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What should they do with SoB?


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I could seriously see a change in trains coming by next year. Maybe something a little lighter, the current trains are so freaking heavy no matter what is done to the track the ride will always be rough. I mean seriously, giant plodding trains + flat steel rails = pain for most riders. I think we could see SOB hit its stride under Cedar Fair with some different improvements.
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The ROI would be less complaints at guest relations, so the fine folks there could focus their time on more important issues. Seriously I imagine they get tired of the number of complaints received from SoB. Also by adding new trains and creating a smoother ride the park lessens the chance of frivalous law suits.
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Also by adding new trains and creating a smoother ride the park lessens the chance of frivalous law suits.

But are adding new trains a guaranteed fix for the issues SoB has? Simply put, did the current trains have anything to do with the accident in July? I am not an engineer, but I don't see how a certain type of train would have prevented the splintering of a verticle beam.

I am all for new trains, but if the decision were that easy, I would hope that it would have already been done. I understand that new trains are expensive, and there would have to be a good amount of engineering done just because of what the coaster is asking the trains to do (go through the loop). But what has been/ would be more expensive: all the modificatons, all the retacking, or new trains?

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The ROI would be less complaints at guest relations, so the fine folks there could focus their time on more important issues. Seriously I imagine they get tired of the number of complaints received from SoB. Also by adding new trains and creating a smoother ride the park lessens the chance of frivalous law suits.

Speaking as someone who used to work and is related to a current guest relations employee at PKI, SOB is not complained about as much as you think, there are other more pressing issues guests confront the guest realtions department about.

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On the other hand, stopping at guest relations to complain is not something that must be done before filing a lawsuit. And, I still don't see how two broken sternums form the basis for "frivoulous" lawsuits. Whatever, that's not for us to decide, but rather the insurance companies, park companies (CBS and Cedar Fair) and, if necessary, the Courts.

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Well with the substandard engineering that has led to the problems with SoB, you have to ask yourself if the current trains, which are extremely heavy, heavier than most trains, had something to do with the shattering of the vertical colum and the excessive beating that the track and structure has taken in Sonnies short life... Seriously how many circuits have those trains made, at their full load weight, honestly do you think the structure was done right to support that kind of weight? These are questions I am sure that KI and the State have investigated during this time. Can only hope that new trains result in from all of this. Kinda my wish list for 07
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