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It's official - CF to buy Paramount Parks.


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*points to old threads* Yup, I called it. Although you guys have convinced me this is almost a bad thing. Hello, more-than-they-are-now inflated prices! Hopefully we'll get a more adult oriented ride due to this. Maybe a small Intamin/BM?

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Very cool news, indeed. Cedar Point has always been the trend-setter and I think Cedar Fair will still tend to focus more on CP than the Paramount Parks.

However, I also think that Cedar Fair will be able to look at the strengths that PKI has (or is it KI now? CFKI?) and exploit them better than Paramount could. I wouldn't hold our breath about seeing record breaking coasters come anytime soon...but I think they'll really work hard to continue making PKI a world-class theme park that caters to the entire family.

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Well I believe that this is good news for KI as a whole. The most significant change that will probably happen next season is a price reduction at the main gate and some reductions in some of the food pricing.

It will be intersting to see what happens for season passes. Will a KI pass be usable at CP & GL? If they are able to be used, I would expect the cost of a season pass to jump up $20.

But what do I know, I'm just speculating. But there is one thing I can see happening the origional name "Kings Island" is back.

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It sucks now that PKI isnt the best in the chain. I wonder if they are going to fix any of the theming or let it rot to hell.

Well, you may not see it happen all in one year, but I would bet that CF will bring the park up to their standards. CF purchasing GL is a good example of a park that was acquired by CF and is definitely heading in the right direction. Although people were miffed about CF ridding themselves of the animals, it's not really what they do. Besides which, caring for animals is a very costly venture. I seem to remember KI learning that lesson years ago. The prices will not go up. Cedar Point's prices were lowered this season. Now, I think that there is no doubt that I will be purchasing a season pass where you can hop parks. I guess CF rules Ohio now.

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Well, I am still not a fan of this monopoly. But, it is what it is. If they are buying some movie rights they may keep the Parmount name? I also would not get to excited about 'park hopping'. From my understanding if you want to go to GL and CP you have to pay extra on your pass? I just hope Cedar Fair keeps Kings Island more of a theme park. Also, it should be interesting to see how Cedar Fair treats KI and Canada's Wonderland, two parks with higher attendances. Now Cedar Point is their thirds best attended seasonal park. That should be interesting.

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Nothing but good news in my eyes. I could see them splitting the water park off possibly, especially since ours is a little bigger than CPs, but they'll probably do a ride and slide deal (where you can park hop between the two), and about the passes, yeah you'll probably have to pay a little extra to go between Cedar Point and Geagua Lake, but you'll save money on going up there now as well. I also think that while KI will stay more of a theme park/family park, they will be adding that big ride we need, if KI hadn't had it planned for next year already. Thank you Cedar Fair.

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I can't say how excited I am about this! OMFG

Expect things to start improving ALOT. But don't expect any new rides just yet... It will take a few years for them to bring the park back up to a decent state from where it is now.

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I can't say how excited I am about this! OMFG

Expect things to start improving ALOT. But don't expect any new rides just yet... It will take a few years for them to bring the park back up to a decent state from where it is now.

Decent state? PKI already is at a decent state. If it wasn't, then why did more people visit PKI than CP?

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I am baffled by all the "CF will start changing/improving things" posts.

Bottom line, Paramount Parks are profitable, and run very well. Cedar Fair was interested in them because they are desirable business to aquire.

I don't expect them to drastically change things. Except probably removing upper level management, and dropping some licensing rights, the parks will likely remain in-tact.

After all, they're not broke, so why try and fix them?


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