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10 points
On a more positive note, I want to say great job today Kings Island. Park was clean, employees and management were out ad about. My son is now 1 and I bought a gold pass on a whim today. We (he and I) only went for 3 hours, but it was great. Ride ops helped a fearful dad put his son on a ride by himself. The lil shark loved it! His first individual ride is the off road car ride in Planet Snoopy. Great job today! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk7 points
I found a briefcase full of money once, and a Michael Bay movie broke out. Then I woke up.7 points
I usually high five them back. I remember what it was like to be 14. Having a real life adult high five me back would have made my day. Life was so much simpler back then.6 points
...and the hand rails, vending machines, fences, etc. And, most of all, the gas pumps outside the park. Oh, the horrors! (giggle) Terp, who rode the Metro at least 350 times in the past year. He lived. At least so far.6 points
Well I am one of those random high fivers. I am a 28 year old kid my buddy and I are usually having a good time and we like to have fun with others. If I can make a little kid or an old lady or a 17 year teen laugh or smile by giving them a random high five, then I feel we did a great job Sent from my SM-T520 using Tapatalk5 points
And that's one of the best things that Kings Island is all about. Congratulations! That's awesome.5 points
So is that on the honor system? I see it ripe for potential abuse, if so. Even if they do have a way of guaranteeing the person actually waited that long, it seems to me that would make a bad situation even worse, as everyone who experiences a wait comes back and cuts the line of those who have come after them, who most likely were already going to experience a similar wait and now will have to wait even longer. The snowballing would be tremendous.5 points
Wow, all this talk of personal space, germs etc is cracking me up. How do you people make friends? You are in a theme park with hundreds if not thousands of others. Common sense should tell you that to expect some sort of interaction with strangers. If one wants to hunker down in fear, more power to em. I prefer to say "hey" than be stuffy. This is coming from an introvert that highly prefers to be alone. I have learned to lock those feelings away and actually enjoy myself at parks. It is one of the reasons I go.5 points
I 100% of the time high five them back. I look at it as its not harming anything, its actually probably making their day. The whole germ thing cracks me up, you wouldn't be at KI let alone in public if you seriously had that much of a problem with germs.5 points
5 points
I've even done it at a store before. I was looking at some shoes minding my own business when a couple of teenagers came out of nowhere and said, "High five!" I didn't want to leave them hanging. They said I was they only person to give them a high five in two hours. We talked a little and it seemed like they were good kids just having some fun. Actually it sounds like something my friends and I would have done at that age.4 points
Not sure what happened to that employee but if you ask me such action should be cause for immediate termination of employment. To paraphrase one company's policy with regard to customer service "We hire only nice people, we do not train people to be nice."4 points
This reminds me of a project my mom did for her Psychology class in college. For those of you familiar with Ohio State, she did this little experiment in the center of the Oval (a large grassy area with various crisscrossing paths) where sidewalks and paths would cross each other. She did a study on how people reacted when they approached other people at the crosses. Would they stop and gesture for the other person to proceed in front of them? Would they make eye contact and smile? Would they look down and try to avoid eye contact? Would they speed up and try to cross first before meeting with the other person? She said that this was one of the most interesting things she has ever done. I do feel like for the most part, people try to avoid contact with strangers, although this is not always the case.4 points
Wait and see. After last year's super fast paced 2014 decoding I'm so over guessing and speculating until there is real evidence. Queue the green INTAMIN track.4 points
Sadly if it's just cash, it may never be claimed.... If I find money in a wallet, envelope, or clip then I turn it in, always. If it's just a couple of loose bills or so then im probably going to assume it's Khama from when I lose money.... Now if I pick it up and I see someone looking for something then of course I give it over. A few years back I found a 20 in the parking lot.... Paid for my gas that day Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
I totally agree. When strangers say "Hi" to me?! Look, I don't want you to violate my personal Noise Space. I want to be able to think not have to listen to you say "Hi" or even worse smile. Besides if you say Hi you might spit and spread your germs, which I like to live in a Germ Free Zone, man.4 points
Really? Midwest stuffy? Try Atlanta or the Northeast. Or even Los Angeles. That's stuffy. Try open social interaction with random strangers in New England. Let me know how THAT goes.4 points
This is a weird thing to get worked up about. The high-fivers seem to be large groups who sometimes extend the gesture beyond their friends. You don't have to high-five back when this happens, even though some guests apparently choose to do so. No one is going to be offended because you are minding your own business. As for germs, hopefully you are washing your hands (or at least using one of the hand sanitizer dispensers) before eating. Like homestar92, I would be more worried about the ride restraints, which have been touched by many hands before yours.4 points
I was at Kentucky Kingdom today. I'm a little zonked at the moment, so please excuse any derpy errors: 1. Popular enthusiast opinion is that Kentucky Kingdom is somewhat dumpy and/or neglected. Maybe that was true in its SIX days, but I think Kentucky Kingdom is very picturesque and can absolutely hold its own against parks like Kings Island and Holiday World. Y'know, once you get past the razor wire-lined fence surrounding the property. Once you're past that, it's really a neat little park. The landscaping is a work in progress (no, really--they've got signs in most major grassy areas that say that the landscaping is a WIP) but the fresh coat of bright paint on everything really does look great. Granted, I never made it to the park when it was a Six Flags, but that doesn't make it any less nice-looking. 2. On the subject of SIX: the place looks and feels very, very much like a Six Flags park. I don't know what sort of name Ed Hart is trying to make for Kentucky Kingdom, but if it's "this once was Six Flags and now it isn't so we painted some stuff," he's nailed it. 3. The staff was super friendly. I must have been welcomed to the park six or seven times while walking in. The ride ops on Thunder Run were a little shaky/nervous but friendly, and they'll get the hang of things eventually. 4. The layout of this park is ridiculous. I don't mind walking on a bridge over a road to get to the rest of the park, but the bridge is so narrow that it must be incredibly annoying to get to the waterpark/Thunder Run/T2/Twisted Twins (i.e. most of the park's major attractions) on a busy day. Finding your way to Thunder Run, Mile High Falls, etc. is comedically difficult without a map, as you can see it but literally have to go anywhere but towards them to finally get to them. Which brings me to... 5. You can't find a dang map anywhere in the park if you're looking outside. Maybe I'm spoiled by almost every other park I've ever been to, but I found it pretty annoying that you have to search for a map. Spoiler for all you urban adventurers: I would think you would want the things in the hands of the people coming in the front door so they know exactly where they can grab a meal or buy a shirt (or, y'know, figure out how in THE BLESSED HECK you can ride the wooden coaster that's right in front of your face but inexplicably appears unenterable... GUHHHHHHH), but apparently no one in management agrees. Perhaps that says a lot about who they're expecting to visit this year. I dunno. 6. Thunder Run is actually a really good ride, for the most part. It's got way stronger laterals and airtime than either Hurler, but there are parts of the layout that just kind of meander due to how it's been modified over the years. But it's still a good, solid ride. I was pleasantly surprised, as POVs left my expectations somewhat low. That queue, though... That thing is asking for people to act up in it. It's hidden from all except those who are in it. It's difficult to find. If I owned the park, I'd be considering drastically changing it for safety's sake. 7. Lightning Run is ridiculously good. I am not exaggerating when I say its airtime is comparable to El Toro. It's like someone at Chance took Magnum and cut its height in half, and it got really angry and decided to attempt to throw everyone out of the train at every hill. Except it's much more comfortable than Magnum. And also the airtime is RIDICULOUSLY strong... like it is on El Toro. You heard it here first, folks. It's breakneck pacing and strong airtime (I'd believe the alleged -1.5G number that's floating around) combined into the most insane 30 seconds of coaster riding you're going to experience in the tri-state area. If I were into sheer intensity, it would be my #1. Also, its queue is very short. You're going to see a "1 hour wait from this point" sign and scoff. The capacity of the ride is such that this sign is not lying. If the line is beyond that point, don't lose hope. If you're asking me, it's 100% worth every minute. 8. I hate to end this with a bad point, but: the park is very sorely lacking more attractions to keep people there. I don't think there were any shows, and, as we all know, many of the former major rides will be returning in subsequent years. This puts a lot of strain on the rest of the rides to impress new visitors (if, of course, we're even supposed to come at all this year, like I hinted towards earlier.) Despite the fact that I think it's a very pretty park and liked many of the rides I rode, I was pretty much satisfied with visiting after two hours. Granted, I did not try the waterpark, but still. Maybe it's like Holiday World, where the waterpark is the main draw, and I've missed the point of Kentucky Kingdom existing in its current form, but... I don't know. I just found myself thinking a lot about how much of the park was closed and how much the rest of it reopening will affect how many more times I visit.* I really don't know how many more flats are at the park that aren't open... Maybe someone could fill me in? Alternatively, is the park trying to focus more on families than teens/young adults? I feel like all of this combined sounds like a negative review. Don't take it that way. Kentucky Kingdom's really a nice park, and I know I'll return at least once this year. I HIGHLY recommend that each and every one of you all stop in this year, as it really does offer something different from Kings Island, Camden Park, Holiday World, etc. *I'm pretty sure those CCI's in the back are going to draw me back whether I like it or not, though. Not being able to ride those was slow torture--I usually love CCI rides.4 points
4 points
I'm just going to get it out of the way. There has been a lot of false propaganda on this site this year.4 points
4 points
A few years ago my friend and I were waiting for DB. A girl cut in front with us and my friend confronted her about it. You will not believe this but she said that she worked at KI. ( Thus being allowed to cut in line.) We kept our eye on her ( she joined a group not too far from us) and at the station we spoke with a ride supervisor and advised that this girl who stated that she was an employee at KI cut in line. We found out indeed that she was an employee. I don't know if she was disciplined in any way but she was not allowed on the ride. Hopefully this was brought to the attention of her supervisor. This is an example of where I do draw the line of letting line cutting pass. In this situation I felt in a way " violated" that an employee had the gall to treat me, a good customer , in such a way.4 points
Location, location, location. If I am at a park loaded with people looking to have a good time, a high five and such is fine. If I am walking through Target and some random stranger wants a high five it's not gonna happen.3 points
Since people who don't avoid contact with strangers are often out to get something (begging, mugging, etc) it probably is why many people are shy or offended when someone they don't know approaches their "space." In an environment like KI, though, especially in a queue, I feel like we all have enough in common that we aren't strictly strangers. That's why I personally wouldn't find it odd or uncomfortable for someone to give me a high-five. It's very unlikely to be an approach to play-in to a sob story. It is most likely just sharing exhuberance to keep the excitement and joy going through what can otherwise be a little dreary time at the park.3 points
It's not the germs or the fact of interacting with a stranger that bugs me; I just personally find it to be annoying.3 points
I felt so strongly about how they did I called and gave props to the Planet Snoopy crew. I think I even saw Don with his camera out and about today as well. Sent from my SM-T520 using Tapatalk3 points
Don't leave anything you care to keep unattended or be the first to post the yearly, ' My stuff was stolen at Soak City' topic.3 points
This whole thing sounds an awful lot like someone read the story of someone's Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 park on a forum and thought it was legitimate... If that's true, then this would be a shining example of why Don does what he does on here.3 points
Meanings of that post, that I really shouldn't have to explain: 1. General statement that high-fiving, or trying to high-five, random strangers is not "fun", but rather "creepy". This meaning was NOT directed at you specifically, unlike the second one. 2. When you "ride coasters and go to KI with friends", it would be appreciated if you would introduce yourself openly at that time if you're with people that know you online but don't know you in person. Hanging around the group, denying your real identity, and knowingly riding next to someone you know online without telling them who you are, only to reveal later online that that was you after all, is "creepy". Hence, "have your fun in a way that is not creepy."3 points
Germs are everywhere. You can't avoid them unless you are in a plastic bubble. Just take the necessary precautions to prevent your own contact. Don't touch your eyes, face, mouth or privates without pre-sanitation with sanitizer. Be courteous of others as well. Cover your mouth when sneezing and for gosh sakes don't spit anywhere...at all...or as I saw yesterday...dont blow your nose....directly onto the ground...uber gross.3 points
Wow, did not expect this topic to get so much response-am enjoying reading them. Jcgoble3 brought up an excellant point. In today's dangerous world I think it is especially important for children to be weary of any kind of contact with strangers.3 points
Sorry guys. I will always follow instructions to the letter from now on. And I probably won't be riding WindSeeker at all.3 points
Rides must be balanced at all times. This is done to prevent extra stress in the rides, also it may cause an issue with the ride. See Power Tower for a great example. If you place riders on the North of the tower only on shot sides the proxies aren't hit up top because it's not balanced, the ride sets up and e stops high. Takes about ten minutes to get down. WindSeeker being a much more dramatic prototype I'm sure suffers even more balancing issues considering. Balancing is important. Ride ops are following protocols for reasons when they tell you to do something do it. There's always a reason regarding our instructions. We don't tell you to do something just to do it. There's purpose in our decisions and requests3 points
I think it's OK to high-five people back; I give people high-fives all the time.3 points
Except that balancing is important on WindSeeker. Changing seats is unwise, irresponsible and even violates Ohio state law.3 points
I have said all along that, though Mr. Hart publicly stresses the dry park and its rides and attractions, it is the waterpark and repeat customers there--along with per caps in the park, that will make or break Kentucky Kingdom. And that huge crowds will head to the park for at least a visit. Many were shocked at how many season passes the Kingdom has sold. That is both a blessing and a curse. Revenue, yes. Per caps over time or a baby sitting service for precocious teens and pre-teens? That remains to be seen. The maps were a similar, long-time frustration at the Kingdom even 15 years ago. Six Flags also had them at the admission gates--you could pick one up, but they weren't freely offered.3 points
Not really. I think they're more there to keep your legs from exiting the area they're supposed to be in by accident. With all that force pulling your legs into the air, it would be easy to have them accidentally land outside the car unintentionally if there weren't leg restraints. My bigger gripe with LR's restraints is that they're stapling them very strongly, to the place it's almost painful just sitting in the station. But that's unnoticeable once the fun starts.3 points
I don't have an issue with the germs. After all, I'm about to ride a coaster and I can't imagine many things more germ-infested than the restraints on a Roller Coaster. However, I do find it a bit odd that they want to high-five strangers, and I typically don't accept their offer of a high-five. Now, on KIC day when there were a train's worth of us in line together, different story. We were all high-fiving fiends as we navigated the switchbacks that day.3 points
Saw the show today and loved it. Just the kind of show KI needed. Kind of reminded me of the old days at Coney when they used to have aerial acts on the midway. This show was first class all the way and looking forward to multiple viewings throughout the summer.3 points
I high five them then make a comment I hope you have washed your hands. Sometimes they respond usually with a no so I simply tell them I did not either. I really don't have a problem with it though. They are kids just being kids. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
I did. Apparently it's to early in the morning for me. Where's my MTN DEW? Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 Active using Tapatalk2 points
Ah, yes, true! Silly of me for forgetting to mention - that's why I made the distinction to begin with, just forgot to follow through! Thanks!2 points
I just make an obvious point of ignoring them as I pass, usually leaning away from them to make it abundantly clear that I want nothing to do with them. And for me it has nothing to do with germs; rather, it's simply that these people are trying to high-five random strangers for absolutely no reason, and I find that creepy.2 points
Guessing the ride ops didn't see you waving to tell them to stop the ride while you were at the top of the tower, or even 2/3rd of the way up. The general public has ruined that aspect for riders who are really scared or upset by crying wolf when there's nothing wrong. Not saying it didn't happen, but I find it hard to believe the seats extended 30 more degrees with the dampers that were installed after the first set of issues of seats bumping into riders. I can't say what happened for sure because I wasn't on the same ride as you, but it was safe to operate the ride or the system wouldn't have let it operate with the wind speeds.2 points
2 points
One thing that has been a bit annoying-sometimes it is like pulling teeth to get into the ride entrance because of people blocking the entrance for various reasons most commonly discussing with the ride attendant what they can and cannot take into the queue. I had to yell out several times for the ride attendants to please let us pass. I don't mean to demean the attendants in any way as they have been doing an excellant job doing a very difficult job, ie working a brand new ride.2 points
I think I may have spotted a gator at the park today but I didn't occur to me until I was driving home otherwise I would have said something, gator, were you wearing a Banshee T-shirt today?2 points
Finally rode 1-1 yesterday, as well as 8-1 for the umpteenth time, and, 8-4 again. 1-1 takes the cake for me. Two completely different experiences from the front to the back, but the front row is where it is at for me, with 8-1 a close second.2 points
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