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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2014 in all areas

  1. https://twitter.com/kingsislandPR From Kings Island's Twitter page
    12 points
  2. Speaking of the Star Trek exhibit and Klingons on International Street, here's a photo I discovered last month while doing some cleaning: (Photo copyright © 1993 Paramount Parks Inc. and Paramount Pictures Corporation.) The woman in the middle is my mother (now do you see who I learned to wear a fanny pack from? ), and I'm the kid standing in front of her. I would have been about six years old when this was taken. To clarify here, my mother was (and still is) the Star Trek fan. I have never been interested in Trek. EDIT: Can anyone on here identify the building in the background on the right side of the picture? It looks familiar, but I can't figure out exactly what it is.
    10 points
  3. Maybe they took Marketing classes with Kentucky Kingdom's department.
    9 points
  4. I know a guy named Sam that you might want to avoid IF Slaughter House gets slaughtered.
    8 points
  5. Terpy can be surprising. Incredible flat rides. Beautiful landscaping. Two HUMONGOUS B&M's. International travel. Terpy says: Canada's Wonderland. And how.
    8 points
  6. Yeah it's indoor go karts.. However if they were outdoor, oh man I would love to take them out on a wet track haha
    7 points
  7. Knobels announced (kind of anyway) on their Facebook page that they are building a new coaster for 2015. Called "Knoebels Impulse" it will be a 98 foot Euro-Fighter-esque coaster from Zierer standing 98 feet tall. It will replace the bumper boats and boat tag. Picture of ride layout.
    6 points
  8. This summer, I plan on travelling to at least one theme park I haven't been to and I've more or less got it narrowed down to what I want. I'm torn between: A ) Two days at Canada's Wonderland (which would require me to renew my passport) or B ) A day each at Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens Williamsburg. This summer, I can do one or the other, but not both. I will give you any information that I think may be relevant in helping me make up my mind here: I prefer wooden coasters over steel, but only marginally. In terms of steel coasters, Arrow is my favorite manufacturer with B&M in a close second. I have been to Carowinds and KI, so many of the rides at KD would be clones of other things I've ridden. And last, but not least, while quantity of coasters plays a part in my enjoyment, I would much rather have variety. Also consider that I will probably be with my dad, who is on the larger side. He didn't fit on most things last year at Cedar Point, but he did fit on all the Arrows and woodies, and he was very close on many others and he has been losing weight. He doesn't mind sitting and waiting while I ride, but I'd prefer not to make him wait up if I don't HAVE to. This is a reward from my parents for landing a job offer before I graduated college (so anyone who helped in my resume thread, thank you, it paid off)
    6 points
  9. I actually prefer Adventure Express to be hidden. I think it adds to the ride experience.
    6 points
  10. You may also notice when driving on I-71 that our humble little Arrow Suspended Coaster finally pops and is easy to see from the highway. Visible to all, as the best non-inverting steel coaster at Kings Island should be.
    6 points
  11. They are. And when the wrong term was used, the concrete differences between the two were used to cement understanding.
    6 points
  12. ^ Yes Though one of them is not me. Edit: POST 1/2 K!
    6 points
  13. Zodiac is present here kingsisland2 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr I'm guessing this was taken 1985-86? (my dad doesn't even remember, lol) I forget when The Bat was originally removed, but you can see "footers" on the ground where it was.
    6 points
  14. For those of you that are awake and on KIC, check out the front gate cam for the past hour here: http://weather.weatherbug.com/weather-safety/online-weather-center/Camera/Camera.aspx?stat=MSNKS&camera=MSNKS Looks like a Banshee. or a drop of water on the camera... but still, thought it looked neat and decided to share it!
    5 points
  15. You were on sound footing with the first part of that post... Also loose vs. lose. And where to use an rather than a.
    5 points
  16. (Meanwhile, that place in California is relatively quietly adding yet another coaster, Hot Rod.)
    5 points
  17. When I first read this I thought they were getting an Intamin Impulse.
    5 points
  18. I remember some for Diamondback's construction. I wasn't here before that time. Hopefully they put in nice pavers and we won't have to argue if it is cement or concrete.
    5 points
  19. I can't wait for the station to be done! For some reason that is one of my favorite parts of riding a new roller coaster. I always remember the first time I walled into Diamondbacks station, and I can't wait for Banshees to be complete.
    5 points
  20. It would be awesome if Kings Island had a Bat cam, its kinda pointless to have Banshee cam one facing were it is.
    5 points
  21. Don't knock out Dollywood! Especially with their new coaster.
    5 points
  22. The Beast was constructed from ~1978-1979 so the Eiffel Tower would have already been a few years old. I think the low resolution of the picture makes it hard to see the full Eiffel Tower.
    5 points
  23. You know, now that I think of it, I COULD add two days at Six Flags St. Louis or Great Adventure into the mix. Basically, I'm open to any parks that could be driven to from Cincinnati in a day. Now that I've expanded to that, I know what Terpy will be recommending.
    5 points
  24. The one thing I've learned during my 5 years on KIC is that their are arguments about every single thing you can imagine. I shouldn't ay arguments, they are more like debates, lets say that! Speaking of which...
    4 points
  25. The one thing I've learned during my 5 years on KIC is that their are arguments about every single thing you can imagine. I shouldn't say arguments, they are more like debates, lets say that!
    4 points
  26. I think the small window you're talking about will be there. If you look at the picture posted on Twitter on 01/31 it shows the window from the outside. And in one of the pictures Don recently sent over, although it appears bigger, you can see the framed opening from the inside. But the thing I like most about the station is the woodwork. Can't wait to see it in person.
    4 points
  27. The concept art sometimes deviates from the final product. The window, which is for the operator, was relocated to the side of the station.
    4 points
  28. When is Kings Island getting RDIF bands? Did I miss something? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  29. But Wait There's More https://www.cedarpoint.com/article/media-center/BUT-WAIT-THERES-MORE-Additional-Fun-Coming-to-Cedar-Point-in-2014
    4 points
  30. Unless he means indoor go karts.
    4 points
  31. There it is again! A Banshee train is on the transfer track! (look carefully between the vertical loop.) This image and the webcam can be found by visiting Kings Islands Webcam Page
    4 points
  32. Well for Canada's Wonderland you could save money by applying for a passport card which covers Canada and some of our other neighbors. I believe $15 before execution fee (that's an odd name).
    4 points
  33. I once spent a week in Tucson at the end of December and flew back into Dayton in the middle of a snowstorm. Does that count?
    4 points
  34. I've never been to any of those, so I can't help you. But congrats on the job offer, and have fun (both at the job and on the trip)!
    4 points
  35. 4 points
  36. @KingsIslandPR on Twitter: "The color scheme for The Bat will feature orange track and two shades of charcoal for the columns." Photo : Don Helbig / Kings Island via Twitter
    4 points
  37. That was taken a couple weekends back.
    3 points
  38. BGW will always be one of my favorites (along with Hershey- if you have not been there). The rides, food, themeing, cleanliness, detail is at an elite level. Unfortunately, KD has always been average in my book.
    3 points
  39. In ChainDog's first picture, also note the half-constructed Eiffel Tower. Never-mind. I shouldn't be posting this late. I'm going to bed now.
    3 points
  40. Here's my main reasons why I think they don't have bins 1. Help throughput because with no MCBR the ride can't afford to stack, and plus being high capacity, they want those numbers.. 2. Think of the proximity to the midway..loose article flying out of the dive going over the midway there post lift hill..That's asking for trouble
    3 points
  41. Thanks! I'm working in Loveland at the same place I worked last summer (only this time I'm a real employee, not an intern), 10 minutes from KI. So even working a full 40 hour week, I plan to continue my weekday trips to KI, just limiting them to after 5 only. I know from experience that on a good day, I can show up at 6 and ride everything I care to ride, twice. It's a nice arrangement, I must say. Oh! And to add perspective to the topic at hand, parks I've been to are KI, Cedar Point, Carowinds, Holiday World, and Kennywood. I'd like to maximize the amount of new experiences. That's why I can't decide. Canada's Wonderland has more new-to-me RIDES, but KD and BGW have more TYPES of rides I haven't experienced.
    3 points
  42. I don't want to jinx it but of all the arguments we did have this offseason not one of them have been about footers vs. footings.
    3 points
  43. Kings Island on Facebook: "Van Gogh never painted anything like this!" Photo : Don Helbig / Kings Island via Facebook
    3 points
  44. I am just happy to see less white around her.
    3 points
  45. Zephyr opened in 1986 and Vortex in 1987, dating your picture to 1986.
    3 points
  46. I didn't know I liked the Smurfs THAT much. Picture 009 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr
    3 points
  47. Based off Flight Commander (1990-1995) but no Action Theater (1994-Present), that'd put it somewhere from 1990 through 1993. Any other pictures from the same trip could help narrow that down though.
    3 points
  48. I don't know how to link to Kings Island's tweets from the iPad, but they just tweeted the new food options for Action Zone. Chicken tenders, wraps, and wings.
    3 points
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