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Everything posted by Snowball

  1. I mean, they're not wrong at all... (I was an engineering student it's okay )
  2. I believe drive-thrus are also allowed, yes.
  3. My birthday is coming up next week and everything is closed because of the virus. It's gonna be one depressing birthday this year.
  4. Whoever made those should have to eat them, glass vial and all. One by one. In all seriousness, I wonder if any other shipments of fake ones have gone through?
  5. I would not at all be surprised if opening day gets delayed a bit. Things are being cancelled and delayed left and right all around the US.
  6. I feel like that would definitely break the 11th commandment, however, we need an official word on that.
  7. You're seriously underestimating the amount of work that goes into building the mazes at KI. I won't go into specifics, but it isn't just "quickly retrofitting"!
  8. I think most of Coney Mall does, I can't wait to see it in person!
  9. I've not had good luck with Banshee and disgusting stuff. I had two incidents last summer. One time I was riding alone and got off the ride and had a HUGE string of someones gum stuck to me. I can only assume that they stuck to the seat when they got off so that I'd sit in it. It ruined my favorite band t-shirt! About a month later I was at the park with my girlfriend and we pulled down the restraints and they were both covered in vomit. Ugh, I feel sick just thinking about it.
  10. Nicknames I've heard it called at the park so far: Go Ryan Onion Oh-ree-on Snow Ryan
  11. We all just need to wait patiently. There's only just over a month and a half left until we all get to ride it. If the park wants to keep something from being viewed by the public we shouldn't be going out of our way to undermine that.
  12. I was gonna be there tonight but wasn't able to make it. Have fun everyone!
  13. Weird. I swear that cable was gone when I went by. Maybe I just couldn't see it.
  14. I’d love to see the spaghetti bowl get a lighting upgrade at some point. Some new effects would be pretty neat.
  15. Man, April 9th can’t get here quick enough. Now that it’s testing I’m even more excited!
  16. Drove by the park today and that cable that people spotted coming from the Eiffel Tower is gone.
  17. I took this picture at Sonic Temple in Columbus last year.
  18. I took this picture of a groundhog near The Bat, it came right up to my camera!
  19. I met my girlfriend in 2017 at KI. We were both working in KillMart and started dating in the summer of 2018. KI definitely holds a special place to both of us.
  20. I was thinking about that earlier today but I doubt they'd buy any more parks any time soon. Also that article isn't a rumor, just tossing the idea around.
  21. I have Verizon and it really depends on the crowd. If it’s a crowded night my cell service tends to degrade quite a bit.
  22. I would absolutely love to get a small piece of track from Vortex. I could have a piece of the first looping coaster i ever rode.
  23. Does anyone else find their claim that Diamondback “makes the windows rattle” a bit ridiculous? It can’t possibly be that loud at that distance. I’m glad KI is listening to them though, I think taking action to reduce noise is a good step in improving their relations with the surrounding neighborhoods.
  24. Break a leg! The entertainment department is great fun.
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