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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2012 in all areas

  1. Only if it has steel track painted blue.....
    4 points
  2. Or maybe they put a roller coaster on the cup because there are roller coasters at Kings Island. Not trying to be mean, Collin WHAT!? YOU MEAN TO TELL ME that they're NOT hinting at FUTURE plans in the DESIGN OF A COLLECTIBLE CUP!? GET OUT OF HERE WITH YOUR LOGIC!
    3 points
  3. Because the noise the performers called music disturbed the Demon riders?
    2 points
  4. Greg released what the 40th anniversary cup for Kings Island on twitter about a hour ago. Here is the link... http://twitter.com/#...4947072/photo/1 I personally like the design but miss the old larger cups.
    1 point
  5. I still think they should let the train come out of the station, make the turn to go up the hill and then it returns to the station. (don't forget to take the picture). Then it could be called You Little SOB.
    1 point
  6. I know Leland meant carrying capacity, but seriously, at Cedar Fair under Mr. Kinzel, there really wasn't much caring capacity when it came to food quality, service and selection. His attitude was people gotta eat and he really either didn't understand or just didn't care that people could and did often choose to eat...elsewhere, taking time and money that could have been spent in the park elsewhere.
    1 point
  7. I got the same error when I tried to upload a full-resolution photo for my avatar a few months ago. I had to manually downsize it to about 300–400 pixels wide for the system to take it and properly handle it.
    1 point
  8. I know why the coaster is blue. They secretly repainted Flight of Fear blue.
    1 point
  9. Hey guys, I just heard they're going to retrack Son of Beast with a steel blue track for 2013! I don't usually get that excited about the souvenier cups each season, but this one looks really nice. Might have to pick one up sometime.
    1 point
  10. This how rumors get started! Now there will be someone claiming SoB is being retracked with a blue steel track!
    1 point
  11. Dippin' Dot guy's twitter says they're painting SoB blue and re-opening it later this summer.
    1 point
  12. Or maybe they put a roller coaster on the cup because there are roller coasters at Kings Island. Not trying to be mean, Collin
    1 point
  13. I do like at Carowinds how they took something that is big in the city (you have Charlotte Speedway, as well as about 90% of the NASCAR teams based there), and used it as theming for the ride. Reading your trip report, I can't help but get excited for "that time of year" again. I've been counting down the days until June 1st!
    1 point
  14. Pricing model is difficult and a multifaceted puzzle. In seasonal operations prices are always higher as the revenue must cover the capital costs of the down time of the off season. Building, maintenance, and equipment costs continue year round. Revenues must cover those costs year round as well. That said, quality of the experience should be a fair value. Whilst on-park the dining experience is effected by the overall ambiance of the park, specific sub themed area, restaurant design and service style, and of course, cuisine offering. A variety of offerings enhance the overall experience. Having stand-out offerings go quite a way toward enlivening the park and the total guest experience. Examples abound. Who would think of going to Knott's Berry Farm and skipping the chicken? Or how Kennywood has elevated the lowly French Fry to a dish worthy of the cuisine label? Pinks at Cedar Point has done the same--making it not just another hot dog. The fresh baked cinnamon bread at the mill at Dollywood is worth the trip. Pricing is a sticky wicket. The price must be adequate to cover the added costs of seasonal operations. Captive audience pricing also commands a premium. To address Shark6495's question, the park would make more money selling the $12 dollar combo over doubling business with two $6 meals. The math makes it simple: two meals revenue $12 minus food cost for two meals would leave less revenue to cover all other costs--known as the "contribution margin"--than one twelve dollar meal minus the food cost of one meal. Thus the park would make more on the $12 meal. The real question becomes the caring capacity of the specific location and if that capacity is adequately being utilized. If utilization is sub par, due primarily to price, revenues and profit can be increased by adjusting price to generate additional sales. Simply lowering prices will not necessarily make more money. Increasing quality and the overall experience for the money is often the better tactic. That drops more dollars to the bottom line.
    1 point
  15. I think it's supposed to mean that guests who don't ride coasters can still have fun by doing other things in the park (connecting thrills from people to their parks) by shows, food, etc...
    1 point
  16. Paul, Not to hijack your thread...but I couldn't resist.
    1 point
  17. JPII was to the Catholic Church how Matt Ouimet is to Cedar Fair. Legit.
    1 point
  18. Foiled! Terpy, operating in a different time zone...
    1 point
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