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Everything posted by CoastersRZ

  1. Back in 2001, I was stuck on The Beast. The computer shut it down because it sensed a lack of air pressure due to a faulty sensor. We had just cleared lift #2, and there was a train stuck halfway up lift #1. The train that was ahead of us didn`t make it all the way into the station. We were stuck out in the breakrun for 15 minutes. Security was there, Fire and Rescue came. They tried to fix it, but after fifteen minutes, they started undoing our lap bars and walking us into the station along the catwalk, one car at a time. They were also evacuating the train on the first lift. I also had a similar situation at Holiday World. It was the first day they had ran two trains this year, and we got stuck on the lift for five minutes. When we came back into the breakrun, the computer froze again, and they decided to remove one train. They ended up walking us into the station from the brakes.
  2. Ok, that makes sense. I knew there was a nature preserve on PKI property, but I thought it was farther back by the Little Miami River. The .9 acres is not far from the large rosebowl on Son of Beast. Kind of odd to have a nature preserve just in the middle of the woods, and not by the river. I wonder when it became a nature preserve, because I`m assuming it was originally owned by (P)KI at one point in time.
  3. While $54 million may be the value of the park, that estimate is low. Why? Well Son of Beast cost around $17 million to build, Delirium was reported around $4.5 million, granted things depreciate over time. It just seems lilke $54 million for all the expenive rides and building they have, seems to be a little on the low side. Even the $3 million for IJST that was listed on the site. Most of us will agress that the park spent more than $3 million dollars on the ride itself and all the theming, but it is valued at $3 million.
  4. I don`t get how people are calling coasters hybrids. It is not like they are a combination of wood and steel track. Son of Beast is a wood coaster, supported by a wood support structure. Villain at Geauga Lake, and soon to be the Voyage at Holiday World are wooden roller coasters with a steel support structure. Both of types are considered wooden coasters, not hybrids. By the same token, Cedar Creek MIne Ride, Gemini, and Aventure Express are steel coasters supported by a wood structure. But they are still steel coasters like Top Gun, Vortex and Flight of Fear. They have a tubular steel track upon which the trains run.
  5. I don`t have a problem with a long post. However, yours was brutal due to lack of paragraphs, as well as good grammer and spelling. There were multiple run on sentences. The reason the park was some what crowded, is because I believe that the REO Speedwagon concert was tonight in the Timberwolf Ampitheater.
  6. IJST doesn`t count? It is a fairly major coaster, and is quite a fun ride. While it not be super tall or have inversions, it is still a fun ride, enjoyable by all age groups. And no, parks`s do not have to have a coaster that goes faster than 60mph to be good.
  7. Yes, the was the open air theater that was located where Tower Gardens/Paramount Story reside today. It was home to a Sid and Marty Croft marrionette puppet show for several years (they also produced a show at Coney Island (Cincinnati) for a couple seasons). I`m not quite sure when it left.
  8. Even though they did not ask for discounts, wouldn`t you want to know where to find discounts, and the best deal to get in? Afterall, at $45 for an adult one day admission, unless you know of the discounted rates, or pay once visit twice option, the cost per visit could be substantially different. BEASTIEGAL1993, I don`t believe you caused any trouble. I hope if and when you go to the park, you have a wonderful time, there and want to go back again and again and again. Afterall, that is why this site exists, a bunch of people that love PKI.
  9. Its always weird when I go on the walkback to The Beast or IJST on the weekends and the public shows up out of breath from running (which is against park rules) and are astonished to find people calmly waiting to ride. Usually, security will escort people back to the line of IJST to avoid a running stampede. Later in the evening the lines for IJST might not be as bad. (Not to mention that the effects look better at night!)
  10. But there is a point. Sometimes the park or the park website are not offering the best available discounts. I`m not sure if the Blockbuster discounts are better, but I know from the past that AAA has usually had a deal which has been better than www.pki.com or Blockbuster. Sometimes people may not be aware of these discounts, which is what PKI is hoping for, because they generate a higher gate revenue.
  11. Part of the reason they discontinued Winterfest, was because after Paramount took over, they extended the season all the way through October, which allowed for a shorter set up time. I am sure they had other reasons. PKI and Paramount Parks have been doing surveys on Winterfest for several years now, so I`m sure they know what type of a response they will get. They have asked everything from what rides would you like to see open, to what type of food, activities, what dates you would like to see, how much you would pay, etc. Winter activities have been taking off quite rapidly in the last couple of years in Cincinnati. The Cincinnati Zoo has done Festival of Lights for years, ad has been a success. The Beach Water park a couple years ago started HolidayFest, which has grown in popularity, it seems, every year. I would imagine that Winterfest will allow PKI to not only receive a larger gate each year, but increase its revenue, and in turn, profits. While it is good for PKI, it will be good for us, because we will be able to visit the park and experience it in the winter again. I hope they bring back the Eiffel Tower as a large Christmas tree! On a slight side note, they will most likely bring back the lights on the buildings on I-Street. In fact, when I was at the park tonight, as I had discovered about a month ago, one of the buildings actually has new lights. And they were lit. It was the Graeter`s building.
  12. Depends where you buy your tickets. Usually PKI`s website has some pretty good dicounts. For about $10 off general admission. If you want to visit twice, I believe either PKI`s website, or Blockbuster video or both are selling tickets for $44.99 a piece (the cost of admission at PKI`s ticket booths) but those tickets are valid for two visits, which is not a bad deal at all!
  13. The Coney Island Cyclone is considered a wooden coaster and will be no different than what The Voyage will be. It is a steel support structure supporting a wooden roller coaster. (Kind of the opposite of Gemini, Cedar Creek Mine Ride and Adventure Express which are wood supporting steel coaster track).
  14. Last time I checked, Cleveland was not in the middle of the state. Much like PKI, and Cincinnati are in the corner of the state. They should have an audition in Cincinnati, since Cincinnati has been one of Survivor`s top markets since it debuted, and with the popularity of Kentucky Joe (Roger Bingham) on Survivor:The Australian Outback.
  15. No, Son of Beast DOES not have the steepest drop on a wooden roller coaster. According to RCDB, the Coney Island Cyclone has a 58.7 degree drop, which I believe is the record holder at this time. RCDB Cyclone Fact sheet The second drop on Son of Beast is at a 43.3 degree angle.
  16. Son of Beast has never been the steepest wooden roller coaster in the world. The park never claimed that Son of Beast was the steepest wooden coaster. As far as the new coaster, it looks incredibly awesome. I will definantly make a second trip to Holiday World next season to experience this ride! Also, glad to see Cincinnati based The Gravity Group get another design. All the best luck to them and their continued successes to becoming the next major wooden coaster company. As far as the Shaggy post. It might be time for Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom to get a new coaster. However, PKI may sneek in a new children`s coaster as well next season with the rumored expansion of Nick Central/rumored loss of Scooby`s Ghoster Coaster.
  17. The Sky Ride was removed after the 1979 season. The culprit was lack of available spare parts, and low ridership. Yes, the Animation Station was one of the loading platforms. The other, was located about where Slingshot now stands.
  18. Well yes and no. While the hotel is being built by Great Wolf, it is replacing the Kings Island Campground. Word on the street is that there may be a new campground out behind the green house that grows PKI`s flowers (this is visible straight ahead as a train crests the lift on Top Gun.) I would imagine if it comes true, that if it turns out they are building a new campground, it will come out of PKI`s capital expenditures budget.
  19. Sounds very interesting. I wonder how much one of those DVD`s will cost. I would imagine that it won`t be long before they are introduced at all 5 Paramount Parks, if they catch on at PKD.
  20. From what I have heard, Tuesday through Thursday will be wet. Majority of it oming o Wednesday and Thursday. Flooding could be a major problem. Local 12 (WKRC Cincinati) said they would not be surprised if parts of their viewing area pick up between 5-10 inches of rain by the time the remnants of Dennis leave the Cincinnati area. While we need the rain here, we do not need quite that much rain!
  21. The sign at the Delirium entrance is probably a result of many inquiring minds stopping by at Guest Relations asking why it was not operating. The sign will answer the gp question and will save them from asking at GR, which allows GR to focus on more legitimate concerns/problems.
  22. That theater is nice, because it is indoors, which means air conditioning. I still feel sorry for the people that have to be in the Nick or Scooby costumes, that has to be a hot job! I remember seeing a show in the Enchanted Theater, back around 1992 or 1993. I don`t even remember what it was about, Scooby Doo possibly.
  23. I believe her name is Julie. Not sure if she is one of the operators that returned this year though. Yes, the Round up is one of the rides (along with the Ferris Wheel) where the operators are in control of how long the ride cycle lasts. All the other rides have timers on them. Last year, on dead days, we would give longer rides on the Ferris Wheel, simply because when the ride is running, the time passes by much quicker, then when you sit there just waiting for riders.
  24. Its a great small park, with one large swimming pool. For this season, their 120th, they have actually lowered their prices! A pool and rides combo ticket is $17.50 a person, or individually a Sunlighht Pool or Rides pass will cost $9.95 per psrson. After 4 pm admission is individually 5.95 or a combo ticket is $8.95. Definantly a neat little park, with lots of whirl and hurl flats, and one small coaster in the Pepsi Python.
  25. What was her name, I might know if she is back this year. Apparantly there were a lot of veteran ride operators that did not return this season, me being one of them. However, I might go back for Labor day weekend and the following couple weekends of operation. It is funny how I didn`t think I would miss being at Coney, until I wasn`t working there in the summer. I will be there on the 23rd riding the rides.
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