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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2024 in all areas

  1. A queue doesnt make a ride, and in the important comparison of the rides, GG plainly sucks in comparison to SSBR.
    2 points
  2. I was one of the first riders on Anaconda in 1991. Like Vortex, it was a great visual. It's a real classy move by Six Flags to remove rides without giving advance notice so fans of the ride can get in their last rides and say goodbye. They're not giving it any thought or care about their guests doing it this way.
    2 points
  3. It's not 100% confirmed, but it's likely going to be the area around Thunder Run and Storm Chaser. It's hard to tell because of the blur, but you can make out Storm Chaser on the top of this image. I believe this is concept art for the new area that they're going to reveal at a later time.
    1 point
  4. Of those rethemed attractions, I'm wondering if Thunder Run and/or Storm Chaser are going to be included in that as well. Their themes would feel a bit out-of-place if this new area isn't going to be weather-themed.
    1 point
  5. New Land coming to KK in 2025 and major park improvements announced today!
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Imagine if Kings Island was planning to close The Beast after 2024 and kept it a secret from the general public. Then imagine walking into Rivertown at the start of the 2025 season and The Beast is completely gone. The pathway to The Beast is completely blocked off and you didn't get a chance to get a final ride in 2024 because you assumed it was still going to be there and thought "it's the park's most famous ride, so why would they get rid of it?" Could you imagine the immense backlash that would occur on social media and on this very forum if the park did something like that? That's what the general public at Great Adventure are currently dealing with. Kingda Ka, arguably their most famous ride, as well as Green Lantern are getting removed without a peep from the park. Again, I understand that rides will eventually close for one reason or another, but why on earth would you keep that a secret and not let people know to get their last rides in? There have been influencers and YouTube creators that have went through the effort of spreading the word about the recent ride removals, but not everyone who goes to parks like Great Adventure or Over Texas will watch those videos.
    1 point
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