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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2016 in all areas

  1. I'm going to throw in my opinion on this matter even though I typically stay away from these type of topics. To those of you that have the plans, please stop acting and feeling important in any way. I will save you the trouble. You are not, and for whoever said "I will charge $5 for 1 minute", I almost laughed. This is sad. If I had the plans, and paid for them myself, I would DM them to anyone who asked. We are all interested in the project, just not all of us can pick them up. I live several hours away. I'll say this now I won't drive up for some silly plans. The last thing I will say is it really speaks volume of the character that some of you have on here. Now done with the negativity!
    22 points
  2. This has really caught my interest. When you walk into the new WWC entrance, through the first arbor, and across the train tracks, then look right, you see this large clearing: Turn and look behind you from that view, and you see the box Significantly, there are low, almost temporary fences on the path adjacent to the clearing, separating the two arbors At first, I had assumed that like the rest of the clearing in that area, it was related to the WWC entrance/exit construction. But now that it is all finished, it is clear that isn't so. It sure looks to me like something is planned to cross through there, headed right at the former TRTR building.
    22 points
  3. It looks like I'll be going Monday to get some copies of the plans. Those of you that are actively working on figuring it out from the tiny info on that video (you're amazing!) are welcome to look at my physical copies if we can work out meeting up at KI one day when I go. I typically visit two weekdays a week, open until close. Which days changes, but I'm unlikely to go on Tuesdays because there is no Cirque. I'll probably just keep them in my truck, so those of you who already know me can just hit me up if you see me around after Monday. I was originally satisfied with the knowledge the plans actually exist, but I've decided I need to look at them with my own eyes at this point. I have a degree in engineering, but never worked with drawings for anything this size before. I'm hoping I can figure something out. At the very least, it will be a unique souvenir from my favorite park.
    16 points
  4. Well, I opened my copy, and I don't think it was a very funny joke!
    15 points
  5. Ok...if you look at my last post, you can see NORTH on the plans in the screenshot. So, I dropped this in within the RR Tracks. Where I scaled this as accurately as I could, if you look at the lines of the plans around the track, I was trying my best to line them up with the surrounding objects. At the turnaround, the outlines lined up perfectly with the train house. One part could line up with the RR Tracks next to DB the other the train station. I scaled it, and it's about 800-900 feet out. I feel it's only going to be a 2500 to 3000ish feet of track. (Imagine Racers at 3,415') I could be wrong on EVERYTHING, but...this is my final thought and I feel I'm much closer to figuring out where they will drop it in. Thursday evening, my son goes with his mom for the week. I will spend the evening at Kings Island on the train and WWC combing out my thoughts on this and then enjoy some DB after-hours in the park. I hope to see you there. Let me know what you think. KingProjectNORTHiFinal by KingsIsland1972, on Flickr
    14 points
  6. Nobody believes they are entitled. But what some are doing is going against the nature of the decoding thread. Historically, these threads have been a place for everyone to pool their knowledge and information to discover what is going on...together. Not have one or two people join in the conversation, purchase plans that can only be obtained locally, and then hoard the information for themselves like a sack of gold. I guess some just want to feel more important than they really are. Oh well, I'm done with it. If someone wants to purchase the plan, I'll donate to it, if said plan gets posted in this thread in its entirety.
    13 points
  7. I didn't realize that 2999ft or less qualified as a kids coaster. Good to know. I always thought rides like Invertigo Top Thrill Dragster were adult rides. Thanks for the education. Also there are what, less than 100-150 coasters world wide over your 3500-4000 mark? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    13 points
  8. I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers at all. I'm generally a pacifist. But then I see people post their interpretations of the plans, and get told "it's wrong" by others with nothing to back it up, and then want to remain secretive about all of it. I get that some of you paid the extraordinary amount of $15 for the plans, but that's no reason to get all haughty about it.
    12 points
  9. So can someone please explain to me why the plans/coordinates/whatever are such a secret? It's nauseatingly annoying. This is a fan site of Kings Island, but at times it comes across as Shill Central.
    12 points
  10. If the forensic and deductive powers of KICentral were applied to other mysteries, Scotland Yard, Interpol and the FBI would soon be out of a job!
    12 points
  11. Just throwing this out for everyone saying the park is hyping it too much. I may be wrong but it's been a real low key hype about project 2017. No radio commercials, no tv spots, no rattling box near an entrance. All they have done is a cute sign on the fencing, some snap chat stuff, and maybe a tweet or few. Not a bunch of stuff. I mean we on here have blown everything up more than anything else. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    11 points
  12. That position and orientation makes more sense to me than any other possibility that's been posted. You get an A for detective work.
    11 points
  13. This RMC/GCI debate is NOTHING compared to B&M Invert/Intamin giga from decoding 2014.
    10 points
  14. Long and short of it is..... those that have the plans, paid for them. That makes them theirs, to do with as they see fit. Grow up, no one is entitled to see anything by being a member of this sight. You can jump on this post now, I won't be here to acknowledge it. Bedtime for me.
    10 points
  15. 10 points
  16. Right. I personally don't think that certain attention hogs should even be here. I mean, if they know what's coming already, then why are they even on this thread? Sent from my SM-G530T using Tapatalk
    9 points
  17. The only clues you gave were incredibly cryptic in nature. If discussing a $15 plan is going to put you out as much as you say it is, then good luck to you. Good day.
    9 points
  18. To some people, knowledge is power and power (or influence) over others is compensation for some sort of inadequacy. Just saying .... And all this over a set of coaster plans that are available to anyone with the time and $15? Pretty petty IMO
    9 points
  19. Made my first visit today: Not much new at the zone but here are the pics for what they're worth 6-15-2016:
    9 points
  20. Imagine what they'll think when she is almost 40 and wearing pigtails, too.
    8 points
  21. At least you're looking at them! That's a priv'lege round these parts. [emoji12] Sent from my Pip-Boy 3000 via Tapatalk
    8 points
  22. Sorry you're way off. That north indicator does not refer to overview of the ride.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Then why would they insert that on a blueprint plan? Doesn't that offer reference to the work site? I do believe you are wrong.Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk So you are debating with someone who has the plans, plotted out the coordinates and knows the orientation of the coaster; and you only have seen a small tidbit? Smh Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Uuhm....Yep! I guess I am! SO What??? You're "da man with the plans!" Big Whoop! Quit prancing around on us little people just because you know something more than the rest of us. I'm having fun speculating as much as the next guy. I'm enjoying this while I can. So tired of you BIG SHOTS walking on the rest of us who don't have insight. If anything, you should just sit back and have a laugh at our expense, but NO, you have to point out you're the BIG MAN ON CAMPUS and act like you have something to prove. You're not raining on my parade. I'm just calling it as I see it. Maybe you don't know...and a Bluff is all you have to hold on to. I'm here to have fun and enjoy everyone's posts...right or wrong!!! Anyone who knows me, and it's few on this site knows I'm a super duper guy with respect and caring heart for others. I'm not here to start anything, just enjoying the ride until the big announcement.
    8 points
  23. I absolutely agree. Nothing makes me angrier than people getting mad at other people for speculation on a thread that's made for it. Sent from my SM-G530T using Tapatalk
    8 points
  24. 8 points
  25. I do have to wonder what the staff think when someone wearing a coaster shirt & cargo shorts walks into the Mason building office...
    7 points
  26. Just got a bunch of duplicate mailings, ostensibly showing plans for *********'s layout and certain specifications. I got excited about the elevations (ranging in the 700's) until I checked and found that those mean sea level.
    7 points
  27. Last year's highly anticipated Roller Coaster announcement never convinced a single one of me that a parking plaza and water slide were coming. A big wink. Here it is: That was a big wink.
    7 points
  28. We're all on here because we love KI and roller coasters. It's awesome that we have that in common and we should embrace it. I like to hear everyone's input because it just helps decode it that much more. Everyone has a different view and it's a good thing. Now....back to the decoding.
    7 points
  29. Sorry you're way off. That north indicator does not refer to overview of the ride.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Then why would they insert that on a blueprint plan? Doesn't that offer reference to the work site? I do believe you are wrong.Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk So you are debating with someone who has the plans, plotted out the coordinates and knows the orientation of the coaster; and you only have seen a small tidbit? SmhSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Uuhm....Yep! I guess I am! SO What??? You're "da man with the plans!" Big Whoop! Quit prancing around on us little people just because you know something more than the rest of us. I'm having fun speculating as much as the next guy. I'm enjoying this while I can. So tired of you BIG SHOTS walking on the rest of us who don't have insight. If anything, you should just sit back and have a laugh at our expense, but NO, you have to point out you're the BIG MAN ON CAMPUS and act like you have something to prove. You're not raining on my parade. I'm just calling it as I see it. Maybe you don't know...and a Bluff is all you have to hold on to. I'm here to have fun and enjoy everyone's posts...right or wrong!!! Anyone who knows me, and it's few on this site knows I'm a super duper guy with respect and caring heart for others. I'm not here to start anything, just enjoying the ride until the big announcement. Nicely said!Sent from my SM-G530T using Tapatalk
    7 points
  30. I've held off on this converstaion, but it's one that only has two sides, and neither side will be disuaded. This is my viewpoint: I never owned a gun, until a fighting dog tried to crash through my fence. (I say "fighting dog" and not "pit bull"- I have neighbors who have well cared for, well trained pit bulls.) I got inside the house in time, but the dog owner did nothing. Actually, he stood there, in shock. I am 5'2"' 100 pounds, the dog was at least 80 lbs. How do you think that fight would fare if I were not quick enough? i have a right, according to the Magna Carta, to own the backyard I paid for. I also have a right to defend myslf. I bought a gun. It is a semi-automatic. With a metal plate in my wrist, a pistol would be too difficult- I would not be able to fully squeeze the trigger without messing up the plate screws. Two years later, two fighting dogs jumped the other side of the fence. I did not have to shoot. When the dog owners saw the gun, they leapt into action, retrieving their dogs while I herded my dog inside under the protection of my gun. They got a little bit hurt, but I considered to be an occupational hazzard. They looked jaunty weeks after with gauze as headgear- but at least it wasn't me with the gauze chapeau. I use a gun for protection against outside influences that I cannot control. I don't want a bully dog ban, because as I said, there are good bully dog owners out there. I do get a little bothered by the fact that there are people in the world that, basically, wish me dead by taking away my right to defend myself. When people speak of gun bans, they sometimes speak in broad strokes, forgetting the individuals with individual reasons to own a firearm.
    7 points
  31. I seem to remember a rather wise, and distinguished, member of this website bumping an old thread on the work going on inside the building that encases FoF, as well as mentioning that some might benefit from thinking inside the box. Based on the clues provided by Kings Island, the hints dropped by members of this forum who I believe to be "in-the-know" and what little I've seen of the building plans, I'm holding firm on a prediction of an RMC, possibly with a launch (lots of straight track in the coaster layout) and making some sort of use of BUB (the Big Ugly Box). Also, this topic was a lot more enjoyable a couple dozen pages ago.
    7 points
  32. I find it rather awkward to ask someone who is a stranger to me outside of this forum to do something on my behalf. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling this way. If someone here were to offer to go if someone were to provide the funds, I'm sure they'd have people take them up on it. They may, potentially, run into an ethical decision on whether it's ok to profit from doing so (they'd potentially get multiple requests, but only have to visit the office once). I feel it necessary to state that I am not soliciting for offers to go to city hall on my behalf. I'd like a copy of the plans, sure. I don't know how to read them, really, but think it could potentially be a cool thing to frame and hang on my office wall. However, I am a few weeks away from getting married and live 90+ minutes away from the KI area. There's no way I'd even be able to meet someone to get them for a month or more. Congrats on the upcoming nuptials. I'm thinking I want a copy of blue prints for my office to frame as well. I just think they look cool. If I go next week I'll send you a pm Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  33. The patience of people has disappeared for this year's announcement. I don't recall it like this during Banshee's teasing until the last month or so. Let's try to enjoy these teasers while we can, folks! They come from the best PR guy around!
    7 points
  34. And that is why I'm suspicious of this construction. There is just something odd and mysterious about it all. I'm not convinced about anything so far.
    7 points
  35. Is this good enough?In best interest...removed post Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  36. To those saying GCI doesn't build big... I give you Viper at Wanda Nanchang in China Stats (From GCI's webpage) Height- 160 ft Drop Height- 142.5 ft Length- 5,111 ft Top Speed- 62.1 mph
    6 points
  37. I don't really post here that often, but I am today. I just want to say that we are all here for the same reason. We all share a passion and love for Kings Island. Whether it's been a passion for 5 years or 50 it's what we all have in common. I bring this up, because these arguments on here are getting really petty. We all have our own opinion of everything not just Project 2017. Just because your opinion varies from someone else doesn't mean you or they are wrong. With everything going on in the world it is really dumb to be fighting over something as petty as it a woodie or a hyper, or is it going to be facing North. At this point if you don't have something productive to comment on then just leave your hate and anger on the other side of the keyboard.
    6 points
  38. Maybe I'm confused when everyone says they hyped this up so much it can't be anything but the worlds biggest baddest. I mean they put up a cute little sign on the fence and done a few snap chats here and there. But I would say the hyped it much. I mean unless I missed the tv commercials, websites, multiple interviews teasing the project, etc. If anything the hype and speculation on here has blown it out of control. I'm still holding out hope for a return of the trams Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  39. Hello I'm a lurker and I'd like to put in some toughts regarding sizes. When it comes to modern day wooden roller coasters you've got three choices: GCI, RMC, and The Gravity Group (aka Gravitykraft according to some rcdb pages) When it comes to size Gravity Group has usually built really longer bigger wooden roller coasters that are for the most part out and back, rides like The Voyage, Ravine Flyer II, Hades 360, and Switchback. These are roller coasters are more long than wide but GG has made smaller roller coasters in a twister layout like Roar-O-Saurus, Boardwalk Bullet, Timber, Wooden Warrior, and Zippin Pippin. RMC on the other hand have made their woodies BIG just look at how much space Lightning Rod, Outlaw Run and Wildfire take up large plots of land meanwhile Goliath at Six Flags Great America is a bit smaller and by that I mean it's one of the shortest in length despite being very tall. GCI on the other hand builds smaller twister style woodies. Exaples would be American Thunder, Apocalypse, Gold Striker, Kentucky Rumbler, White Lightning, Renegade, Prowler, both Roar's, Thunderhead, and Wildcat. Although they have built larger roller coaster than this, Gwazi, Joris en de Draak, Python in Bamboo Forest, Wodan Timbur Coaster, and Lightning Racer are examples of this. What could fit back there? Any of them. But based on recent findings it looks like a small GCI but we can't be sure till the park itself announces a new roller coaster.
    6 points
  40. And ones with substantially more information at hand telling said speculators they're wrong when they have substantially less information to go on. Sent from my Pip-Boy 3000 via Tapatalk
    6 points
  41. Gosh I still can't quote correctly. Anyway that sounds like a lot of crap to me.^ I mean I get the argument but I can't believe u won't be a team player over $15. Whatever man
    6 points
  42. I'm seriously beginning to think I might forfeit the money I'd make in 1/2 a day to make the drive to get the plans just to share them with anybody who wants so the bickering will cease and we can get back to debating if a Rocky reference is to mountains or the fictional boxer and the city he's from.
    6 points
  43. Opinions can have flaws or be based on flaws. Contrary to what some believe some opinions can be wrong, and other people can tell you why that's wrong. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  44. Opinions don't have flaws, that's why they're called opinions... Sent from my SM-G530T using Tapatalk
    6 points
  45. It wouldn't sell YOU a pass, apparently, but as long as a coaster looks fun and interesting enough to ride, people will come. The same amount of people that would come for an RMC would come for a GCI, because they don't care about the manufacturer.
    6 points
  46. The general public most likely doesn't care. I mean, sure, given the choice between a traditional wooden coaster and a looping wooden coaster, they'd probably choose the latter. But they aren't going to be upset that they got a traditional wooden coaster. Seriously, the only people who care this much about coaster manufacturers are enthusiasts.
    6 points
  47. After seeing this video for the first time, I noticed that the plans give us NORTH. Something I don't recall seeing for the first time. I will try to drop in a new layout and will be back here in a few. Am I last to the party on this? KIPROJECT2017North by KingsIsland1972, on Flickr
    6 points
  48. Anyone have any luck converting the coordinates. I have no doubt they are real. But the closest I can get sticks them on the wrong side of the highway. So I am making some wrong assumptions or just totally off base. It might also help if I had more of the plans then just a screenshot from a youtube video. I know Oldschool figured it out just wondering what I am doing wrong at this point.
    5 points
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