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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2014 in all areas

  1. Greg Scheid's twitter We are starting the finishing touches. pic.twitter.com/hOcKFWPIqN This looks really nice! Photo can be found here https://twitter.com/KIGMGREG 17 days till opening day. Will it ever get here!
    16 points
  2. We pointed it out months ago the ride would have an adjustable trim in that area.
    10 points
  3. From: https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR
    10 points
  4. 9 points
  5. No need for the self righteous attitude regarding folks raising the minimum, compared to those that raised a bit more. Having 10 people raise the minimum, that is $1,000 for A Kid Again. I appreciate everyone's effort in raising $100 or more and I am sure A Kid Again appreciates this as well. I don't understand the hate towards folks that have either raised or payed their way for this event, it all goes to a good cause, and will be an amazing time. Thanks to everyone for your effort no mater how big or small.
    9 points
  6. Some of us have been plastering it all over our FB page and talking it up with our friends with not a whole lot of takers. (It does not help that a lot of the FB friends are also trying to raise money for the same event.) Not everyone has people available to donate their money, and that has to be respected as well!
    8 points
  7. 7 points
  8. Just wanted to point this out. image taken from here:https://twitter.com/KIGMGREG/status/450737693803028480/photo/1/large edit: also notice the TVs that they have set up.
    6 points
  9. Slightly off topic but just saw Kings Island in the Reds Opening Day Parade. Thought it was cool. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk
    6 points
  10. 109 people have raised at least the minimum so far and as a group we have raised almost 33k. It's pretty awesome, I can't wait to see how much the number jumps on these last couple of weeks. Plus whatever the corporate sponsors have donated.
    6 points
  11. Oh man, it's going to be so awesome to be virtually right beneath this ride while in line. I think watching the ride fly by is all the entertainment I'll need.
    5 points
  12. Exactly..I mean I know as enthusiasts we love airtime, we love not being stapled or perfectly secure, you know shoulders touching the OTSR, etc. However with ride op experience, push down and seat the restraint firmly and pull up hard to make sure it's engaged, simple as that. I also put blame on the witness who rode in that seat, if there was a problem, make it known. If she would have said something I'm sure the ops would have taken her word. I mean even if they said "hey my seatbelt came undone" during the ride, and I know they rolled in still buckled or whatever, I'm still going to listen and tape off the row, not just the seat, but the row to make sure that restraint isn't entered. If someone would have spoke up, that rider may not have ever entered that restraint and the problem may have never happened.
    5 points
  13. I like how that photo shows off the height differentiation from the entering the 0g roll to when you exit it. I'm glad they set up the queue to where you can watch the ride fly all around you.
    4 points
  14. I really like how it disappears into the valley.
    4 points
  15. The landscaping looks very nice there love the Celtic/Gaelic cross prop and the spooky-ish looking lamp post (just the way the black spoke thingys stick up around it makes it look kinda spooky-ish to me). It's going to be awesome to see her fly by while waiting in line!
    4 points
  16. Someone want to post that picture one more time?
    4 points
  17. I got a 1983 map the other day. It has The Bat, the Demon, Enchanted Voyage, and section that says "Stand-up coaster coming in 1984"!
    4 points
  18. ^The third time I was smart enough to take a cut away model with me.
    4 points
  19. I just wish more people would give Morgan coasters the Chance they deserve.
    4 points
  20. After the Six Flags SFOT incident, emphasis on restraints is heightened...
    3 points
  21. I think the problem regarding the trims is that originally upon announcement and soon after, there was no announcement of trims and stated the ride wouldn't have a trim brake... However, the ride came as manufacturerd with a trim brake, end of story, it's there, it'll always be there. It'll keep from preventing an overspeed on days the train is flying, and when fighting the elements it won't engage
    3 points
  22. Oh ok. Sorry, I didn't get it. Their is another picture on their Instagram. Here's the link to the website http://instagram.com/p/mOJlueuOLP/
    3 points
  23. EDIT: Oh, for heaven's sake. I was the third one to post that picture!
    3 points
  24. ^^^ Beat me to it! EDIT: I love the attention to detail!! The tombstones, the lighting, even the gate has that gothic feel! Btw, it looks like their in-house tv program will take affect this year judging by those TV's in the background.
    3 points
  25. Also, fencing is going up to separate the final brake run from the queue
    3 points
  26. Looks like she's got all three trains showing off today! EDIT: Three cheers for the three Banshee trains! Hip Hip, HOORAY!
    3 points
  27. Acknowledges major role of Kings Island. (Yes, you read that right). Has some major errors: Racer did not open in 1971. Charlie Dinn did not design Son of Beast. It also ends before the Weber-James Reid-Anderson era. You are apt to learn a lot though: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/s/shawg/articles/facilities/six_flags_timeline.html
    3 points
  28. That orange will look great when the green comes back around the ride.
    3 points
  29. I like how I'm an acronym now , that's a first haha, man I love having you around.. And again, if they raise 100, 10, or 10,000 dollars, it doesn't matter. The money goes to helping these kids that unfortunately have a complicated childhood, that money goes to them. So when I say I'm going to donate money to help them, it's for them. The park is allowing me to ride, great, but honestly I've raised money for groups such as this with no return at all, the fact I get a night ride, sweet, but honestly if I even didn't, I'd be fine. I do this for the kids, which is acceptable. If someone drops 100 bucks for the ride, cool, they gave 100 bucks to charity, how is that any reason to complain. Sweet you've busted your ass to get money for those kids, but anyone can raise this money for them and it shouldn't matter what they do it for, they're giving their hard earned money to these unfortunate children
    3 points
  30. Not to be rude guys, but I don't see why we are bashing the people who are raising just $100. They are still raising money for a good cause, and who cares if they are raising it just to ride. They are still giving a good amount of money to a good cause.
    3 points
  31. Something new has shown up on Google Maps, "Maps" being the key word there. It's about time Google responded to my report.
    3 points
  32. And you are, of course, exactly right. What remains of Oktoberfest deceives the memory's thematic boundaries. At least mine.
    2 points
  33. Yes, Rotor was relocated in Kings Island... but not in Coney Mall. In 1972 and 1973, it was to the right of Bavarian Beetle, roughly where Delirium's queue is today. In 1974, to make way for Lion Country Safari, the ride was relocated to the left side of Bavarian Beetle, roughly in the spot between the Woodshop and Festhaus. While at Kings Island, however, it never operated outside of Oktoberfest.
    2 points
  34. I wouldn't mind seeing something like Duddley Do-right's Ripsaw Falls or Journey to Atlantis (both Mack water rides) come to Kings Island.
    2 points
  35. Sorry about the delay. I'm away from home right now. But anyways, here is a video I took that is short and not that good, but it's something. Just 18 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 19 more days until Opening Day 2014!
    2 points
  36. Good catch, busted! I could have sworn the dates written on these pictures were August 1994, but this collection of pictures are 900 miles away in my storage unit to double check. That makes sense though, I believe my friends moved out of town in the summer of '94 and probably came back to visit in '95. I'll edit the change
    2 points
  37. If you really want something equal to what Intamin delivers, Mack looks like they're picking up where Intamin left off minus the problems. They have a lot of things Intamin has. They haven't done anything like a hyper or a giga yet, but by the looks of it, they aren't too far off.
    2 points
  38. And THAT, my friends, is why I've spent more than three decades working with engineers, not as one. My type says "Then a miracle occurs, and 'WHEEE!'"
    2 points
  39. Here's the video embedded for easier viewing:
    2 points
  40. .....On a side note....... Some of the columns on The Bat are being "touched-up" a little bit right now..... (Image captured from Kings Island's Bat Cam)
    2 points
  41. Then there was the time, before it bought Paramount Parks, that Cedar Fair considered buying Six Flags: http://www.sixflagshouston.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=771&view=next&sid=7814862ba7c5ee9d89854dd73d5282da And before that, the time that Paramount Parks came thiiiis close to buying Cedar Fair....
    2 points
  42. A few shots from the Presidential Hangar. What Darth Vader would fly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  43. A volunteer so kindly "forced" the girls into the astronaut suit. She would not take no for an answer. Katie Melissa Of course, I am a child of the '80's and remember when MTV actually played music videos. Katie crashing and burning during a simulation. A few other pics: I was happy to see the tribute to Bob Hope. I have always respected how much he did to entertain our troops for many years. This was really cool. It's not a solid image, it's made up of over 100,000 small tiles. I will be posting more pics, but they are from Katie's phone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  44. The Holocaust / WWII My grandpas fought in WWII so I've always been fascinated by this war. This looks like the size a toddler or youth would wear. After hearing on this site about the Doolittle Raiders I looked forward to seeing the cups. The video about this plane was amazing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  45. We left Saturday morning at 7:00a.m. To meet thedevariouseffects, beastie1980 and momofbeastie1980. Our first stop was at Starbucks. It's a treat we only really do on trips. Katie and her most current selfie. It's been a while. Crossing the state line on a rainy morning. Just for the record, snow (sleety, cold gross stuff) followed us. I did not want it to follow me. This museum is really amazing and it's free. I was blown away by the amount of history is in one place and in the grand scheme of things, the progression of where technology of aeronautics began to present day, it's astounding. We spent the day and could easily go back to see more. I never realized how tiny the tires were on early planes. I guess they did not need to he huge, but expected more than bicycle sized ones (or slightly bigger). 4/5 of us are female. We like the pretty colors. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  46. The park has not opened at noon on opening day in recent memory, and certainly not under current management. What time the parking lot will open is only a subject for conjecture until it is announced. Even then, plans can change.
    2 points
  47. (and will there be any for 2017? Terp wonders. Map? "There's an app for that!")
    2 points
  48. Is it just me, Or why does all the blue on Banshee Is now Purple?
    2 points
  49. Now, now, making fun of PETA is fine, but be selective about how you do it. jcgoble3, aware that newer users won't get the joke here
    2 points
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