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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2012 in all areas

  1. I don't want to be rude, but what is wrong with you and Son of Beast? Was he your past lover and your mad that he left you or something?
    5 points
  2. I found opening day 2011 to be exceptionally busy, especially for opening day. Opening day in 2009 and 2010 were much more pleasant, with most rides (save Diamondback, BLSC, Firehawk, and FoF) reducing themselves to either walk-ons or something near it by the end of the day. I don't know what the draw was for opening day 2011, except that it might have had something to do with the later opening date. So, if that's the cause, TOPGUN1993's right--get ready for some pretty crazy lines. I'll probably start KI's 2012 season with a ride on Adventure Express, as that's where I inevitably end up drifting first on most KI visits. With The Crypt gone and Beast's (in my opinion) less-than-pleasant smoothness record in 2011, AE's got significantly reduced competition for my attention. And man, I miss that Arrow mine train something awful. It's not absolutely crucial that I ride it first, but it's something I've got to hit up at sometime soon. If I can't do AE, I'm not entirely sure that it matters to me what I do first. I'll firstly and mostly enjoy the fact that I'm outside at Kings Island (rather than in a gray classroom with entirely synthetic lighting) with friends doing what we love, and if that results in us riding coasters, so be it. Riding Adventure Express would be a cool start to the day, but it's being at KI with friends that I miss the most this off-season.
    2 points
  3. Photo #48- Notice the water effect.
    2 points
  4. A special thanks goes out again to the many of you that have signed up for KICentral's new text messaging service. Since I've given everyone a taste of what it's all about, I was just looking for some feedback as to how you feel about the service. Additional open ended questions: 1) Was the content of the texts appropriate in making you want to read more on KICentral? 2) Was the time of day the texts were sent convenient and non-disruptive? 3) Would you add anything to the program that would enhance your experience here on KIC? 4) If you're not a member, why haven't you joined? Is there anything we could do with the service that would make it more tempting for you to join? For more information on the KICentral Mobile Club, click here!
    1 point
  5. I was wondering what type of coaster you think KI needs next? Really, I think KI should either get a woodie, stand-up, or a wing coaster.
    1 point
  6. My goodness, was a paint job ever just a paint job? Honestly, how on earth do you link a new coat of paint to a new coaster? Just stand back and examine how stupid that is.
    1 point
  7. Pa was indeed a lighter tan. The dark brown and the lack of a match for the little one in the Hillbilly Bears steers me the other direction. Terp, who was always fascinated by the off-color remarks you could almost make out as Pa mumbled.
    1 point
  8. The Beach + 2012 Soak City may well at some point in the midterm future = Soak City with a separate gate charge and a nearby former water park.
    1 point
  9. Before I give a response, what exactly is that supposed to proving? Because Matt Ouimet became president in 2003, and that ride was closed in 2001. By Cynthia Harris and Paul Pressler. (unless that isn't Rocket Rods, so if that's the case, I apologize for the mistake)
    1 point
  10. They should put the son of Flight of Fear there.
    1 point
  11. Will Invertigo become Stinger? I would not mind seeing some new names in Action Zone. Now if only they could bring back Amazon Falls.
    1 point
  12. Nobody cares about personal twitter accounts that you may or may not know. Furthermore, nobody cares about someone elses personal phone from KD. Name dropping does not work for you. Thanks for playing though.
    1 point
  13. From now on, Invertigo will forever be known as Blue: The Da Ba Deexperience:
    1 point
  14. The "islands" have been there as long as the park has, as seen below: April 29, 1972. Photo courtesy Paul Holzschuher. Regarding the '74/'11 comparison, I think this is one of my favorite shots so far. I like how similar the shots are and how many buildings and attractions have survived. Once again, thanks for taking the time, energy, etc. to put all of this together, J.D. You can see in this pic how The Racer's exit was originally on the opposite side.In teh pic of Race For Your Life Charlie Brown,it's interesting to see how the wood covering the trough have been removed making it bare looking,Catwalks have been added,possibly for easier maintenance.Also of note is that the movie Race For Your Life Charlie Brown was released by Paramount Pictures.So in a way there is a Paramount movie ride added (or re-themed) by CF to KI.
    1 point
  15. Appears that way, the stacked stone column and wood beam give it away. I'm absolutely loving this series!
    1 point
  16. Is the '74 pic taken from the monorail station? Another great comparison.
    1 point
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