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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2012 in all areas

  1. I have debated whether to even post this at all...you really have to be a die-hard fanboy to enjoy this one. (cough Ty, cough Paul) But since I have it...and I have it scanned, here it is: I like the cover...it's simple yet nice. Only in the 70's could a boyfriend & a girlfriend's clothes have clashed so badly. "Live Entertainment...a stage show in Old Coney, a porpoise show, melodramas..." Melodramas?!! Anyone remember these? Just think...you could have gotten 25 people in for only $150.00...today that's what 5 Fast Lane passes cost. (And yes I know that the 1974 prices are not adjusted for inflation...i'm trying to make a joke here!) So, hopefully more than two people on this board enjoyed this "brochure".
    4 points
  2. Sue them? Isn't that kinda like trying to get water from a dry well? I can't help but laugh at all the people on their Facebook telling others to contact their local media outlets. Bad press for a closed waterpark? Gee, I hope that doesn't hurt their attendance any.
    3 points
  3. I'm pretty sure DeloreanRider was being sarcastic. He and I measure time in Kings Island Wave Pools. "Hey Delorean Rider, how long ago did you join KICentral?" - "Oh, about one wavepool ago." "And when were you born?" - "Two wavepools ago." Indeed; doesn't everyone tell time like that? Where was greed involved? These people lost their business and in turn made a lot of other people unhappy. Where are the bags of money they supposedly made off with? +1 Agreed. It's impossible to understand exactly what took place to cause this decision to be made. Between the recession and gas prices, it's honestly pretty impressive to me that they've been able to hold on so long. I believe they just couldn't hold on any longer and had to make the difficult decision to pull the plug. If the vibe was that the Beach was intentionally cutting and running with people's money, I doubt so many other local attractions would be so willing to compensate those that purchased passes to the beach. Sure they're looking to stimulate their own business, but still, it would appear as though they are also hoping to diffuse some of the irate beach customers.
    2 points
  4. On what grounds? Is there evidence that at the time of purchase they were promised or guaranteed a refund? Is it worth hiring a lawyer and spending much more just to have a $90 season pass refunded? Where was greed involved? These people lost their business and in turn made a lot of other people unhappy. Where are the bags of money they supposedly made off with?
    2 points
  5. While in line for Adventure Express: "That hill(SoB lift hill) over there is the second half of this ride."
    1 point
  6. The monorail was free in its opening year, and became a $0.50 upcharge for the 1975 season.
    1 point
  7. Yeah right...YOU should know better than that...I can see them adding a Preferred preferred parking lot (at a higher price) before I could see them eliminating the preferred parking area.
    1 point
  8. Yes, Indeed, someone DOES know.. -Benred23...Channeling my Inner Terpy...
    1 point
  9. I would think so too. Just wonder how much it will effect the way the new tracks "takes" the Timberliners. Meaning, how much it will settle into the wear patterns of the PTC trains and how much that will change the way it settles into the wear patterns of the Timberliners. That said. I'm pretty glad it will still have PTC's this year. The ride is amazing, rough, but amazing with them. I can't wait to ride that new wood. It should be mentioned (as I was told by our own Giga2K) antirollbacks were added before the break run because the Timberliners were having trouble clearing it. In the end, I bet it's a better overall ride but I worry it will loose to much of it's edge. It has such an amazing out of control feeling!
    1 point
  10. I hope they will perform better than the Grammys.
    1 point
  11. Although it will be difficult for some to understand (especially those who believe owners of a business "must" be rich), nobody feels worse about The Beach closing after 27 years than those in charge. I am willing to bet the owner(s) were hoping season pass sales would generate enough capital to open the doors in 2012. When it became apparent sales came in well under expectations, they cut the cord. Did the season pass holders get screwed? They sure did. Can they sue? They sure can. Will they probably waste their time? They sure will. You can't squeeze blood out of a turnip. If the money was there, they would not have closed. I sympathize with those who did pay good money, and received nothing. Lick your wounds and take up KI's or Coney's offer. A bird in the hand is better than two in a bush.
    1 point
  12. ... i'm way too opinionated to jump into this one. Let me just say ditto to everything the Honorable Gordon Bombay said.
    1 point
  13. ^Well said. I think he meant rot in a non-literal sense. While the fiberglass itself isn't rotting, I've been out in that field and seen those things first hand. It's probably not good to have all the equipment and pumps out there in the rain and snow every year. I don't know if it sealed it, but it certainly is a bad situation. Anyone knew who would come in would really have to work and get the message out there that things would be different. With the competition across the street, I don't think you'd see anyone willing to do that. It's a shame. I'm pretty sure DeloreanRider was being sarcastic. He and I measure time in Kings Island Wave Pools. "Hey Delorean Rider, how long ago did you join KICentral?" - "Oh, about one wavepool ago." "And when were you born?" - "Two wavepools ago." Agreed. Let's say they do re-open in 2013, who is going to buy a season pass from them after what was just announced. It would definitely warrant a name change and someone repeatedly saying: "No, we're not The Beach from last time." Edit: Medford said it better and I was pretty rude. Point is: this was a a business that went down, not some get rich quick scheme. There's no conspiracy that these people grabbed money from the passholders and fled in the night.
    1 point
  14. Through the first 20 years of operation, The Racer would typically open with one train on each side while maintenance worked on the second trains. The second trains were added around 11:00am each day when the line extended out to the entrance area. A train would also often be removed from each side in the evening after 7:00pm if the line was shorter than the bottom of the ramp going up into the station.
    1 point
  15. You might say, it was never quite in the loop.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. I tend to enjoy being by myself. But most of my visits to KI aren't about riding coasters.
    1 point
  18. You just HAD to throw that up? Terp, gurgitating....
    1 point
  19. She said her friend's name is "Ralph!!"
    1 point
  20. Too bad they didnt have the room to put a slide in Planet Snoopy. I think it would do good in a kids area. My kids would def enjoy it. They got on one at the county fair this year and loved it.
    1 point
  21. I loved the slides. What I remember is that these slides got very hot in the sun, which would reduce ridership. Again 1974 over today. I would take the burn just to have another ride. Again thanks for these pics, they bring me back to my childhood.
    1 point
  22. Yes I like zephyr but the slide wins 1974!!! Great photos keep the memories going!
    1 point
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