Thats kinda cheating because you can't actually see The Crypt or Diamondback!
I just noticed in my 2011 picture the guy in the tye-dye shirt laying down...i'm sure he'd love to know he had been "immortalized" like this on the internet.
Wouldn't it be "cheating" to say you like 1974 since the train ride experience was better then, when you can't see in the picture what made it better?
At any rate, thanks again another cool set. I'd take 1974 as well (or at least what I remember from 1984) as the train ride was much cooler then. Like you said, as a father of a 3rd old, I'm glad they've kept it around. Despite his love for the Viking ship, Beastie, Rattler, etc... he enjoys the easy train ride as much as the thrills he gets elsewhere in the park.