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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. I love being stuck on rides and I think its a blast. Everytime FOF hits its MCBR I always like were are stuck for a split second but then the ride keeps going
  2. Wow! Flight of Fear, Firehawk and Top rough and I thought they were pretty smooth.
  3. I have to disagree with that. It rivals the quality that Universal puts out and Im not just being a fanboy of the park or ride. Its got a theme line, preshow, and the without the themeing the ride would otherwise suck which is what Universal is mostly about.
  4. Yea but if they remove the ride its not going to change the fact that it happened and guest may still shy away from there park cause if one ride was faulty may make the public wonder what else is faulty? Also by removing the ride may give the public of the feel that the park is trying to hide something and deny its past.
  5. I think CP learned this leason from TTD!
  6. Does anyone else thing the parking lot at KI needs to be sprued up a bit. Add some trees new blacktop more trash can ect. I think a nice looking parking lot should be instore for KI. Maybe even a park garage would be nice way to add alot of parking without having to walk 20 miles.
  7. True but the SOB accident where people there were broken ribs and was probaly closer to becoming a much much worse accident if the ride operators weren't as well trained as they are at keeping the riders safe. Just think if one more train would have travel through that bad section of track Lord only knows what would have happened and what about that people that had broken there necks on the Son of Beast when it first opened? King Cobra derailment? Tower Johnny accident. O no we better tear down the effeil tower it isnt safe!!!! If you are always looking into the past and not the future you will never be able to live life to the fullest. PS: I would rather not have my feet than be dead!
  8. You guys wanted quality theme at they delivered it to you with Tomb Raider. The park spent millions upon millions giving that ride a Universal Studios standard of theming and they did a great job on the theming of the ride (even though they didnt do a great job on maintaning it) and still complain about it. It seems to me whatever the park does no one is ever happy. Yes I agree the ride program is borning but its not supposed to be too intense and fast like the other top spins to save wear and tear on the motors and keep down the down time which alot of people on this site also complain about. I for one am very happy that Kings Island is hope of the Tomb Raider even though it could use some TLC.
  9. How can you not want a freefall ride in your park as they always have the longest lines in the entire park. The only way I can see thinking about ever removing the ride is if it is replaced by another freefall ride. Who says people don't want to be reminded of the Son of Beast accident, Beast accident or oh my the person that died because they had a heart condtion and rode Top Gun. I mean it was the rides fault but to be reminded of that. Oh My!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Im just trying to put out the point that accidents only make rides safter. Ride are machines and yes they do have breakdowns but many do not cause human injury. If a ride has mechinal problems its like saying your car you paid $25,000 for needs new breaks you better get rid of it. Maintance is built into the parks budget for rides. Soon people will forget about the accident much like they did Son of Beast. O yea free fall rides are usually one of the more people drawers to the park and without it they may lose alot of vistors. If the remove it fine if they don't fine it doesn't matter to me one way or another cause I will probaly never visit the park but just because the ride has one accident doesn't mean it should be removed. The Beast had an accident did they remove that? No!!!!!!! Did people quit riding it? NO!!!!!!!!!!!! The fact that cable broke was probaly a maintance issue that should have be caught before the ride was even opened but wasn't. Its not a desgin flaw but a maintance flaw.
  11. I think it would be dumb to tear the ride down and heres why. Yes, the accident did happen and it probaly changed many lifes forever such as the girls and her family but the accident did happen and this is only going to allow saftey to improve on the ride and I'm 100% sure that if the ride was allowed to reopen that this accident would no longer happen. With out accidents like this engineers can't learn how to improve the saftey of rides and attractions. Such as Son of Beast for an example engineers learned not to mix heavy trains and high speeds with a weak wooden structure. Now if SOB would have been built with the new prototype steel (wooden supports) like the ones found on voyage it may still have its loop in place today.
  12. Yea go Gators! Anyways I never pay with anything other than cash or check no credit cards for me.
  13. Man talk about gas I get 9 MPG and it it takes me 5-6 gallon of gas for a trip to KI which at $3 is almost $20 a gallon. Considering gas is more than that now. I go to KI at least once a week.
  14. Fun, flips, and gravity defying excitement are just the beginning of what’s in store for guests when they visit Indiana Beach Amusement Resort in 2008. Indiana’s largest and most popular amusement resort and vacation playground announced the first major steel coaster to be constructed in the state: Steel Hawg. The new family coaster will be Indiana Beach’s sixth roller coaster and its first to take riders upside-down. “When we debuted The Hoosier Hurricane in 1994, it was the first new wooden coaster the state had seen in over fifty years,” offered Tom Spackman, Jr. of Indiana Beach. “Now, with the Steel Hawg, we’ll be able to continue that thrilling tradition and take our guests on an entirely unique ride on the state’s first custom steel coaster." Readers of Indiana Beach's popular blog "View From The Crow's Nest"(www.IndianaBeach.com/blog) were the first to learn of the new attraction. The Amusement Resort had been hinting about the new coaster for weeks and announced the name and ride details to its readers on Monday, November 26, 2007. Steel Hawg, which will rise 96 feet above ground and feature a 120º first drop along with multiple inversions, will be designed and constructed by ride manufacturer S & S Worldwide, Inc. of Logan, Utah. The company also produced Indiana Beach’s popular Double Shot tower ride and its Frog Hopper kiddie ride. “We’ve had an excellent relationship with S & S over the years and we’re looking forward to continuing that relationship with Steel Hawg,” stated Spackman. “The coaster will be a very distinctive ride with tight turns, 90º banks, inversions, and one-of-a-kind elements. However, with a height limit of 48 inches, it’s also a ride designed for families to enjoy together." One of the largest ride investments in Indiana Beach’s history, Steel Hawg will be located on the north side of the park near the popular Hoosier Hurricane and Rocky’s Rapids Log Flume rides. Steel Hawg is scheduled to deliver its unique coaster experience in mid-May. Indiana Beach Amusement Resort, featuring over 40 rides and attractions, will open for its 83rd season beginning on May 3, 2008. Indiana Beach is located in northwest Indiana on beautiful Lake Shafer near Monticello, 95 miles north of Indianapolis or 110 miles south of Chicago. For additional information about Indiana Beach, visit www.IndianaBeach.com or call 574-583-4144. Steel Hawg Fact Sheet Manufacturer - S & S Worldwide, Inc. of Logan, Utah Height - 96 feet Top Speed - 41 miles per hour First Drop - 120º Inversions - 3 Number of cars - 4 Number of Riders (per car) - 4 Height Limit - 48" minimum Unique/Featured Elements - 120º 1st drop Wall Turn 45º tip-out Inverted Drop Outside 360 roll
  15. Yea really nice trip report. I was there that same night. Great fun.
  16. LOL yea I always hear people talking about were going to go ride that green ride you stand up on next to Delirium. I rode Son of Beast one time this season and that was enough for me. This ride is horrible. I heard 2 riders had broken necks early in Son of Beasts life.
  17. Wooden twister roller coasters are freaking amazing!
  18. I just use the week or two paychecks and of I go.
  19. Does anyone think that this coaster doesnt reach steepness they say it has.
  20. Milliuem Force I think is pretty borning. They have way too many OBTs and the airtime hills only have floater air.
  21. ^ Yea your right but I myself would rather see an intmain hyper but B&M would be okay to!
  22. I love The Vortex its first drop is great maybe one of the best on any arrow loopers out there. The Vortex is freaking sweet with a unquine layout.
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