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PKIUnlimited.com or PKICentral.com

DeLorean Rider

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I joined both - but after the merge - my PKIU posts were added to my PKIC account - so it was the PKIC account that matters. laugh.gif

My member number on PKIU was like in the upper nine hundreds, but 440 on PKICentral. I always see myself as more of a PKIC member than a PKIU member. So yeah I was a member of PKIU - but once they merged - it just made things more conveneient cause I could just stay at PKIC the whole time.

PKIU was ok - there were good things and bad things about it. It had a good layout and content - but the forums had a lot of ***holes on it.

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I started out on PKIU, and posted almost exclusively there. Then after talking with someone, don`t remember who, they urged me to post more on PKIC. I started to post more on PKIC, but still mostly posted on PKIU. Then around the time of the merger, when PKIU was up for sale, I started posting almost exclusively on PKIC becuase I didn`t know the fate of PKIU. And like Klockster said, my accounts were combined so that my posts from over on PKIU were carried over to my PKIC account. In fact, I had 946 posts on my account before it was merged with my new one. How do I know? Because my old account on PKIC was just Coasterrz, without the s in it, and if you check the fourth page of the top posted list, you will see my old PKIC sn.

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I started on U long before C ever opened.

You guys should have seen the brilliant scam that the staff here pulled off in order to get a good kick off. They just waited for Aaron to slip. Eventually everyone got in a fight (which isn't a surprise on PKIU) and he took down the forums for a day or so. Immediately PKIC was launched and it grew from the start.

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Yeah, I haven`t been able to find some of those pictures since he took his site offline either. He had some really unique and awesome pictures on there! Its a shame they seem to have dissappeared into oblivion.

No, he is not the same guy that did guidetothepoint. Although he patterned his website after that one, even taking part of its name. Unfortunatly, he was not very intent on keeping it around, and it never got a large following. I had emailed him several times before he decided to launch it, and he was hesitant to launch it then. I think he launched the site back in 2001, right around the time the log flume was being renovated. Shortly after i encouraged him to launch it and the site debuted, he shut it down.

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I started on pkiguide.com long before C ever opened.

Come to think of it, I can trace my origins to PKIG as well.

Do you guys remember Islandguide? Wouldn't it be nuts if I were really good friends with the former web master and he gave the the master CD and I'm just waiting to update with the content?

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Are you kidding Ryan? That would be AWESOME if that turns out to be true, and if that`s the case, then I can`t wait for the update!

I don't want you to think that this is guidetotheisland, it's islandguide. I didn't see any Tower construction photos, but there's PLENTY of stuff that could be used.... that's if there really is a Memorex CD-RW master disc labeled "islandguide" sitting next to my computer.

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No, I know that. Islandguide was the side that had an off url, right? Along the lines of islandguide.8m.cc or something? Besides, Guidetotheisland was run by Shawn Werley, an ACER.

You've got it. The site was run by Mr. Tom Wilson (SOB_Tom) I'mn debating as to whether I should wait for him to get back from the Air Force to upload it (which would be late April) or upload it while he's gone because that would drive him nuts. Ah, who am I kidding? I'm so into messing with him.

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I started on PKIU (where I usually posted), but also read PKIC and posted from time-to-time. Like everyone else, my IDs got fused as part of the merger.

I think I originally came across PKIU as a reference from a posting on rec.roller-coaster. I was a daily reader of r.r-c for years ('95 or so), but haven't even looked at it in like three years. I pretty much rely on Coasterbuzz now for information/chat on the whole industry, and PKIC for the King's Island-specific stuff.

If you think the fights could get heated on PKIU, you haven't seen anything until you've seen a fight on rec.roller-coaster! Totally unmoderated and anything goes...


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I think Im like member 11 on PKIC but I dont know. I hated PKIU because of all the ads. I know that some ads may be nessicary to cover cost and what not but PKIU had to many.

I remember those adds, every time you went to the site the first thing was a little box that said CONGRATULATIONS!!! and had ballons and streamers. Those adds were everywhere.

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I don`t really remember the adds on PKIU. I do remember when Aaron took the boards offline for a couple days. Yeah, I`d like to know what happened to Aaron. He sold the site, and has not been involved in this site much, if at all after the merger. Maybe it was his time to move on to bigger and better things in life.

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Well, I think it is safe to say, that PKIC will be around for quite some time. The staff here is very dedicated to improving the site, both design wise and content wise. If PKIC dies in the near future, I`m sure many of us will migrate onto the next great PKI website, like many of us veterans from PKIU, or even PKI Guide have done.

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