenty of room to expand. I'm all about some type of B&M coaster with massive hollywood themeing. If anything needs to be removed it's Paramount Story. I'm sure we could put a bad ass flat in there.

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awwww I would hate to see any ride go. But if I had to choose one, it would be Scooby doo's haunted castle... I miss phantom Thearture personally, but I know they can't bring it back. The Objects they used in the ride in scooby doo could of been it bit more realistic...But I have no right to complain.

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  PKIbabe89 said:
awwww I would hate to see any ride go. But if I had to choose one, it would be Scooby doo's haunted castle... I miss phantom Thearture personally, but I know they can't bring it back. The Objects they used in the ride in scooby doo could of been it bit more realistic...But I have no right to complain.

WOW all I can say is SDATHC isnt going anywhere it's here to stay if any ride is to go I think Vortex has had a nice long ride in the park,Realistic? the ride is based off of Scooby cartoons which are ment to be ''cartoony''.

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  Scooby_Doo said:
  PKIbabe89 said:
awwww I would hate to see any ride go. But if I had to choose one, it would be Scooby doo's haunted castle... I miss phantom Thearture personally, but I know they can't bring it back. The Objects they used in the ride in scooby doo could of been it bit more realistic...But I have no right to complain.

WOW all I can say is SDATHC isnt going anywhere it's here to stay if any ride is to go I think Vortex has had a nice long ride in the park,Realistic? the ride is based off of Scooby cartoons which are ment to be ''cartoony''.

I said "if" I had to choose one. I also said I would Hate to see any rides go. I don't know what I was saying about the scoovy ride being more realistic... I guess I was expecting the ride to be alot like the phantom theature props.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I could see the super saturator coming with the 2006 expansion and the ghoster coaster getting removed. Both are suspended, well the super saturator in a way in an invert, but its popular and would havea better capacity than the hgoster coaster but then there would be two inverts in the kiddie zone. But PC also has two inverts in their kiddy zone. I dont know, I could really see PKI getting the super saturator in place of the ghoster coaster.

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It will probably happen because it is a very very very popular ride down in PC and kids love it. Forget about the smurfs, paramoutn doesnt have the rights and kids these days dont know who they are sadly. Its is ineveitable people......HB land will one day be gone. Just like the eagles. Instead of complaining and whining (which we are all VERY sick of) we jsut need to accept the changes. The changes being made now will benefit the park and bring in lots of money which means newer and better things to come. Yeah its sad to see things like the ealges and HBL go cause a lot of people grew up with that. Youd see your favorite charecters on tv then get to see them in real life. Why should kids today be denied seeing their nickolodeon favorites? That will create some good memories for them. Sure your losing a piece of your child hood but youll always have the memories and by giving up HBL your letting todays kids create fantastic memories. Now quit complaining about HB leaving paramount parks.

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