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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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  1. Imo if true, I think that area could be where the drone launching pad could move to. I don't think The Vortex spot should be the drone launching pad forever as it is a piece of prime land in the back of the park and obviously they can't build a coaster there and launch the drones there. I think they could make it work if they launch the drones high enough in that area where you could still see them on I street. They probably would have to close Diamondback early though like they do with Beast and Orion, but tbh I think having the star attractions suspend operations for fireworks helps encourage people to watch the show in the front of the park.
  2. I believe KI's 2025 capital was already planned well before this even became on Cedar Point's radar as it was originally intended for Six Flags Mexico. I honestly would consider this addition Cedar Point's "Firehawk" where they got it last minute kinda like how KI got Firehawk last minute.
  3. Imo since Cedar Point is getting a new coaster in 25 as well as Canada's Wonderland, KD, SFGA, SFGAdv, SFOG, and SFNE opening up new coasters in 25, I personally believe the chance for 2026 being KI's year to replace Vortex is going up! Other parks I think are on the radar for 26 are Valleyfair, Carowinds, SFMM, Knotts, and SFOT. However, I could see some of those being held off until 27.
  4. I never got the chance to ride Thunder Road, but I will say Copperhead Strike is a good replacement for it. I know, technically Carolina Harbor replaced it, but Copperhead Strike took up the remaining space from it as well as their old shoot the chutes ride and the little swimming pool that stood there so I will consider it Thunder Road's replacement.
  5. Decided to make a 10 inversion infinity coaster concept for The Vortex plot. This coaster would feature a launch and a vertical lift hill. The beyond vertical drop would become the steepest drop in Ohio at 97 degrees (beating out Maverick by 2 degrees). It also in typical KI fashion would use the terrain to its advantage and the drop would be roughly where Vortex's drop was. The ride would be split up in half with 5 inversions in each half. The first half starts with a launch that takes you into a cobra roll, then a banana roll, a camelback airtime hill, and then a corkscrew into a little airtime pop into the first set of brakes that takes you to the giant vertical lift. The drop will feature a hold like what Hangtime and Takabisha have and it would be angled perfectly giving riders a fantastic view of the park. Then after the 97 degree drop you go into a giant sea serpent roll and then go into a massive zero g stall, then after that you go into a batwing element paying homage to the iconic batwing on Vortex placed in the same exact spot allowing for awesome photo opportunities and then after that you go into a helix and then an airtime pop into the brakes. The theming of this ride would be a similar theme to Hangtime at Knott's with a surfing/50's style theme and would go well with Antique Autos, Jukebox Diner, Shake, Rattle, and Roll, and Backlot Stunt Coaster in the surrounding area. The finishing touch on this ride would be a KCL Enginneering lighting package that would really make this back side of Coney Mall really pop at night and would be programmed into the nightly firework show and during special events (ie Haunt and Winterfest it would also feature special synced up light shows at night). I give you all: Hang 10!!'
  6. I think Adventure Port would be a good location for Hooked. Kinda fits with the "port" theme.
  7. Looks like KI isn't getting Oktoberfest this year. This is really disappointing on many different levels. Is it because there are tons of other Oktoberfest events around the Cincy area that upper management feels it wouldn't work at KI? Idk this feels like a huge missed opportunity.
  8. How do you know Cornered is moving locations? There is nothing on the website saying that it is moving locations.
  9. Since I started the thread on Camp Snoopy construction last year, I decided to start one again for the new attractions coming to Soak City in 2025! As a reminder to make sure all posts follow the terms of service linked here: The park recently shared on X (formerly Twitter) that ground has broken on where RiverRacers is going! This is very exciting and here's to another season of construction updates!
  10. Last year the Eiffel Tower didn't close early like in years past. They just started the winterfest lights like immediatley after Haunt ended.
  11. The park hasn't announced their full lineup for fall yet. All they have is Tricks and Treats and Haunt, but they don't have the full lineup of entertainment and stuff for those events, just pics. I would expect if KI is getting an Oktoberfest event that they would announce it at the same time as the lineup for Haunt/Ts&Ts gets announced. I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet as KI tends to be a little behind when it comes to announcing entertainment/event lineups ie they don't usually announce the summer show lineup until like a week before opening day.
  12. Ever since I've gotten a debit card and checking account, I have only used cash a handful of times. I actually prefer using a card as I don't have to go digging around and counting my money. I just slip the card in the machine and pay and I'm good to go. It's actually easier for businesses to go cashless as they can keep track of how much money they earned using the technology available instead of spending hours counting cash. I don't buy any of the conspiracy theories out there about how this is a plot by the government to track people and such that I always read about anytime a business decides to go cashless. The last I checked the government is not mandating that businesses go cashless and in fact I say if you're really that worried about being tracked, just throw away your cell phone!
  13. Can we just stop complaining already?! It's a new addition and there are parks out there that would love to have this! I swear KI fans are some of the most entitled fans out there! The park could've just done nothing in 2025. Just stop complaining and be grateful the park is investing something into Soak City which it has been years since SC last got anything. If you're really that unhappy just don't go and ride it. That means one less person in line for those who are excited to ride it!
  14. Also looks like the yellow pirate ship playground is no more after this year. Rip to my childhood, but glad to see something new.
  15. They need to bring back the classical orchestral pieces to I street! I don't understand why we're still stuck with the jazz. The 50th anniversary has been over for 2 years now. This isn't New Orleans Square, it's International Street. Orchestral Classical music makes I street feel more grand and adds to the feeling of walking into the park and seeing the Eiffel Tower and fountains in front of you!
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