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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. Then the underage people would try to organize an event saying "Storm that lazy river. They can't stop all of us" Lol
  2. Yeah, I feel bad for the workers who have to clean that up. Some people would say "well that's there job!" No, it's your job too. I for one have respect for all workers. I went as far as picking up ice when I dropped some on the ground and threw them away since I dropped it so I clean it up. It's simple.
  3. 2022 would be 6 years since the last Soak City expansion (unless Soak City stuff is planned for 2021 instead). So it would definitely be time for some new Soak City stuff like a new slide or two or even upgrades to the little kids stuff.
  4. You know what would be cool. If Orion's queue line had a similar soundtrack that you hear in this video from Disaster Transport.
  5. My 10 year plan that's partially me dreaming: 2020 - Orion+Area 72 2021 - Planet Snoopy expansion/Camp Snoopy +Invertigo/Congo closure/Timberwolf removal 2022 - Soak City expansion + repaved parking lot 2023 - RMC record breaking woodie + Action Zone renamed 2024 - park improvements (front gate upgrades and new ground up restaurant.) 2025 - dark ride in Crypt building + BLSC closure 2026 - flat ride package 2027 - Double launch coaster (either Mack or Intamin. My take would be Intamin blitz, but likely a Mack) 2028 - Planet/Camp Snoopy expansion 2029 - new interactive activity (like forbidden frontier 2030 - Soak City expansion
  6. I do! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DSj3IBP1_GI9h7JhU7217zdiO-LQbNU9/view?usp=drivesdk
  7. Here's a Mack double launch concept I made using the Invertigo/Congo Falls/Timberwolf plot of land. It also comes with a new concert lawn. Action Zone is renamed "Dark Forest" I give you Haunted Escape!
  8. I think they'll just be pumping out station/brake/transfer track first before other pieces of track since that's usually what they start on.
  9. B&M surf coaster will probably be B&M's version of that jet ski or motorbike coasters Intamin makes.
  10. It drives me crazy how many comments are all over the internet calling Kings Island Kong's Island lol
  11. If we get an RMC, I would love an RMC woodie version of Zadra at Energylandia. The POV of Zadra looks outstanding!
  12. Here's another name I came up with for an RMC woodie in Action Zone. It would fit better than Wild Revenge if they wanted to make Action Zone a spooky themed area. Source for background picture: https://8tracks.com/molempire/spooky-halloween-background-music
  13. Unless they have been to CP or other parks that have one or have watched Insane Coaster Wars or other coaster TV segments.
  14. Maybe Kings Island with an RMC topper track woodie could go after records. It would be cheaper to go after wooden coaster records than steel coaster records. Plus Kings Island loves being known for their wooden coasters so maybe an RMC woodie could try and take the records SOB used to have back.
  15. I've ridden Mantis. I hated it! It hurt my leg! The conversion definitely helped significantly! Rougarou imo is my favorite B&M coaster at Cedar Point! You have to keep your head forward though to avoid headbanging.
  16. Ok I think we can continue this discussion in the thread that is about what comes after Orion.
  17. lol I know. I'm talking about when the park is open.
  18. I hope you aren't planning to do that again today. Because you would be committing a crime throwing paper airplanes off the Eiffel Tower.
  19. I think if Invertigo comes down, Congo Falls will come down too. They can use the combined space of both rides and if they were to get rid of Timberwolf (which isn't the most likely), they have more space there too.
  20. Since the park is at weekend operations only now, I hope we get a webcam soon! Or @sixohdieselrage you can fly sometime soon if you can.
  21. The ones complaining need to go watch Amusement Insider's video on this. He makes a great point!
  22. Here's what we need: Battle for Kings Island!!
  23. A name I came up with that would be perfect for an RMC. It could tie into Action Zone on putting a Revenge on Banshee similar to the theming tying SV to Maverick.
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