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Everything posted by CoastersRZ

  1. What about Face Off. That is an inverted coaster. You would like to see a Vekoma inverted coaster?? OUCH! While I would love to see a B&M inverted coaster, I do not forsee PKI installing one in the near future. Which is ashame, because they are really fun rides, that the gp in Cincinnati would really enjoy. I do not agree with removing Top Gun. Yes, it may be short, but it is still a good coaster, and of an extinct breed. TG was the last Arrow Suspended coaster built. I just hope that PKI ADDS to their ride collection, instead of the recent mentality of removing older classic rides in exchange for new rides. When you have a lot of room, why not expand the size of the park a little, to increase capacity? While you would have to dish out more to employess, the guests will have more to see and do, and therefor stay longer in the park. But whatever they are doing, they are doing something right since they were the number 1 seasonal theme park last year!
  2. Why remove Congo Falls? It is the only water ride on that side of the park. Additionally it has a rather good capacity. I don`t see them removing any of their upcharge attractions soon. My choice for a new ride would be on the old Flight Commander site. Simply because I really do not want to see more congestion in the already congested Action Zone. I don`t see what the big appeal of the Eurobungees are, especially paying $7 or $8 for them. That location would make a prime viewing location for an awesome flat ride, IMO. A nice large midway for people to watch the ride, withough obstructing the flow of traffic (like what happens by Slingshot).
  3. Yes, there have been a lot of accidents at Disney parks the last couple of years. But look at how many millions of guests visit the Disney parks when compared to other seasonal parks.
  4. You do have to get a new season pass card made. You can have it processed (made) as soon as you purchase the pass, which is when you will get your picture taken. In the past couple of seasons, they have offered free parking, as well as reduced prices, if you buy before the end of the operating season in October.
  5. The thing that I don`t fully understand, which probably has to do with winter rehab, is why they are not opening up TR:TR since it is between the White Christmas Express and Swan Lake. It is not like that ride is ooutside, and they could dial down the water geysers that already barely get anyone wet. It might have to do with the fact that the theme of the ride wouldn`t fit in with the holiday themes of the rest of the attractions.
  6. Well, it was still closed when I was there on Thursday evening. I never made it into the Action Zone, having riden The Vortex, TR:TR and The Beast twice at night.
  7. Finally! I hope they have a smotth start up, after all the downtime it has had this season due to that one part.
  8. Why do people post on here and not know what they are talking about. The Vortex is not sinking. Additionally, it opened in 1987, not 1984. 1984 was the year King Cobra opened.
  9. Yes, I am sure they already have a spot for the cars, if in fact they are returning. They will most likely install new engines in the cars, and refurbish them so they run like new. I have a feeling that Nick Central/Hanna Barbera Land could see some pretty radical changes for next season. Hopefully they go the route they went in 2003, and add something for kids/families and something for the thrill seeker. Only time will tell what the park does.
  10. Yes, Sob Tom made a good point. At those parks, they will stagger the off season rehab. Ever wonder why Vortex and Adventure Express go down to two train operation early in post season? They are probably getting a head start on the off season maintenance on the trains. Same reason why they may open with only two trains. They can`t physically get all the inspetions done, and rides rebuilt in three months. They can barely do it as is now, much less with Winterfest thrown in there.
  11. I don`t think they could use it for a Fear Fest house simply because there is not a lot of room there. It is kind of shoehorned in between Wings, and the side of the hill by Swan Lake. The current location of the Backporch stage used to be where the path went down the hillside and across Swan lake and connected with the path by Paradise Island treats.
  12. I would imagine that they will still install a new ride for next season. I wonder if you get a 2006 parking pass if that will be valid for Winterfest, or if you will still have to pay the $5 parking fee. One can hope that the parking fee will be used to plowing and salting the parking lot after a snow storm.
  13. Hopefully, the park ordered two new parts, so that if it fails again in the future, they will have a replacement part ready to be installed, without the significant amount of downtime that it has had this summer. And as others have said, it probably was a part that was not supposed to fail, which is why Huss didn`t have any spares ready to be shipped to PKI.
  14. And the fact that season pass sales start soon probably also had a lot to do with it. Now, the question that remains is what are they doing for the 2006 season. I would imagine there could be an anouncement in August about `06 to further drive season pass sales.
  15. The Crand Carousel, The Hanna Barbera Carousel, Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle with a Christmas theme, and the Kings Island and Miami Valley Railroad will be operating as the White Christmas Express. Those are the only rides that I have heard mentioned
  16. They will prbably be using that synthetic plastic for ice skating, so that no water is involved and so that it stays frozen during the warmer days in early December. In any event, I am glad they are bringing it back! I for one will also be attending. I noticed a couple weeks ago that they had also updated the sound system on International Street. I hope that Winterfest becomes a tradition again like FearFest has become. Hopefully, they will continue to let it grow over the years. Yes, the price may be a little steep, but they have to recover some of the large capital that they are spending on this project. They are building/making everything for this season, so I`m sure the lights, shows, floats and such are not the cheapest. At least now when the park closes the last weekend in October, we will be able to visit and ride a couple of classic rides and experience the park again under the twinkling lights.
  17. Yes, the 16.99 is a little steep for pass holders, especially since admission on the night you go may not be gauranteed, if they close it due to capacity. When they charged for Fear Fest the first couple of seasons, it was $16.99 or so for pass holders. I will definantly go once to experience it, as I was really young when they discontinued it. I wonder if the reduced price will also apply to 2005 pass holders or only 2006. The price for ice skating is included with park admission. There is a fee to rent skates.
  18. Well, I haven`t heard from the park, but there was an article in the Cincinnati Enquirer this morning describing some of the details. $16.99 for 2006 season pass holders, $17.99 for general public. The train will be open, and the Eiffel Tower will once again be transformed into a Christmas tree. They will also have ice skating on the Royal Fountain, and a parade strecthing from Nick Central to Coney Mall. Read the article here
  19. Personally, I would not want to see The Beast turned around backwards. Why mess with something when it is not broken? While it could be cool, I think it could also be a verry violent ride backwards, especially for first time Beast riders.
  20. FearFest, IMO, has been continuing to grow quite nicely the past couple of seasons. The reason why I believe they charged admission for the first three FearFest`s was to recover some of the initial costs of buying the haunts. However, from what I have heard, they are making more money once they made it free to pass holders and free with the purchase of general admission than when they were charging for it. One big reason, is that there are more people in the park, for a longer amount of time, so they will spend more money on food and games.
  21. PKI_Diana, you will be missed at PKI! Good luck with your future teaching career!
  22. Well since they made FearFest free to season pass holders and the general public, IMO, the park has had very high attendance in the month of October. Hopefully that will continue and spill over into December with the return of Winterfest.
  23. Since FearFest 2003, all passholders, both Gold and non gold, get free unlimited admission to Fear Fest (which will not be the case for Winterfest). Also, general admission pricing is the same as throoughout the rest of the year, and it includes admission to all FearFest attractions. This year, FearFest will mark its return on Friday nights from 5 to midnight. I am not sure what the pricing will be on these nights. Also, the haunts will not be open Sunday (All the kid activities on the Fest side of FearFest will be open, however) due to them being open on Friday instead. Thanks for hosting the video. I think it will be interesting to see what changes the park introduces for Fear Fest this year. Last year it was Sleepy Hollow Horror, the year before that was Route 666. As has been said before, hopefully they a scare zone on the midways, with some heavier fog, akin to how it was back in 2002, when their was a seperate gate charge.
  24. I don`t see what the point would be of reversing all the train on The Racer. Additionally, I personally would not want to see them turn a train around on The Beast. While it would be interesting to ride it backwards, I do not see the park doing this. Why mess with a ride that has absolutely nothing wrong. The rride I was refering to was Top Gun. Six Flags Astroworld turned half of the cars on their arrow suspended coaster around. It would be more interesting, IMO, to ride Top Gun backwards then The Beast. That being said, I do not think PKI will be running any additional coasters backward at FearFest this season. The link you provided for the teaser video does not seem to link to the video, or the website you linked to has reached its bandwith limit. I couldn`t read the text because it was in a foreign language.
  25. Well, I can think of one ride they might run backwards. But I don`t really see PKI doing it. Especially since this particular ride is not normally open for the nightly portion of Fear Fest. It will be interesting to see all the details the park has planned for its Holiday events this October and December!
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