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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2012 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Yes I did understand your post, which is why I only quoted the "elementary school" portion of it. After that, the discussion had nothing to do with you. You responded to my comment so i responded to your comment. Sorry for having an opinion about this topic that differs from yours. I thought that was a point of a forum to openly discuss your ideas and opinions about certain topics... Thanks for putting this KIC "rookie" in his place. Ill make sure NOT to respond to you since your response to my comment apparently "Had nothing to do with me"
    2 points
  4. Gold Fast Lane, at more money, of course.
    2 points
  5. Hahaha! This reminds me of the first time I went to KI in 2008, Jeff (count_of_tuscany) had told me that a certain ride at KI called Adventure Express has a huge surprise at the end, he literally played it up for almost a year. He told me not to look online about it, because he wanted me to be surprised. He said the ending was AWESOME! I was soo pumped! We went up that last lift-hill and I was expecting something amazing! Instead, I got the station . I laughed so hard because I totally fell for it! We did the same thing to my mom the next year when she came to KI for the first time! She had the same reaction as me!
    2 points
  6. Had to revive this thread. As I've discovered this quarter, everyone I know within my major (as well as several outside it) is convinced of three things pertaining to Kings Island: 1. Son of Beast has killed multitudes of riders. 2. Kings Island is still owned by Paramount (which, I'll grant you, is not something immediately noticeable if you don't follow the park to any degree, but I figured at least one person would be in the know after six years. Apparently not.) 3. Vortex was torn down last year. Facepalming is abundant these days.
    2 points
  7. 1 point
  8. Since there's a limit on the number sold, they shouldn't get too long. Well that's the point, they shouldn't get too long, but for all of us who visited during HH last year - they most certainly did. The Firehawk line filled up the fast pass lane all the way to the ride entrance. They were doing one entire train for Fast Lane folks and one for us "regular" people. Now tell me, how does that not effect wait times? They need to get a real thing in place, not some cheap buck a second wrist band idea. It's time they stepped up to be one of the major league parks.
    1 point
  9. [Frank Oz voice:] "There is no try. Do. Or do not. Roller coaster riding leads to pleasure; pleasure leads to thrill; thrill leads to funnnnnn!" EDIT: Oh, darn, there's no 'Yoda' emoticon.
    1 point
  10. And then after that, Platinum Fast Lane, with a ride twice, wait once option!!
    1 point
  11. The only difference between Fast Lane and luxury boxes are that luxury boxes do not make the experience for the people who choose not to buy them worse. Fast Lane, last year, drastically increased the wait time for people who didn't buy the passes. They need to merge the Fast Lane with the regular line at some point and even out the flow of people a bit. Last year it was Fast Lane riders come first and if we can fit any regular line customers on the train we will.
    1 point
  12. So...with this kind of attitude there never would have been an American Revolution...a protest against the Vietnam War... I choose the road less traveled. P.S. Nothing personal Gordon...you know I like you a lot.
    1 point
  13. Another elementary school principle was, if you can't bring enough for everyone, don't bring any at all. So, does that mean, if you can't afford to buy everyone who wants to go to Kings Island a ticket, you shouldn't go at all?
    1 point
  14. Stricker's is a lot of fun. They only have a dozen or so rides, but it's still a blast. The two coasters are tons of fun (great airtime, no trim breaks and buzz bars), the food is wonderful (and a great value) and it's generally a great atmosphere. The park is in a semi-rural location, so that makes it even better.
    1 point
  15. This one is going to hurt a little, because I really, really love AE; except for that awesome build-up to the...station!
    1 point
  16. If you don't care what we say here or do here why post here? Cobra, who took a semester of Logic or something like that...
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Did someone mention Scooby Doo? Terp, older than the average poster, and more than old enough to be many posters' granddad.
    1 point
  19. Thats kinda cheating because you can't actually see The Crypt or Diamondback! I just noticed in my 2011 picture the guy in the tye-dye shirt laying down...i'm sure he'd love to know he had been "immortalized" like this on the internet. Wouldn't it be "cheating" to say you like 1974 since the train ride experience was better then, when you can't see in the picture what made it better? At any rate, thanks again another cool set. I'd take 1974 as well (or at least what I remember from 1984) as the train ride was much cooler then. Like you said, as a father of a 3rd old, I'm glad they've kept it around. Despite his love for the Viking ship, Beastie, Rattler, etc... he enjoys the easy train ride as much as the thrills he gets elsewhere in the park.
    1 point
  20. I heard this on my vacation last week while in Cincinnati, and although it doesn't refer to Kings Island, I did end up hearing it outside of Kings Island Overheard conversation on the phone: "Yes, Stephanie is visiting for a week" "She's visiting from Seattle" Sigh, then "Yes.....where Twilight is from..." I had to walk away after that, so as to prevent permanent brain damage from the facepalm that was surely coming.
    1 point
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