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Something's Happening at Fort Cooper!


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  TopThrill said:

Wow truly a nice find Captain Nemo, even the old flight tours turnstyles shelter is gone. I've never been on X-Flight, only flying coast I've been on is Superman Ultimate Flight up at SixFlags Great America.

Well, I feel sorry for you, a B&M flyer is so much better than a POS Vekoma lay down coaster.

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  Reclaimer said:

Sonny has a sister? Does Mrs. Beast know about this?

The coaster at Terra Mitica, Magnus Colossus.


Coaster Express(Wild, Wild, West) at Parque Warner Madrid all ready got rid of thier Premier trains for Intamin trains.



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  PKIVortex said:

When do you guys think they will tell us what's going on?

On a cold winter day during a hot summer night

Two dead men got up to fight

Back to back they faced eachother

They drew their swords and shot eachother

As the snow falls on a winters' day

All of the Christmas presents have already been put away

Except one late present you begin to see

News from Kings Island and PKIC

If you think my tale is tall

Ask the blind man, he saw it all

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Well considering they haven't even removed X-Flight from GL yet. They could be pushing for a late Spring early Summer openining. If we are getting X-Flight I would rather them take there time, reconstructing it as to not have a bunch of problems once it is opened.

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First and Foremost, Thank You Cedar Fair...

The loop is still there... Big Surprise... Ever think that might have been thrown out by the park to get us off the X-Flight conversation? Afterall that topic basically went dead during the SoB speculation...

Also I hope the area now consisting of FoF and X-Flight will get an Area 51 theme. Very top secret and covert along with millitary hardware, with the addition of a dinning location in that area would be a great semi inexpensive improvement/addition to the park. I would look for the park to keep the X-Flight name.

Considering how mild the weather has been, disassembly of the ride would take only around 2 to 3 weeks. Transport would be 3 days max seeing how close the 2 parks are. Footers would be set and ready by the time the ride arrives and and construction and testing of the ride would probably take around 4 to 6 weeks. Starting after the new year expect to see track arriving.

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Thank you Cedar Fair?? The update was done through this site and members of the staff here...they have nothing to do with Cedar Fair.

The loop is still there... Big Surprise...

Actually NO, its not a big surprise.....considering those pictures were took days before the rumor of the removal and sighting of the crane even happened.

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Thank you Cedar Fair, as in thank you for the addition of X-Flight to KI not for posting great arieal pictures taken by one of PKIC's members.

Yes those pictures were taken a few days before the supposed removal of the loop, but if anyone honestly things that equipment could roll on site and a structure that large could be dismantled and removed in that short period of time then you are kidding yourself... We are not talking a steel loop it is a wooden coaster tracked loop with a steel structure. Theres more than just a few sections folks...

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  BoddaH1994 said:

  PKIVortex said:

When do you guys think they will tell us what's going on?

On a cold winter day during a hot summer night

Two dead men got up to fight

Back to back they faced eachother

They drew their swords and shot eachother

As the snow falls on a winters' day

All of the Christmas presents have already been put away

Except one late present you begin to see

News from Kings Island and PKIC

If you think my tale is tall

Ask the blind man, he saw it all

Thats really great. :lol:

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Before I get flamed please understand that I am just playing devil's advocate here because I think the debate on this topic is fun.

We are not talking a steel loop it is a wooden coaster tracked loop with a steel structure. Theres more than just a few sections folks...

But who's to say that they didnt use the on-site cherry picker to do the removal of track and all they needed the crane for was to pull down the steel? That could be possible since that cheery picker lift is used everyday to inspect and maintain the wood track on the loop

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I will play along, because this game is fun and entertaining.

Do you think that the cherry picker which is on site would be able to support the weight of atleast 2 workers, their tools for disassembly, and also the pieces of track they disassemble? Seems kinda dangerous and also doubt it could support the weight.

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