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Preview of Fearfest 2006..6..6..


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Today was the dry run/media event for Fearfest 2006! PKIC was fortunate enough to be invited to this event which included such attractions as:

-Circus of Horrors in 3D which is now located back where the Enchanted Theatre once stood. This wonderful 3D experience is terrifying for children and adults alike.

-The Asylum - The crazy inmates of last year's Maze of Madness have broken out... can you make it through this disorienting maze...alive?

-Cowboy Carnage - Howdy Partner! Let's head on in to that there town, but make sure you don't drink the Moonshine, it kind of makes you go crazy... we wouldn't want that to happen to you too now, would we?

-Psycho Path - This now-classic path sends you through the woods, only to encounter death, violence, and everything else that you would expect to find if you happen to find yourself walking down a haunted trail.

-Massacre Manor - You have an appointment with the real estate agent Ima Liar (pronounced ee-ma le-er). She says there's nothing wrong with the house, but can she be trusted?

-Headless Hollow - Taking an innocent train ride on the Kings Island & Miami Valley Railroad turns into quite an adventure when the train brakes down and in order to get home you need to walk through the Western Woods. There are rumors that a headless horseman runs rapid in these woods, but those are just rumors... right?

-Corn Stalkers - It's harvest time! Walking through what seems to be an ordinary cornfield takes a turn for the worst when the scare crows tell you to get out!

-The Worksite - This worksite has been left untouched for years ever since something terrible went wrong. Please don't disturb the spirits. They may just put you to work... or go ahead and kill you.

-Holiday Horror - Even the elves are angry that Winterfest was cancelled! What if something happened to Christmas that was just terrible, irreparable, or even demonic? I'd rather just not find out.

Click here to see photos from the event.

Sweet Nightmares,


PKICentral.com - Bringing 'sexy' back to Paramount's Kings Island.

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Wonderful pics! I was supposed to come to the preview tonight, but we didnt make it. I am not quite sure, but it looks as if Cedar Fair is trying to use them Winterfest decorations purchased last year.. LOL j/k.. Looks like a huge success though.. Hats off to the park, staff, and the crew of PKI.central.. Nice job..

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I have to comment the topic of this ugh topic is really bothersum FearFest 2006..6..6.. dont you all know thats the mark of The Beast? I HIGHLY doubt I go to FearFest because I strongly dislike Halloween events like FearFest but I will admit I was thinking about going this year but all this numbers talk and the info that I've read about FearFest has really turned me off.
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I kinda agree with him...that number is BAD NEWS... I'm NOT going to FearFest simply because I dont like.. it I've been to almost all the FearFest's last years was awsome and fun but I got bored quickly so me and scoob/ his GF went home I'm for sure am not going this year its a money racket and I dont want to waste my money so unless the park is open in NOV for people that dont like halloween events my last visit was AUG 4th 2006.

I still think Holiday Horror sounds stupid and tacky.

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  hauntguy said:
Someone's scared.... heehee... -Hauntguy

Yeah I'm scared rolleyes.gif Thanks Bowser for agreeing with me I've read so many FearFest previews and it doesnt sound fun I just dont like Halloween Events at parks etc. because its always expensive and I really dont have that much to spend so I think I'll keep my money and get me kick ass costume last year I was Jar-Jar Binks.

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Gatta love superstitous people.

If the "Number of The Beast" scares you off, you probabily couldn't handle any Halloween events without losing your mind.

Its a number, just like 13 is no worse than 7.

Anyway, great pics, I actually plan on attending my first (non-working) FearFest that I have gone to!

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  SharkGuy said:
I have to comment the topic of this ugh topic is really bothersum FearFest 2006..6..6.. dont you all know thats the mark of The Beast? I HIGHLY doubt I go to FearFest because I strongly dislike Halloween events like FearFest but I will admit I was thinking about going this year but all this numbers talk and the info that I've read about FearFest has really turned me off.

But The Beast is the Best Wooden Coaster Around!

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  SharkGuy said:
because its always expensive and I really dont have that much to spend so I think I'll keep my money and get me kick ass costume

19.99 for over 13 haunted attractions and unlimited rides on The Beast? You obviously haven't been to any other haunted houses if you think that is expensive. For example, all the crap at Land of Illusion in Middletown starts out at 10 bucks PER ATTRACTION.

Have fun being Jar Jar Binks and make sure your mom looks over your candy before you eat it.

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Fearfest is better than ever this year. I was really impressed. Last year I enjoyed it but wasnt to into it, this year it was awesome. I cant wait to go back saturday night. The park and staff did an excellent job of transforming the park into a different world. Hats off to Kings Island for yet another awesome event!

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Awesome photos as usual. Does that Fearfest bus refer to "Kings Island" without the Paramount's?

666 is just a number. And it is highly debated whether 666 is actually THE number or symbolic - ie numerology. There is a guy at my work who will not handle any product which has a UPC ending in 0666. I don't really get superstition.

The reason I don't like Fearfest is I don't like being startled. Like I can come out of the break room and have someone jump out at me - and I will be really shaken up. I don't need to wait in line to walk through a highly themed and scary maze where people jump out and scream at me. Thats why I don't do Fearfest.

If Elivira is back - I'll do that one. It was a pretty cool show.

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I have to agree it seems like the park has truely gone all out for this event and as a result the park looks really nice. When you think about it fearfest really is worth its money for a couple of reasons. You can get 14 hours of fun in the park, 13 special fearfest attractions, allmost all of the regular attractions are up, and it is cheaper than winterfest at 20$!

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Maze of Madness is the most intense IMO because your trying to figure your way out while actors are coming at you, when psycho path you have a direct trail so you can look around for actors but thats just IMO.

Psycho Path has alot more variety though, so they are equal in my book.

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^Psycho Path had a lot of dead spots though where nothiing was going on and at times the fog was so thick people were just stopping and backing everyone up. I liked the asylum the best because you would make a wrong turn, get stuck, then an actor would be right behind you it was great! Cowboy Carnage was great too, I loved the John Wayne music and the western theme. It was pretty good.

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Everything in this years Fearfest was all the same pre-Cedar Fair.. it's exactly what Paramount had planned except the "Wasteland to Holiday Horror" switch... Cedar Fair had little to NO influence on this years Fearfest. But my guess is that next year it will be ALL OUT TERROR with creepers out the @$$.

With Holiday Horros.... it is the same reasoning behind clowns. Personally, this fearzones freaks this **** out of me. I don't know but it's just creepy as hell. It's like a childs worst nightmare come true. Hopefully some kids will be traumatized and parents will learn NOT to bring their kids to Fearfest. Then we can start to get REALLY scary!

It was really good meeting all you guys from PKIC last night... thanks for saying "hey". I am glad you all enjoyed "Carnage", we are trying HARD to make is horrifying. -Hauntguy

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Actually, on the park map there is only one mention of the park as Paramount`s Kings Island. There is a line on one of the backfolds that says "All Paramount`s Kings Island rules and regulations also apply during FearFest." That is the only reference to Paramount on the entire thing. There is no disclaimer anywhere listing off who holds the respective trademarks, or any mention of Cedar Fair. I had to search to find the Paramount mention too.

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  hauntguy said:
Everything in this years Fearfest was all the same pre-Cedar Fair.. it's exactly what Paramount had planned except the "Wasteland to Holiday Horror" switch... Cedar Fair had little to NO influence on this years Fearfest. But my guess is that next year it will be ALL OUT TERROR with creepers out the @$$.

With Holiday Horros.... it is the same reasoning behind clowns. Personally, this fearzones freaks this **** out of me. I don't know but it's just creepy as hell. It's like a childs worst nightmare come true. Hopefully some kids will be traumatized and parents will learn NOT to bring their kids to Fearfest. Then we can start to get REALLY scary!

It was really good meeting all you guys from PKIC last night... thanks for saying "hey". I am glad you all enjoyed "Carnage", we are trying HARD to make is horrifying. -Hauntguy

Ill be sure to say hello tommorow night!

Cya there

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I’m surprised that no one mentioned that the Maze of Madness (Asylum) exit is now the entrance!!! I think it was a good idea and a bad idea because you’re more interactive because people pop out by the fence and scare you while in line!!! The bad thing is it attracts allot of people and so does Psycho Path, and there next to each other plus the crowd for Flight of Fear. Doesn’t this make it a little crowded? I don’t know it opens to the public tomorrow and ill be working fear fest (Psycho Path)

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Actually.....666 is Bibical bad news and not just a myth.....if you believe the bible to be true and I do.....and I do agree with some here....some of these haunts are really done in bad taste and way over the top......too much gore gets boring and silly looking after a while....not to mention some people have dealt with real life gore with love ones that they soon forget....otherwise the park looks great and looks like fun....I've been to a lot of hayrides and mazes over 46 yrs.,........and the best ones had very little or no gore or horror......but were very scary like a big rollercoaster....because of the clever thinking behind......heck my maze will be very scary when I'm done but I won't have one drop of blood or guts in it.....and I have a few props like my atv at the right place that will make you jump a mile.Anyhow again the park looks pretty good.Bozz's scarecrow maze

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