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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2012 in all areas
8 points
If we get that Giga that has been rumored, it could be called Gigasaurus!5 points
5 points
In all seriousness, after studying the Google Maps image, a coaster installation that ties in with DA isnt that far-fetched at all. Have the station in the general area between/behind AE and FoF, with it travelling southeast alongside Firehawk, with an overbank turn across the service road where the boneyard currently is. I could see it being a wing-rider with the name Pterodactyl or something of that sort.4 points
I went to Kings Island three times this year and all three trips were great. June 15th: The first time I had gone to Kings Island in about ten years. I went with some friends of mine and they forced me to ride Diamondback and it was too much for me to handle ha ha. I rode some great rides that day and had a great time. June 26th: I went with the same group of friends and we went to Soak City for the first time and I really liked it. I also saw the American Country show. I love country music and the show was awesome. September 3rd: Once again I went with the same friends. They had gold passes, I didn't. I rode The Racer for the first time in quite a while. The last time I rode it was when it went backwards in the late 90's. The last thing we did was ride The Beast. They forced me to ride it and im glad they did because it was the most fun I have ever had on a roller coaster. I can't pick a favorite trip of those three.4 points
Uh, that's how you get all the ladies.4 points
I used to ride Racer backwards. I was such a "Rebel" that I would "Yell" Terrible pun...3 points
3 points
You and me both, brother. I guess we'll just have to rely on our ride counts...3 points
^I still remember the stories of what you endured, as told by you Saturday morning at breakfast before engaging in WIldebeest ERT, and you being less-than-amused lol.3 points
Dauling Dragons uses PTC trains. Just sayin'. Reference coaster_junky's post. Dauling Dragons was supposed to get Timberliners, just like Voyage. Neither coaster currently operates with them. Sure sounds like they have quite the handle on them.3 points
3 points
3 points
This rumor is very incoherent. There are Arrow loopers within all Cedar Fair parks (with the exception of Knott's, Dorney, and Worlds of Fun), and Screamscape is reporting the 8 coasters will be gone within the next 2 years for no reason. How anyone can see any validity in this is beyond me.2 points
2 points
Having over 11 years of commercial construction experience as a Union Journeyman Electrician (as my name alludes) and I am quite aware of what is involved with the logistics of clearing an area that has a large amount of trees, and possibly less-than-ideal topographical conditions. I was, and still am, referring to the possibility of placing a coaster in that area. They did it with Beast in 1979, they sure as H**l can do it there in 2012/13/14. Would it be an EASY undertaking? Not really, and with the much more clear area where SOB used to reside, it is not likely. THAT part of your statement I will agree with. Im truly not trying to be a jerk-off here (there are three too many of those on this site as it is), but I have read enough of your previous posts that I feel I am justified in making a statement about the lack of tact in a good number of them. Now, if you are, or were in some way connected with the park or the industry (which I have a feeling you are, due to who I think you may be and simply using a newly created profile/username) then stating such would go a long way in solidifying your credibility, as I did in the beginning of my post. I truly do apologize if I am seeming to come off harsh, and I could possibly be reading too much into the statement due to the inherent lack of ability to read emotion/intent in a written word as opposed to a spoken one, but I simply had to get it off my chest and out in the open. I would also like to reply to CoasterGeeks statement, and say that COULD possibly be avoided by creating a path to access the ride without actually going through the DA attraction.2 points
No, it still is far-fetched. Looking at an aerial map and realizing there's open space somewhere doesn't make it any less unlikely.2 points
That has to more immersive than our Coneysaurus Rex. For next year, what about Steakasaurus at the cheesesteak place, or Bratosaurus in the german cafe...2 points
You would have to also bring the admission price to $11.50 per ticket to make the newly installed Dickosaurus happy. Oh.. and "Flame-osaurus Rex" literally had me nearly falling off my sofa laughing!! :lol: Sparky, still giggling as I type.2 points
Oh - I forgot - in addition to this one extra dino, there will be a concession stand installed along the path 'cos you gotta eat! I know your just joking about the concession stand, but it got me thinking......... It would be kinda neat if KI built a sit down restaurant back there and themed it along the lines of dinos and/or jungle theme.2 points
Oh - I forgot - in addition to this one extra dino, there will be a concession stand installed along the path 'cos you gotta eat!2 points
Perhaps Cedar Fair's most beloved historic dinosaur will be memorialized in this latest addition. Terp, trying to be good...2 points
2 points
Ok, I'll try to list all the KICentral members I've met this year. (I'll probably miss a few) *KingsIslandPR *IndyGuy4KI *XGatorHead8904 (Or something like that) *jcgoble3 *Avatar *jlopez *Fire-Beast-Of-Fear *Joncars05 *Dudecoasterman *MDMC01 (I think) *Gabe *pkiboy *Original *malem *stashua123 *Beastie1980 *Gordan Bombay *DiamondAceExpress *Vortexfreak *Spongebob *TheCrypt *VortexBFForever And there's gotta be some people I missed. Otherwise, that's 22 people. Let me know if I missed you.2 points
I've had so many good days this year. Coasting For Kids, KIC Day in August, My first time at Haunt, and as TheCrypt stated above, closing day was great too. Can't really pick a favorite.2 points
Probably closing day (sorry, rsipus!) because I got to meet so many more new people from here, plus the park was dead. The Beast tour didn't hurt either.2 points
1 point
1 point
I like to dress in an all-white hoodie and sit between groups of people on benches. I think I blend in pretty well.1 point
WAY off-topic, but Mr. Christopher, I enjoy your profile image every time I see it.1 point
You seem to be making very large titles. Its ok, your new here and mistakes can happen. I'd suggest shortening your title to make it more appropriate like "Timberwolf stage to be used for shows?" or "Timberwolf stage used for daily shows?" As I do to all new KIC members1 point
I don't think we will get coaster but maybe flat which I think is more reasonable for a payper ride.1 point
110% Son of Beast. The last time I rode it was opening day 2009. I would love to have one last ride on it to say goodbye.1 point
I voted SOB for that first drop! I still have not ridden a better first drop on any wooden coaster over SOB.1 point
1 point
^ I've been doing it all wrong then.1 point
Only when the Gatekeepers at CP claim that I am not the person my pass belongs to. All I did was cut my hair a bit different, but evidently I became a new person.1 point
I'm not expecting anything more than a handful of new animatronics or a new play area... at most.1 point
^ On the contrary--wouldn't the Kinzelsaurus be the tallest and fastest dinosaur in the country? I'd guess we'll see the Flame-osaurus Rex from 2011 finally appear in the trail, along with some modifications of the existing animatronics to keep it fresh. If they do any additions, it'll probably be in the trees circled by the current path.1 point
I've met -ohiocolts -DiamondAceExpress -TombraiderTy -rccfreak339 -rsipus13 -Beastie1980 -Josh Moore -flying eagles -raptorguy -Gator -KingsIslandPR -malem -Charlie Gold And who can forget about jcgoble3? That's 14, unless I missed someone. Not too shabby for one meetup.1 point
My dad hates those photographers. xD Every time we go, they say "please stop and squeeze together!". My dad usally says "sorry, I work for the CSI, my picture cannot be taken". Every time they say sorry, or somthhing along the lines of that. Works every time. xD p.s- Nice topic TheBEASTunchained,1 point
1 point
I did Coasting for Kids for the first time this year and that was great because it was my first time to meet members of KIC. I met up with Indyguy at the park one day and we had fun that day. I also went to Haunt for my first time and met members that day as well. Of all my visits though, I have to say my favorite trip of all was closing day, we had so much fun that day at the park. Especially the final ride of the season on The Beast, thanks again Crypt for riding with me, it was fun. I'm happy to say that I made friends this year with Indyguy, Malem, jcgoble, Ohiocolts and TheCrypt. I hope to see them all again next year.1 point
1 point
11 this year. I'm beginning to get bored with KI, so next year I may trade a few KI visits for an extra trip to CP and/or HW instead.1 point
Note the absence of crowing and self-promotion from Mr. Hart and his associates after yesterday's meeting. This likely means one of three things: (a) things went swimmingly and intense negotiations are underway, which Mr. Hart wisely does not want to endanger, ( b ) questions were asked, answers were given, and the Commonwealth is pondering what to do next, or ( c ) Mr. Hart was told his proposal is unresponsive, and in a rare instance of humility, for him, he's licking his wounds and pondering litigation. C is probably the least likely. My guess is b.1 point
So if Hollywood makes a movie about people in morph suits then Mysteria is automatically related to Halloween? You are missing the point. The point of the haunts is to scare people. To you Mysteria might not be scary, but to a nine year old working his or her way up to the scariest haunt it is a good starting point.1 point
I got there around ten o'clock, I got my pretty photo taken at the season pass place for next season. We entered the park but sadly no early ride times because my three friends didn't not have a gold pass. I headed up to Eiffel Tower to get some nice views of my favorite regional amusement park. We then waited five minutes for rope drop behind the to tower and we sprinted off the back lot stunt coaster nice fun ride the lights were on in the tunnel you know after the second launch it was pretty cool. 8.5/10. We then proceeded to the worlds longest wooden roller coaster great ride on that 9/10. And guess what do it being my birth party thing (that's why I got to bring three of my friends up from Columbus) me and my friends and my dad purchased Fast Lane in the diamond back shop we then rode diamond back 2 times with Fast Lane awesome 10/10. We then decided to head to coney mall. One more ride on back lot and we were at my favorite multi looping arrow roller coaster Vortex. Picked seat carefully sitting in the famed 5-1 and instructed my friends to get 7-1. Super ride I love the first drop and the loops 9.2/10. Then we headed to Kings Islands oldest coaster (along side with wood stock) The Racer nice ride on that 9.0/10. We the head to my personal favorite and you guessed it Firehawk by now the lines were getting pretty long but guess who had Fast Lane me got a epic ride on my favorite ride 11/10. It was then time for Flight of Fear but the Fast Lane was an half an hour and my brother had just arrived and we went and got him at the drop place, he is six so we headed to Planet Snoopy wait now we head to ride Viking fury and he loves that ride then went to Planet Snoopy and got in line for surf dog waited 45mins and he then went to boo blasters while we hit up diamond back 10/10 we then meet my dad and brother meet at the front gate took him back to drop off spot. We went straight to Flight of Fear and rode it forgot how much fun and intense that ride was. 9.8/10. I then went to my very first haunt mysteria I found quite fun 8/10 we then went to flight deck( one of my favorites) super fun especially because you know how flight deck slows down half way up the lift hill so I decided to scare Aaron when it slowed down so I looked at him in horror and he looked so scared but it kept going and hit best he could during the ride being restrained and all. At the top of the hill I got an awesome view of the park super fun, fast, and intense ride.10.4/10 We then hit up Invertigo really fun 9/10. Then to Diamondback and beast night ride, we hit diamond back first 12/10 then went to holiday horror and was awesome 10/10 then for my final ride of the night a beast night ride 1,000,000,000/10.1 point
Have you read half of the posts on here? uh...people are planning on dancing on his grave.1 point
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