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Klabergian Empire

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Everything posted by Klabergian Empire

  1. On the one hand, glad to see Racer is as popular as ever. On the other hand, that's around a 15 minute wait for Racer. (Yes, I know its only running one side, but still lol) I was there Tuesday as well. Got my first Racer ride of the day before 11 so I didn't have to wait for one sided Racer lol. But after 8:30, it was more or less a walk on.
  2. I have no clue what took me so long lol, but I FINALLY swung into the Brewhouse and ate there. I went simple and had a Pub Burger. It was really good! I like just a little amount of grease on my burger, and whoever in Brewhouse kitchen grilled the patties nailed it. It was a pretty good burger and an absolute steal of a deal if you have the meal plan. Highly recommend!
  3. I was there on July 4th to see the fireworks. I have to say that it was one of the BEST firework shows I have ever seen! Hats off to Kings Island for an AMAZING show!
  4. From what I've heard, its still in the shop waiting to be put back together.
  5. I 110% support enhanced theming on The Beast. Get it right up there with Mystic Timbers and Adventure Express.
  6. I agree, the laser gun technology on Boo Blaster needs an update. I went on Boo Blasters a few days ago with my friend, and of the three blasters mine was the only one that worked.
  7. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that the name of the mine that The Beast is themed to?
  8. After finally getting a ride on Sol Spin, I have now had the full Adventure Port experience. Here are my thoughts: Cargo Loco: I love this ride! My friends and I always make an effort to get at least one ride on this every time we go to Kings Island. Granted, its just a simple tea cup ride, but I really enjoy it. 9/10 (Improved theming) Adventure Express: Wow. The theming on this is fantastic! Its right up there with Mystic Timbers (and I dare say even better). Ride wise, I'd say its running better than before. Still gives great laterals and the occasional pop of air time. 9.5/10 Sol Spin: First attempt at getting a ride on this consisted of waiting 30 minutes to get to the front of the line only for the ride to coincidently go down, but I won't factor that in my review. Ride wise, I think its unique. No other flat ride offers the sensation (for me, positive G's and a little floater air time at the top) that Sol Spin has, so its definitely noteworthy in that aspect. However, capacity is kinda low and it can take a long time to get through the line. I'd much rather wait 30 minutes for Mystic Timbers than 30 minutes for Sol Spin. Overall, I'll be generous and give this a 7/10. EDIT: I was also curious to see if Sol Spin would de-throne Shake, Rattle & Roll as my favorite flat ride. Shake, Rattle & Roll still remains supreme. As for Adventure Port as a whole, I would give the area a 9/10. The rides, coupled with the food, theming, and the atmosphere, offers one of the best themed areas at Kings Island.
  9. @TombRaiderFTW You're forgetting one last one: "Orion isn't a real giga coaster. Its only 287ft tall with a 300ft drop, which is bare minimum"
  10. My friends and I got some massive spins on the Kerosene barrel yesterday.
  11. I was at the park today and it backed into the engine house after 8. When did it close last season?
  12. Ate my dinner at Enrique's tonight. I had a steak burrito with cheese and it was very good. The steak was absolutely AMAZING!
  13. Rode Cargo Loco and Adventure Express today: Cargo Loco is a fine addition to Kings Island and a very fun ride for pretty much anyone. Adventure Express is running better than before. The theming is very good and the operation is smooth. Overall, big thumbs up!
  14. Im pretty sure the stairs go up to the motors that are above the elevators for ease of access for maintanace. But if for some reason they needed to get to the antenna on the very top, to my knowledge, they have to climb out from the cage around the 275 level and climb up.
  15. When looking at the elevators from the que entrance, left elevator goes to the 265 and right goes to the 275. Both elevators can only go to their respective levels.
  16. Is it true the 275ft platform on the Eiffel Tower is open again? Last year it was barely open from what I was told was mechanical issue with that elevator. If its now open, that's great!
  17. Barrels are now being installed on Cargo Loco. https://www.instagram.com/p/CsJRZUYubfa/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  18. I rode the red side of Racer today. In my genuine opinion, Red racer is now BUTTER SMOOTH for a wooden coaster. I would even go as far as to argue that this will be the best Racer has ridden ever since it was built in 1972. Period.
  19. Love to see all the hard work going on to gear up for the 2023 season! Can't wait for Opening Day!
  20. Looking at the cam rn, the trains are out
  21. I like how the focus is now on a roof. Because, ya know, everybody's pulling up for the Adventure Port roof
  22. This is similar to what Kings Dominion does during the colder months of the year. I personally don't think its a good idea (for Kings Island) because Kings Island (I would argue) gets hit more by winter weather than Kings Dominion and would thus be closed more assuming the "Winter Weekends" took place during an active winter season. Furthermore, because of climate, Kings Dominion's market for such an event is better. In other words, I don't think that it would be worth Kings Islands money and energy to do "Winter Weekends".
  23. I can see it now... The Coke Coaster. Featuring the regular Coke train, Diet Coke train, and the Caffeine Free Diet Coke train.
  24. All Season Dining?! For a bathroom?! What kind of an upgrade is this??!!
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