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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2014 in all areas

  1. Similar to Kentucky Kingdom. I like this a lot. I prefer to drink water at the park, and this is very environmentally friendly. Tweeted by @KIGMGreg
    13 points
  2. I could definitely bring this! Unfolded it's flat Filled it can stand on its own! I finally have a reason to bring this! Sent from the electronic piece of equipment known as the iPad using Tapatalk
    7 points
  3. From our friend @rachelincincy of the Cincinnati Enquirer. http://www.cincinnati.com/story/entertainment/nightlife/recreation/2014/09/05/kings-islands-halloween-haunt-returns-sept-19/15139383/
    5 points
  4. I am willing to let my out of control teen try it elsewhere in the park.
    5 points
  5. Just in The Beast station? So you're ok with getting kicked in the face everywhere else? And how many times has this happened that it's a pet peeve? So many questions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  6. When I had a friend in from Orlando earlier this year, he brought a water bottle, like one you'd buy at a gas station as a drink. He had, however, been able to deflate the thin plastic and pocket it while he was riding. I wonder if that's a good 'best practice' for this. I don't want to bring a full sized refillable bottle for the same reason I don't like the souvenir cups: you have to lug them around and get a locker while riding Banshee.
    4 points
  7. -I hate when people "sag" wearing to big of pants just to show off their underwear. - people who smoke in line
    4 points
  8. Ok after seeing that video, getting kicked in the face at The Beast is now my #2 pet peeve right behind seeing people smoking outside designated areas. Nothing will ever beat that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  9. As long as someone doesn't try and sneak in. [emoji58] Sent from a signal coming out of the Vega system.
    4 points
  10. My biggest KI pet peeve is when some parents' kids are so out of control that they kick me in the face in The Beast station. Right, Lora?
    4 points
  11. Only SOME people. The world has many good, decent, caring people. Thankfully.
    4 points
  12. I'd rather ride The Beast any day if we're going to compare woodies.
    3 points
  13. I, for one, happen to love that woodie up yonder, and would be far less likely to spend my dollars at The Point if it goes anywhere. I love Magnum and Maverick, but I can ride a better hypercoaster and an almost-as-good launched coaster at my favorite amusement park in the Pittsburgh area. I can ride a better Mine Train, Suspended coaster, Invert, and Arrow Looper in Mason. Millennium Force excites me about as much as mowing the lawn with a pushmower and Dragster is a one-trick-pony, so I'm not missing much if I don't ride them often. Take out Mean Streak, and suddenly I become a lot less excited to go to Sandusky, especially since I discovered that Kennywood's corn dogs are every bit as good as the ones at The Point. Blue Streak is pretty good, too, but not good enough for me to drive three hours when again, there is an out-and-back woodie in Mason that I find to be very, very close to it in terms of fun and excitement. And yes, the corn dogs WERE a driving force in me going to Cedar Point again this year. And yes, they are that good.
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Sam needs to make sure Princess Sparkles has a great time through Slaughter House. Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to reply to this one too. Of course Sam will be looking out for her!
    3 points
  16. It was an announcement for an announcement LOL. I figure Mantis will change. I don't believe it is being removed. I have been known to be wrong. Exactly what that change is, I don't know.
    3 points
  17. It was an announcement. They announced that Mantis is getting "squashed", whatever that means, after October 19.
    3 points
  18. I don't think it would have been for sale if they were considering that.
    3 points
  19. Yes, and I'm having an absolute blast with various 'Chuck Norris' sound effects while watching the video again... priceless!
    3 points
  20. Sam needs to make sure Princess Sparkles has a great time through Slaughter House.
    3 points
  21. ^ Glad to see Sam returning again
    3 points
  22. Anyone watch the video in the first link? I would like to network with Lagoon's spokesperson.
    3 points
  23. ^ That has been proposed before. Same with a KIC paid club. Neither of which makes sense right now.
    3 points
  24. True, SOME people are. Not everyone.
    3 points
  25. Or if a trash can is completely full (doesn't happen very often at KI) yet someone just adds to the growing Jenga tower of trash, further adding to the impending doom of the tower toppling, liquid cheese and ketchup splattering, just to bake in the sun and develop that awful "hot trash" smell we all know and love. It annoys me. Walk 20 feet and throw it away in the next available receptacle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  26. I have a picture somewhere of a boy maybe 12 years old sitting next to a woman who appeared to be his mom on a bench that had a trash can sitting beside it. The boy was throwing trash on the ground and the mom didn't say a word. People are extremely disrespectful.
    3 points
  27. Don't be disappointed about the relocation of Skeleton Crew. It will have more room to impress. I saw the show at Cedar Point and the more room the have the BETTER! Plus more people will be able to see it. There's a good reason why it's in the Showplace. Let's just say they can do more. Stay tuned. Only two more weeks.
    2 points
  28. Nice report! I always enjoy reading your reports, since I only go to Cedar Point once or twice a year at most. The 2015 season's started already? I thought it was still 2014! (hint hint...)
    2 points
  29. ^ Not to mention the environmental benefit of fewer Kinzel cups in the landfill. I usually ask for two without ice, finishing the first cup before I get the second.
    2 points
  30. Sam will be there every night. Of course, with the new house and the new layout, no one knows yet where Sam will be lurking, not even Sam himself. And we love it when we can get someone's name!
    2 points
  31. It's extremely sad how people can turn something positive into something so cruel and antithetical. This is one of the most disturbing stories I have read in a long time. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2014/09/05/special-needs-student-pranked-with-ice-bucket-holding-feces.html
    2 points
  32. I agree with those statements. But, I was selfishly thinking of my own comfort. Steel benches outside at night in the fall is not going to be nearly as nice as individual cushioned indoor seating. If it's anywhere near as popular as Cirque, I'll be spending a long time sitting on that hard cold metal. I'm probably going to have to bring some sort of cushion and/or blanket.
    2 points
  33. Agreed. See post 2 in this thread.
    2 points
  34. Was told last weekend at GS that a 2014 Gold pass to a 2015 Platinum is considered a "renewal" and would be treated as such with the extra benefits. I'll be doing just that next week so if there are any changes to that statement I will post here to let others know.
    2 points
  35. Did you notice Princess Sparkles asked if he can count to 8 and he counted to 5?
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. It was actually caught on video by OhioColts. I am shocked he did not object to this. He abides by strict rules. We are corrupting him.
    2 points
  38. Some might argue that you deserved it. You took a kick in the face like a man. I am disappointed in her. I thought she had more willpower to say no. I never dreamed she would say yes.
    2 points
  39. ^That must be the one of a kind maneuver!
    2 points
  40. So... it eats other roller coasters?
    2 points
  41. ^1. I'm saying more trees between the pools. There are giant slabs of concrete with no shade, and you could do it away from the water attractions. The Beach pulls it off well and the pools there are mostly clean of leaves, at least not to the extent where I'd call it messy. 2. I had an incident upon my most recent visit where I went to a few stands, they said they didn't sell them at the stands anymore, then went to guest relations who told me they didn't exist for 2014, then only to hear someone else who went the day I went say they got one. I don't know what to believe about them at Kings Island.
    2 points
  42. I love KIC, I really do. But if we were to go to a paid site, I would miss you guys and the wonderful discussions. I already pay over $650 a year for memberships linked directly to my licensure. There is a reason I'm not a paid member to other sites. I just don't have it (the money and the want to pay to be part of it)
    2 points
  43. Well since you are in a paying mood, making this site a paid site may prevent some of the funny-stuff that has happened lately as well I will let you pay for me...
    2 points
  44. Yay, it's almost time to play! I can't wait to see what they have in store for us in the new Slaughter House! Sam's getting impatient wanting to know. He doesn't handle anticipation very well.
    2 points
  45. Speaking of fog and how thick it is, last year I was walking past the Planet Snoopy Grill through a patch of very thick fog. A group of teenage girls was walking the opposite direction toward me through the same patch of fog. As soon as I started to become visible to them (about five feet away), the girls screamed and started freaking out until I was fully visible. They thought I was a monster when they first saw my shape.
    2 points
  46. At Six Flags New England, I saw three patrons escorted from the park. For smoking in a non-smoking designated area. For real.
    2 points
  47. I could use a coaster in my backyard.
    2 points
  48. I'm fine with the station not being extremely full but I'm not fine with one train wait waiting to board. Most stations *note I said most* can hold at least 2 train waits.
    2 points
  49. I agree, that is nice, when done correctly. Too many times I've witnessed Banshee dispatched with partially loaded trains all due to the fact the attendant did not fill the station in a timely manner. Now THAT, really grinds my gears!
    2 points
  50. Gate hangers. These are people who are waiting outside the exit gate for someone to get off a ride but are unable to recognize that other people are also riding and need to exit. So, they hang on the outside of the gate, and then seem surprised (and annoyed) that it needs to swing outward to open for the people walking toward it to leave. On Adventure Express, they even have a yellow line marked in the exit lane to show how far back you should wait so that the gate can still swing open but I often have to practically shove the gate into people to be able to leave. They'll take one step back and expect everyone to squeeze through the little foot-wide gap the gate can swing open. I realized just how annoying gate hangers are when I encountered an anti-hanger at The Beast today. I was in the back row, so I was the first to the gate, and before I could even reach my hand out to unlatch it, a woman waiting outside quickly unlatched it and stood far enough back it could open fully. I thanked her sincerely.
    2 points
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